
193 lines
9.7 KiB

Installs and configures an openstack swift
import logging
import os
import uuid
import packstack.installer.engine_validators as validate
from packstack.installer import basedefs
import packstack.installer.common_utils as utils
from packstack.modules.ospluginutils import getManifestTemplate, appendManifestFile
# Controller object will be initialized from main flow
controller = None
# Plugin name
PLUGIN_NAME_COLORED = utils.getColoredText(PLUGIN_NAME, basedefs.BLUE)
logging.debug("plugin %s loaded", __name__)
def initConfig(controllerObject):
global controller
controller = controllerObject
logging.debug("Adding Openstack swift configuration")
paramsList = [
{"CMD_OPTION" : "os-swift-proxy",
"USAGE" : "A comma seperated list of IP addresses on which to install the Swift proxy services",
"PROMPT" : "A comma seperated list of IP addresses on which to install the Swift proxy services",
"VALIDATION_FUNC" : validate.validatePing,
"MASK_INPUT" : False,
"USE_DEFAULT" : False,
"CONDITION" : False },
{"CMD_OPTION" : "os-swift-storage",
"USAGE" : "A comma seperated list of IP addresses on which to install the Swift Storage services, each entry should take the format <ipaddress>[/dev], for example will install /dev/vdb on as a swift storage device, if /dev is ommited packstack will create a loopback device for a test setup",
"PROMPT" : "Hostname of the Swift Storage servers e.g. host/dev,host/dev",
"VALIDATION_FUNC" : validate.validateStringNotEmpty,
"MASK_INPUT" : False,
"USE_DEFAULT" : False,
"CONDITION" : False },
{"CMD_OPTION" : "os-swift-storage-zones",
"USAGE" : "Number of swift storage zones, this number MUST be no bigger then number of storage devices configered",
"PROMPT" : "Number of swift storage zones, this number MUST be no bigger then number of storage devices configered",
"VALIDATION_FUNC" : validate.validateInteger,
"MASK_INPUT" : False,
"USE_DEFAULT" : False,
"CONDITION" : False },
{"CMD_OPTION" : "os-swift-storage-replicas",
"USAGE" : "Number of swift storage replicas, this number MUST be no bigger then number of storage zones configered",
"PROMPT" : "Number of swift storage replicas, this number MUST be no bigger then number of storage zones configered",
"VALIDATION_FUNC" : validate.validateInteger,
"MASK_INPUT" : False,
"USE_DEFAULT" : False,
"CONDITION" : False },
{"CMD_OPTION" : "os-swift-storage-fstype",
"USAGE" : "FileSystem type for storage nodes",
"PROMPT" : "FileSystem type for storage nodes",
"OPTION_LIST" : ['xfs','ext4'],
"VALIDATION_FUNC" : validate.validateOptions,
"DEFAULT_VALUE" : "ext4",
"MASK_INPUT" : False,
"USE_DEFAULT" : False,
"CONDITION" : False },
groupDict = { "GROUP_NAME" : "OSSWIFT",
"DESCRIPTION" : "OpenStack Swift Config paramaters",
controller.addGroup(groupDict, paramsList)
def initSequences(controller):
if controller.CONF['CONFIG_SWIFT_INSTALL'] != 'y':
steps = [
{'title': 'Adding Swift Keystone Manifest entries', 'functions':[createkeystonemanifest]},
{'title': 'Creating OS Swift builder Manifests', 'functions':[createbuildermanifest]},
{'title': 'Creating OS Swift proxy Manifests', 'functions':[createproxymanifest]},
{'title': 'Creating OS Swift storage Manifests', 'functions':[createstoragemanifest]},
{'title': 'Creating OS Swift Common Manifests', 'functions':[createcommonmanifest]},
controller.addSequence("Installing OpenStack Swift", [], [], steps)
def createkeystonemanifest():
manifestfile = "%s_keystone.pp"%controller.CONF['CONFIG_KEYSTONE_HOST']
controller.CONF['CONFIG_SWIFT_PROXY'] = controller.CONF['CONFIG_SWIFT_PROXY_HOSTS'].split(',')[0]
manifestdata = getManifestTemplate("keystone_swift.pp")
appendManifestFile(manifestfile, manifestdata)
devices = []
def parseDevices(config_swift_storage_hosts):
device_number = 0
for host in config_swift_storage_hosts.split(","):
device_number += 1
device = None
if '/' in host:
host, device = host.split('/')[0:2]
zone = (device_number % int(controller.CONF["CONFIG_SWIFT_STORAGE_ZONES"]))+1
devices.append({'host':host, 'device':device, 'device_name':'device%s'%device_number, 'zone':str(zone)})
return devices
# The ring file should be built and distributed befor the storage services
# come up. Specifically the replicator crashes if the ring isn't present
def createbuildermanifest():
# TODO : put this on the proxy server, will need to change this later
controller.CONF['CONFIG_SWIFT_BUILDER_HOST'] = controller.CONF['CONFIG_SWIFT_PROXY_HOSTS'].split(',')[0]
manifestfile = "%s_ring_swift.pp"%controller.CONF['CONFIG_SWIFT_BUILDER_HOST']
manifestdata = getManifestTemplate("swift_builder.pp")
# Add each device to the ring
devicename = 0
for device in parseDevices(controller.CONF["CONFIG_SWIFT_STORAGE_HOSTS"]):
host = device['host']
devicename = device['device_name']
zone = device['zone']
manifestdata = manifestdata + '\n@@ring_object_device { "%s:6000/%s":\n zone => %s,\n weight => 10, }'%(host, devicename, zone)
manifestdata = manifestdata + '\n@@ring_container_device { "%s:6001/%s":\n zone => %s,\n weight => 10, }'%(host, devicename, zone)
manifestdata = manifestdata + '\n@@ring_account_device { "%s:6002/%s":\n zone => %s,\n weight => 10, }'%(host, devicename, zone)
appendManifestFile(manifestfile, manifestdata)
def createproxymanifest():
manifestfile = "%s_swift.pp"%controller.CONF['CONFIG_SWIFT_PROXY_HOSTS']
manifestdata = getManifestTemplate("swift_proxy.pp")
# If the proxy server is also a storage server then swift::ringsync will be included for the storage server
if controller.CONF['CONFIG_SWIFT_PROXY_HOSTS'] not in controller.CONF["CONFIG_SWIFT_STORAGE_HOSTS"].split(","):
manifestdata += 'swift::ringsync{["account","container","object"]:\n ring_server => "%s"\n}'%controller.CONF['CONFIG_SWIFT_BUILDER_HOST']
appendManifestFile(manifestfile, manifestdata)
def createstoragemanifest():
# this need to happen once per storage host
for host in set([device['host'] for device in devices]):
manifestfile = "%s_swift.pp"%host
manifestdata = getManifestTemplate("swift_storage.pp")
appendManifestFile(manifestfile, manifestdata)
# this need to happen once per storage device
for device in devices:
host = device['host']
devicename = device['device_name']
device = device['device']
server = utils.ScriptRunner(host)
validate.r_validateDevice(server, device)
manifestfile = "%s_swift.pp"%host
if device:
manifestdata = "\n" + 'swift::storage::%s{"%s":\n device => "/dev/%s",\n}'% (controller.CONF["CONFIG_SWIFT_STORAGE_FSTYPE"], devicename, device)
controller.CONF["SWIFT_STORAGE_DEVICES"] = "'%s'"%devicename
manifestdata = "\n" + getManifestTemplate("swift_loopback.pp")
appendManifestFile(manifestfile, manifestdata)
def createcommonmanifest():
for manifestfile in controller.CONF['CONFIG_MANIFESTFILES']:
if manifestfile.endswith("_swift.pp"):
data = getManifestTemplate("swift_common.pp")
appendManifestFile(os.path.split(manifestfile)[1], data)