# Copyright (c) 2014 Rackspace, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import copy import datetime import json from oslo_log import log from poppy.provider.akamai import utils from poppy.provider import base LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) class CertificateController(base.CertificateBase): @property def mod_san_queue(self): return self.driver.mod_san_queue @property def san_cert_cnames(self): return self.driver.san_cert_cnames @property def cert_info_storage(self): return self.driver.cert_info_storage @property def san_mapping_queue(self): return self.driver.san_mapping_queue @property def sps_api_client(self): return self.driver.akamai_sps_api_client def __init__(self, driver): super(CertificateController, self).__init__(driver) self.driver = driver self.sps_api_base_url = self.driver.akamai_sps_api_base_url def create_certificate(self, cert_obj, enqueue=True): if cert_obj.cert_type == 'san': try: found, found_cert = ( self._check_domain_already_exists_on_san_certs( cert_obj.domain_name ) ) if found is True: return self.responder.ssl_certificate_provisioned(None, { 'status': 'failed', 'san cert': None, 'created_at': str(datetime.datetime.now()), 'action': ( 'Domain {0} already exists ' 'on san cert {1}.'.format( cert_obj.domain_name, found_cert ) ) }) if enqueue: self.mod_san_queue.enqueue_mod_san_request( json.dumps(cert_obj.to_dict())) return self.responder.ssl_certificate_provisioned(None, { 'status': 'create_in_progress', 'san cert': None, # Add logging so it is easier for testing 'created_at': str(datetime.datetime.now()), 'action': ( 'San cert request for {0} has been ' 'enqueued.'.format(cert_obj.domain_name) ) }) san_cert_hostname_limit = ( self.cert_info_storage.get_san_cert_hostname_limit() ) for san_cert_name in self.san_cert_cnames: enabled = ( self.cert_info_storage.get_enabled_status( san_cert_name ) ) if not enabled: continue # if the limit provided as an arg to this function is None # default san_cert_hostname_limit to the value provided in # the config file. san_cert_hostname_limit = ( san_cert_hostname_limit or self.driver.san_cert_hostname_limit ) # Check san_cert to enforce number of hosts hasn't # reached the limit. If the current san_cert is at max # capacity continue to the next san_cert san_hosts = utils.get_ssl_number_of_hosts( san_cert_name + self.driver.akamai_https_access_url_suffix ) if san_hosts >= san_cert_hostname_limit: continue last_sps_id = ( self.cert_info_storage.get_cert_last_spsid( san_cert_name ) ) if last_sps_id not in [None, ""]: LOG.info('Latest spsId for {0} is: {1}'.format( san_cert_name, last_sps_id) ) resp = self.sps_api_client.get( self.sps_api_base_url.format(spsId=last_sps_id), ) if resp.status_code != 200: raise RuntimeError( 'SPS API Request Failed. ' 'Exception: {0}'.format(resp.text) ) sps_request_info = json.loads(resp.text)[ 'requestList'][0] status = sps_request_info['status'] work_flow_progress = ( sps_request_info['workflowProgress'] ) if status == 'edge host already created or pending': if work_flow_progress is not None and \ 'error' in work_flow_progress.lower(): LOG.info("SPS Pending with Error: {0}".format( work_flow_progress)) continue else: pass elif status == 'CPS cancelled': pass elif status != 'SPS Request Complete': LOG.info("SPS Not completed for {0}...".format( san_cert_name)) continue # issue modify san_cert sps request cert_info = self.cert_info_storage.get_cert_info( san_cert_name) cert_info['add.sans'] = cert_obj.domain_name string_post_data = '&'.join( ['%s=%s' % (k, v) for (k, v) in cert_info.items()]) LOG.info( 'Post modSan request with request data: {0}'.format( string_post_data ) ) resp = self.sps_api_client.post( self.sps_api_base_url.format(spsId=""), data=string_post_data.encode('utf-8') ) if resp.status_code != 202: raise RuntimeError( 'SPS Request failed. ' 'Exception: {0}'.format(resp.text) ) else: resp_dict = json.loads(resp.text) LOG.info( 'modSan request submitted. Response: {0}'.format( resp_dict ) ) this_sps_id = resp_dict['spsId'] # get last item in results array and use its jobID results = resp_dict['Results']['data'] this_job_id = results[0]['results']['jobID'] self.cert_info_storage.save_cert_last_ids( san_cert_name, this_sps_id, this_job_id ) cert_copy = copy.deepcopy(cert_obj.to_dict()) ( cert_copy['cert_details'] [self.driver.provider_name] ) = { 'extra_info': { 'akamai_spsId': this_sps_id, 'san cert': san_cert_name } } self.san_mapping_queue.enqueue_san_mapping( json.dumps(cert_copy) ) return self.responder.ssl_certificate_provisioned( san_cert_name, { 'status': 'create_in_progress', 'san cert': san_cert_name, 'akamai_spsId': this_sps_id, 'created_at': str(datetime.datetime.now()), 'action': 'Waiting for customer domain ' 'validation for {0}'.format( cert_obj.domain_name) }) else: self.mod_san_queue.enqueue_mod_san_request( json.dumps(cert_obj.to_dict())) return self.responder.ssl_certificate_provisioned(None, { 'status': 'create_in_progress', 'san cert': None, # Add logging so it is easier for testing 'created_at': str(datetime.datetime.now()), 'action': 'No available san cert for {0} right now,' ' or no san cert info available. Support:' 'Please write down the domain and keep an' ' eye on next available freed-up SAN certs.' ' More provisioning might be needed'.format( cert_obj.domain_name) }) except Exception as e: LOG.exception( "Error {0} during certificate creation for {1} " "sending the request sent back to the queue.".format( e, cert_obj.domain_name ) ) try: self.mod_san_queue.enqueue_mod_san_request( json.dumps(cert_obj.to_dict())) return self.responder.ssl_certificate_provisioned(None, { 'status': 'create_in_progress', 'san cert': None, # Add logging so it is easier for testing 'created_at': str(datetime.datetime.now()), 'action': ( 'San cert request for {0} has been ' 'enqueued.'.format(cert_obj.domain_name) ) }) except Exception as exc: LOG.exception("Unable to enqueue {0}, Error: {1}".format( cert_obj.domain_name, exc )) return self.responder.ssl_certificate_provisioned(None, { 'status': 'failed', 'san cert': None, 'created_at': str(datetime.datetime.now()), 'action': 'Waiting for action... Provision ' 'san cert failed for {0} failed.'.format( cert_obj.domain_name) }) else: return self.responder.ssl_certificate_provisioned(None, { 'status': 'failed', 'reason': "Cert type : {0} hasn't been implemented".format( cert_obj.cert_type ) }) def _check_domain_already_exists_on_san_certs(self, domain_name): """Check all configured san certs for domain.""" found = False found_cert = None for san_cert_name in self.san_cert_cnames: sans = utils.get_sans_by_host( '.'.join( [ san_cert_name, self.driver.akamai_https_access_url_suffix ] ) ) if domain_name in sans: found = True found_cert = san_cert_name break return found, found_cert