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# Copyright (c) 2014 Rackspace, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from poppy.transport.validators.stoplight import decorators
from poppy.transport.validators.stoplight import exceptions
from poppy.transport.validators.stoplight import rule
from tests.functional.transport.validator import base
def is_upper(z):
"""Ensures Uppercase."""
if z.upper() != z:
raise exceptions.ValidationFailed('{0} no uppercase'.format(z))
other_vals = dict()
get_other_val = other_vals.get
class DummyRequest(object):
def __init__(self):
self.headers = dict(header1='headervalue1')
class DummyResponse(object):
def is_request(candidate):
if not isinstance(candidate, DummyRequest):
raise exceptions.ValidationFailed('Input must be a request')
def is_response(candidate):
if not isinstance(candidate, DummyResponse):
raise exceptions.ValidationFailed('Input must be a response')
RequestRule = rule.Rule(is_request(), lambda error_info: base.abort(404))
ResponseRule = rule.Rule(is_response(), lambda error_info: base.abort(404))
UppercaseRule = rule.Rule(is_upper(), lambda error_info: base.abort(404))
class DummyEndpoint(object):
# This should throw a ValidationProgrammingError
# when called because the user did not actually
# call validate_upper.
# Note: the lambda in this function can never actually be
# called, so we use no cover here
lambda error_info: base.abort(404))) # pragma: no cover
def get_value_programming_error(self, value):
# This function body should never be
# callable since the validation error
# should not allow it to be called
assert False # pragma: no cover
value1=rule.Rule(is_upper(), lambda error_info: base.abort(404)),
value2=rule.Rule(is_upper(), lambda error_info: base.abort(404)),
value3=rule.Rule(is_upper(), lambda error_info: base.abort(404))
) # pragma: no cover
def get_value_happy_path(self, value1, value2, value3):
return value1 + value2 + value3
value1=rule.Rule(is_upper(), lambda: base.abort(404)),
lambda error_info: base.abort(404),
) # pragma: no cover
def get_value_with_getter(self, value1):
global other_vals
return value1 + other_vals.get('value2')
# Falcon-style endpoint
request=rule.Rule(is_request(), lambda error_info: base.abort(404)),
response=rule.Rule(is_response(), lambda error_info: base.abort(404)),
value=rule.Rule(is_upper(), lambda error_info: base.abort(404))
def get_falcon_style(self, request, response, value):
return value
# Falcon-style w/ declared rules
@decorators.validate(request=RequestRule, response=ResponseRule,
def get_falcon_with_declared_rules(self, request, response, value):
return value
class TestValidationFunction(base.BaseTestCase):
def test_empty_ok(self):
with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationFailed):
with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationFailed):
class TestValidationDecorator(base.BaseTestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.ep = DummyEndpoint()
super(TestValidationDecorator, self).setUp()
def test_programming_error(self):
with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ValidationProgrammingError):
def test_falcon_style(self):
global error_count
request = DummyRequest()
response = DummyResponse()
# Try to call with missing params. The validation
# function should never get called
oldcount = base.error_count
self.ep.get_falcon_style(response, 'HELLO')
self.assertEqual(oldcount + 1, base.error_count)
# Try to pass a string to a positional argument
# where a response is expected
oldcount = base.error_count
self.ep.get_falcon_style(request, "bogusinput", 'HELLO')
self.assertEqual(oldcount + 1, base.error_count)
# Pass in as kwvalues with good input but out of
# typical order (should succeed)
oldcount = base.error_count
self.ep.get_falcon_style(response=response, value='HELLO',
self.assertEqual(oldcount, base.error_count)
# Pass in as kwvalues with good input but out of
# typical order with an invalid value (lower-case 'h')
oldcount = base.error_count
self.ep.get_falcon_style(response=response, value='hELLO',
self.assertEqual(oldcount + 1, base.error_count)
# Pass in as kwvalues with good input but out of typical order
# and pass an invalid value. Note that here the response is
# assigned to request, etc.
oldcount = base.error_count
self.ep.get_falcon_style(response=request, value='HELLO',
self.assertEqual(oldcount + 1, base.error_count)
# Happy path
oldcount = base.error_count
self.ep.get_falcon_style(request, response, 'HELLO')
self.assertEqual(oldcount, base.error_count)
def test_falcon_style_declared_rules(self):
# The following tests repeat the above
# tests, but this time they test using the
# endpoint with the rules being declared
# separately. See get_falcon_with_declared_rules above
request = DummyRequest()
response = DummyResponse()
# Try to call with missing params. The validation
# function should never get called
oldcount = base.error_count
self.ep.get_falcon_with_declared_rules(response, 'HELLO')
self.assertEqual(oldcount + 1, base.error_count)
# Try to pass a string to a positional argument
# where a response is expected
oldcount = base.error_count
self.ep.get_falcon_with_declared_rules(request, "bogusinput", 'HELLO')
self.assertEqual(oldcount + 1, base.error_count)
# Pass in as kwvalues with good input but out of
# typical order (should succeed)
oldcount = base.error_count
self.assertEqual(oldcount, base.error_count)
# Pass in as kwvalues with good input but out of
# typical order with an invalid value (lower-case 'h')
oldcount = base.error_count
self.assertEqual(oldcount + 1, base.error_count)
# Pass in as kwvalues with good input but out of typical order
# and pass an invalid value. Note that here the response is
# assigned to request, etc.
oldcount = base.error_count
self.ep.get_falcon_with_declared_rules(response=request, value='HELLO',
self.assertEqual(oldcount + 1, base.error_count)
# Happy path
oldcount = base.error_count
self.ep.get_falcon_with_declared_rules(request, response, 'HELLO')
self.assertEqual(oldcount, base.error_count)
def test_validation_passed(self):
# Should not throw
res = self.ep.get_value_happy_path('WHATEVER', 'HELLO', 'YES')
self.assertEqual('WHATEVERHELLOYES', res)
def test_validation_failed(self):
# Validation should have failed, and
# we should have seen a tick in the error count
oldcount = base.error_count
self.ep.get_value_happy_path('WHAtEVER', 'HELLO', 'YES')
self.assertEqual(oldcount + 1, base.error_count)
def test_validating_none_value(self):
# Check passing a None value. This decorator does
# not permit none values.
oldcount = base.error_count
self.ep.get_value_happy_path(None, 'HELLO', 'YES')
self.assertEqual(oldcount + 1, base.error_count)
def test_getter(self):
global other_vals
other_vals['value2'] = 'HELLO'
# Now have our validation actually try to
# get those values
# This should succeed
res = self.ep.get_value_with_getter('TEST')
self.assertEqual('TESTHELLO', res)
# check empty_ok
other_vals['value2'] = ''
res = self.ep.get_value_with_getter('TEST')
self.assertEqual('TEST', res)