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# Copyright (c) 2014 Rackspace, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import json
from cafe.engine.models import data_interfaces
class PoppyConfig(data_interfaces.ConfigSectionInterface):
"""Defines the config values for poppy."""
SECTION_NAME = 'poppy'
def base_url(self):
"""poppy endpoint."""
return self.get('base_url')
def flavor(self):
"""poppy flavor definitions."""
return json.loads(self.get('flavor'))
class TestConfig(data_interfaces.ConfigSectionInterface):
"""Defines the config values specific to test execution."""
SECTION_NAME = 'test_configuration'
def provider_validation(self):
"""Boolean value indicating if tests verify provider side details."""
return self.get_boolean('provider_validation')
def run_operator_tests(self):
"""Boolean flag indicating if tests for operator apis should be run."""
return self.get_boolean('run_operator_tests')
def run_https_link_tests(self):
"""Boolean flag indicating if secure https links should be run."""
return self.get_boolean('run_https_link_tests')
def status_check_retry_interval(self):
"""Int value to set retry intervals for status check."""
return int(self.get('status_check_retry_interval'))
def status_check_retry_timeout(self):
"""Int value to set timeout for status check."""
return int(self.get('status_check_retry_timeout'))
def generate_flavors(self):
"""Boolean value to create unique flavors in tests."""
return self.get_boolean('generate_flavors')
def default_flavor(self):
"""String value to set the default flavor to use in tests."""
return self.get('default_flavor')
def generated_provider(self):
"""String value to set the provider to use with generated flavor."""
return self.get('generated_provider')
def project_id_in_url(self):
"""Flag to indicate if project_id should be present in the url."""
return self.get_boolean('project_id_in_url')
def run_ssl_tests(self):
"""Flag to indicate if positive tests for SSL cert should run."""
return self.get_boolean('run_ssl_tests')
def run_hypothesis_tests(self):
"""Flag to indicate if the hypothesis tests should run."""
return self.get_boolean('run_hypothesis_tests')
def cassandra_consistency_wait_time(self):
"""Int value in seconds to wait for cassandra consistency."""
return int(self.get('cassandra_consistency_wait_time'))
class DNSConfig(data_interfaces.ConfigSectionInterface):
"""Defines the values for DNS configuration."""
def dns_username(self):
"""The user name for the Cloud DNS service"""
return self.get('dns_username')
def dns_api_key(self):
"""The API Key for the Cloud DNS service"""
return self.get('dns_api_key')
def dns_url_suffix(self):
"""The url for customers to CNAME to."""
return self.get('dns_url_suffix')
def shared_ssl_num_shards(self):
"""The number of shared ssl shards."""
return int(self.get('shared_ssl_num_shards'))
class AuthConfig(data_interfaces.ConfigSectionInterface):
"""Defines the auth config values."""
def auth_enabled(self):
"""Auth On/Off."""
return self.get_boolean('auth_enabled')
def base_url(self):
"""Auth endpoint."""
return self.get('base_url')
def user_name(self):
"""The name of the user, if applicable."""
return self.get('user_name')
def api_key(self):
"""The user's api key, if applicable."""
return self.get_raw('api_key')
def password(self):
"""The user's password, if applicable."""
return self.get_raw('password')
def multi_user(self):
"""Flag to indicate if the tests need multiple accounts."""
return self.get_boolean('multi_user')
def alt_user_name(self):
"""The name of the alternate user, if applicable."""
return self.get('alt_user_name')
def alt_api_key(self):
"""The alternate user's api key, if applicable."""
return self.get_raw('alt_api_key')
def service_limit_user_name(self):
"""The name of the service limit user, if applicable."""
return self.get('service_limit_user_name')
def service_limit_api_key(self):
"""The service limit user's api key, if applicable."""
return self.get_raw('service_limit_api_key')
def operator_user_name(self):
"""The name of the user, if applicable."""
return self.get('operator_user_name')
def operator_api_key(self):
"""The user's api key, if applicable."""
return self.get_raw('operator_api_key')
class AkamaiConfig(data_interfaces.ConfigSectionInterface):
"""Defines the Akamai config values."""
SECTION_NAME = 'provider_akamai'
def access_url_suffix(self):
"""The access URL suffix for Akamai"""
return self.get('access_url_suffix')
def san_certs(self):
"""A list of SAN certificates from Akamai"""
return self.get('san_certs')
def san_certs_name_positive(self):
"""SAN cert name used to test get san info (positive case)"""
return self.get('get_san_certs_name_positive')
def san_certs_name_negative(self):
"""SAN cert name used to test get san info (positive case)"""
return self.get('get_san_certs_name_negative')
class FastlyConfig(data_interfaces.ConfigSectionInterface):
"""Defines the fastly config values."""
SECTION_NAME = 'fastly'
def api_key(self):
"""Fastly API Key."""
return self.get('api_key')
def email(self):
"""Email id associated with Fastly account."""
return self.get('email')
def password(self):
"""Fastly password."""
return self.get('password')