# == Class: midonet::cluster::run # Check out the midonet::cluster class for a full understanding of # how to use the cluster resource # # # === Parameters # # [*zookeeper_hosts*] # List of hash [{ip, port}] Zookeeper instances that run in cluster. # [*cassandra_servers*] # List of IP's / IP:PORT where cassandra servers are running # [*cassandra_rep_factor*] # Cassandra replication factor # [*keystone_admin_token*] # Keystone admin token # [*keystone_host*] # Host where keystone is running # [*keystone_protocol*] # Protocol ( http / https ) to make the keystone requests # Default: 'http' # [*keystone_tenant_name*] # Name of the keystone tenant # Default: 'admin' # [*package_ensure*] # Ensure 'present', 'absent' ... # Default: present # [*service_name*] # Name of the midonet cluster service # Default: 'midonet_cluster' # [*service_ensure*] # Ensure 'running' , 'stopped' ... status of service # Default: running # [*service_enable*] # Should enable service on startup? # Default: true # [*cluster_config_path*] # Path to store the midonet cluster configuration files # Default: /etc/midonet/midonet.conf # [*cluster_jvm_config_path*] # Path to store the midonet cluster JVM configuration files # Default: /etc/midonet-cluster/midonet-cluster-env.sh # [*cluster_host*] # IP to bind to the midonet cluster service # Default: '' # [*cluster_port*] # Port to bind the midonet cluster service # Default: '8181' # [*keystone_port*] # Port where the keystone service is running # Default: '35357' # [*max_heap_size*] # Heap size of midonet cluster JVM , . Ex: '1024M' # Default: '1024M' # [*heap_newsize*] # Xms heap size value in gb . Ex '512M' # Default: '512M' # [*is_insights*] # Whether using MEM Insights or not # Default: false # [*insights_ssl*] # Is MEM insights using SSL? # Default: undef # [*analytics_ip*] # IP of the Analytics node # Default: undef # [*midonet_version*] # Version of Midonet # Default: '5.2' # [*elk_seeds*] # List of elk seeds , in the form "ip1,ip2,ip3" # Default: '$::ipaddress' # [*cluster_api_address*] # IP Address that is publicly exposed for the REST Api . Usually this will be the same as # the cluster_host but you might want to configure it in some cases, such as using an haproxy # on the front # Default: '$::ipaddress' # [*cluster_api_port*] # Port Address that is publicly exposed for the REST Api . Usually this will be the same as # the cluster_host but you might want to configure it in some cases, such as using an haproxy # on the front. Usually you don't want to modify this # Default: '8181' # [*elk_cluster_name*] # Elasticsearch cluster name. Not needed if running in single-elk-node mode # Default: 'undef' # [*elk_target_endpoint*] # Configures the elk target endpoint # Default: 'undef' # [*endpoint_host*] # Where the unified endpoint will bind to # Default: '$::ipaddress' # [*endpoint_port*] # Where the unified endpoint will bind to ( port ) # Default: '8888' # [*ssl_source_type*] # SSL Source type. 'autosigned' , 'keystore' , 'certificate' # Default: 'undef' # [*ssl_cert_path*] # SSL certificate path # Default: 'undef' # [*ssl_privkey_path*] # SSL private key path # Default: 'undef' # [*ssl_privkey_pwd*] # SSL private key password # Default: 'undef' # [*flow_history_port*] # Port for flow history endpoint # Default: '5001' # [*jarvis_enabled*] # Should enable jarvis? # Default: 'undef' # [*midonet_version*] # Midoent Version # Default: '5.2' # [*state_proxy_address*] # Address to bind to the state proxy service # Default: undef # [*state_proxy_port*] # Address to bind to the state proxy service # Default: undef # === Authors # # Midonet (http://midonet.org) # # === Copyright # # Copyright (c) 2016 Midokura SARL, All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # class midonet::cluster::run ( $zookeeper_hosts, $cassandra_servers, $cassandra_rep_factor, $keystone_host, $keystone_admin_token = undef, $keystone_user_name = undef, $keystone_user_password = undef, $keystone_protocol = 'http', $keystone_port = '35357', $keystone_tenant_name = 'admin', $keystone_domain_name = 'Default', $keystone_domain_id = 'default', $keystone_keystone_version = '3', $service_name = 'midonet-cluster', $service_ensure = 'running', $service_enable = true, $cluster_config_path = '/etc/midonet/midonet.conf', $cluster_jvm_config_path = '/etc/midonet-cluster/midonet-cluster-env.sh', $cluster_host = '', $cluster_port = '8181', $max_heap_size = '1024M', $heap_newsize = '512M', $package_ensure = 'present', $is_insights = false, $clio_service_udp_port = undef, $clio_target_udp_port = undef, $jmxscraper_target_udp_endpoint = undef, $flow_tracing_service_ws_port = undef, $agent_flow_history_udp_endpoint = undef, $calliope_service_ws_port = undef, $insights_ssl = undef, $analytics_ip = undef, $elk_seeds = $::ipaddress, $cluster_api_address = $::ipaddress, $cluster_api_port = '8181', $elk_cluster_name = '', $elk_target_endpoint = $::ipaddress, $endpoint_host = $::ipaddress, $endpoint_port = '8888', $ssl_source_type = undef, $ssl_cert_path = undef, $ssl_privkey_path = undef, $ssl_privkey_pwd = undef, $ssl_keystore_path = undef, $ssl_keystore_pwd = undef, $flow_history_port = '5001', $jarvis_enabled = true, $midonet_version = '5.2', $state_proxy_address = '', $state_proxy_port = '2346' ) { include ::stdlib $api_proto = $insights_ssl? {true => 'https://' , default => 'http://'} $mem_login_host = "${api_proto}${cluster_api_address}:${cluster_api_port}/midonet-api" $new_api = versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') ? {'1' => true, default => false} if $package_ensure != 'absent' { file { '/tmp/mn-cluster_config.sh': ensure => present, content => template('midonet/cluster/mn-cluster_config.sh.erb'), } -> exec { '/bin/bash /tmp/mn-cluster_config.sh': require => File['set_config'], } if !defined(File['set_config']) { file { 'set_config': ensure => present, path => $cluster_config_path, content => template('midonet/cluster/midonet.conf.erb'), require => Package['midonet-cluster'], notify => Service['midonet-cluster'], before => File['/tmp/mn-cluster_config.sh'], } } file { 'cluster_jvm_config': ensure => present, path => $cluster_jvm_config_path, content => template('midonet/cluster/midonet-cluster-env.sh.erb'), require => Package['midonet-cluster'], notify => Service['midonet-cluster'], } package { 'python-neutron-lbaas': ensure => installed } package { 'python-neutron-fwaas': ensure => installed } if $is_insights { file { 'analytics_settings': ensure => present, path => '/tmp/analytics_settings.conf', content => template('midonet/analytics/analytics_settings.erb'), } -> file { 'analytics_settings_script': ensure => present, path => '/tmp/analytics_settings.sh', content => template('midonet/analytics/analytics_settings.sh.erb'), } -> exec { '/bin/bash /tmp/analytics_settings.sh': require => File['set_config'], } if versioncmp($midonet_version,'5.2') > 0 { file { 'analytics_settings_local': ensure => present, path => '/tmp/analytics_settings_local.conf', content => template('midonet/analytics/analytics_settings_local.erb'), } -> file { 'analytics_settings_script local': ensure => present, path => '/tmp/analytics_settings_local.sh', content => template('midonet/analytics/analytics_settings.sh.erb'), require => Exec['/bin/bash /tmp/analytics_settings.sh'] } -> exec { '/bin/bash /tmp/analytics_settings_local.sh': require => File['set_config'], } } } file { '/etc/midonet/subscriptions': ensure => directory, source => 'puppet:///modules/midonet/subscriptions', require => Service['midonet-cluster'], recurse => true, } } service { 'midonet-cluster': ensure => $service_ensure, name => $service_name, enable => $service_enable, } }