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# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
def new_composite_deletgate(delegates):
"""create and return a new class which delegates
calls to the delegates. the facade object returned
from this method allows you to extend functionality
of existing objects using containment rather than
for example suppose you have obj1 which has method
x() and you have obj2 which has method y(). you can
create a single view of those objects like this:
composite = new_composite_delegate([obj1, obj2])
composite.x() # calls x() on obj1
composite.y() # calls y() on obj2
:param delegates: a list of objects which make up the
delegates. when a method call or attr access is made
on the returned wrapper, the list of delegates will
be tried in order until an object is found with the
class CompositeDelegator(object):
def __init__(self, *args):
super(CompositeDelegator, self).__init__()
def __getattribute__(self, name):
for instance in delegates:
if hasattr(instance, name):
attr = instance.__getattribute__(name)
if hasattr(attr, '__call__'):
def _f(*args, **kwargs):
return attr(*args, **kwargs)
return _f
return attr
return None
return CompositeDelegator()
def context_dynamic_auth_token(ctx, keystone):
create a delegate specifically for security context
This is because security context need to access renew
auth_token for each request. But this property in context
is static. Delegate this auth_token property to keystone
dynamic property auth_token.
Every context created for long live usage should wrap
this delegate to ensure it always uses the newest
auth_token for every REST request
class ContextDAT(ctx.__class__):
def __init__(self):
super(ctx.__class__, self).__init__()
def __getattribute__(self, name):
if name != 'auth_token':
if hasattr(ctx, name):
attr = ctx.__getattribute__(name)
if hasattr(attr, '__call__'):
def _f(*args, **kwargs):
return attr(*args, **kwargs)
return _f
return attr
return keystone.auth_token
return ContextDAT()