# Copyright (c) 2016 OpenStack Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import collections import errno import functools import os import tempfile import jinja2 from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging import pygal from pygal import style import pymongo import yaml from performa.engine import config from performa.engine import utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def generate_chart(chart_str, db, doc_folder, tag, show_chart=True, show_table=True): chart = yaml.safe_load(chart_str) pipeline = chart.get('pipeline') # single pipeline pipelines = chart.get('pipelines') # multiple pipelines title = chart.get('title') fill = chart.get('fill') or False axes = chart.get('axes') or dict(x='x', y='y') do_round = show_table collection_name = chart.get('collection') or 'records' collection = db.get_collection(collection_name) LOG.debug('Title: %s', title) axes_keys = sorted(axes.keys()) y_keys = set(axes.keys()) ^ set('x') chart_data = collections.defaultdict(dict) for pl in (pipelines or [pipeline]): pl.insert(0, {'$match': {'status': 'OK'}}) if tag: pl.insert(0, {'$match': {'tag': tag}}) data = collection.aggregate(pl) for rec in data: if do_round: x = int(round(rec['x'])) else: x = rec['x'] column = chart_data[x] column['x'] = x for k in y_keys: column[k] = column.get(k) or rec.get(k) lines = collections.defaultdict(list) table = ''' .. list-table:: %(title)s :header-rows: 1 * ''' % dict(title=title) table += ''.join((' - %s\n' % axes[k]) for k in axes_keys) for _, chart_rec in sorted(chart_data.items(), key=lambda a: a[0]): for k in y_keys: if chart_rec[k] is not None: lines[k].append((chart_rec['x'], chart_rec[k])) values = [] for v in axes_keys: cv = '.' if chart_rec[v] is None else chart_rec[v] patt = ' - %%%s' % ('.1f' if isinstance(cv, float) else 's') values.append(patt % cv) table += (' *\n' + '\n'.join(values) + '\n') xy_chart = pygal.XY(style=style.RedBlueStyle, fill=fill, legend_at_bottom=True, include_x_axis=True, x_title=axes['x']) LOG.debug('Lines: %s', lines) for k in y_keys: xy_chart.add(axes[k], lines[k]) chart_filename = utils.strict(title) abs_chart_filename = '%s.svg' % os.path.join(doc_folder, chart_filename) xy_chart.render_to_file(abs_chart_filename) doc = '' if show_chart: doc += '.. image:: %s.*\n\n' % chart_filename if show_table: doc += table return doc def generate_info(definition_str, db, doc_folder, tag): definition = yaml.safe_load(definition_str) pipeline = definition.get('pipeline') title = definition.get('title') fields = definition.get('fields') collection_name = definition.get('collection') or 'records' collection = db.get_collection(collection_name) LOG.debug('Title: %s', title) pipeline.insert(0, {'$match': {'status': 'OK'}}) if tag: pipeline.insert(0, {'$match': {'tag': tag}}) data = [r for r in collection.aggregate(pipeline)] if not data: LOG.warning('No data returned for info block: %s', title) return '**No data**' data = data[0] table = ''' .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - attribute - value ''' for field_name, field_title in sorted(fields.items(), key=lambda a: a[0]): value = data[field_name] if value is None: value = '.' patt = (''' *\n - %%s\n - %%%s\n''' % ('.1f' if isinstance(value, float) else 's')) table += patt % (field_title, value) return table def _make_dir(name): try: os.makedirs(name) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise def generate_report(scenario, base_dir, mongo_url, db_name, doc_folder, tag=None): if 'report' not in scenario: return # nothing to do LOG.info('Generate report') doc_folder = doc_folder or tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='performa') connection_params = utils.parse_url(mongo_url) mongo_client = pymongo.MongoClient(**connection_params) db = mongo_client.get_database(db_name) report_definition = scenario['report'] report_template = report_definition['template'] LOG.info('Using report template: %s', report_template) _make_dir(doc_folder) jinja_env = jinja2.Environment() jinja_env.filters['chart_and_table'] = functools.partial( generate_chart, db=db, doc_folder=doc_folder, tag=tag) jinja_env.filters['chart'] = functools.partial( generate_chart, db=db, doc_folder=doc_folder, tag=tag, show_table=False) jinja_env.filters['table'] = functools.partial( generate_chart, db=db, doc_folder=doc_folder, tag=tag, show_chart=False) jinja_env.filters['info'] = functools.partial( generate_info, db=db, doc_folder=doc_folder, tag=tag) template = utils.read_file(report_template, base_dir=base_dir) compiled_template = jinja_env.from_string(template) rendered_template = compiled_template.render() index = open(os.path.join(doc_folder, 'index.rst'), 'w+') index.write(rendered_template) index.close() LOG.info('The report is written to %s', doc_folder) def resolve_vars(scenario_template, vars): jinja_env = jinja2.Environment() compiled_template = jinja_env.from_string(scenario_template) rendered_template = compiled_template.render(vars) return rendered_template def main(): utils.init_config_and_logging(config.MAIN_OPTS) scenario_file_path = utils.get_absolute_file_path( cfg.CONF.scenario, alias_mapper=lambda f: config.SCENARIOS + '%s.yaml' % f) scenario_raw = utils.read_file(scenario_file_path) scenario_raw = resolve_vars(scenario_raw, cfg.CONF.vars) scenario = yaml.safe_load(scenario_raw) base_dir = os.path.dirname(scenario_file_path) generate_report(scenario, base_dir, cfg.CONF.mongo_url, cfg.CONF.mongo_db, cfg.CONF.book, cfg.CONF.tag) if __name__ == "__main__": main()