
133 lines
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# == Class: midonet::gateway::static
# Set up a fake uplink with static routing on a gateway node
# === Parameters
# [*network_id*]
# (Mandatory) Name of the bridge that will be created through midonet-cli
# [*cidr*]
# (Mandatory) Network that will be assigned to the fake uplink
# [*gateway_ip*]
# (Mandatory) Gateway IP through which the packets will go
# [*service_host*]
# (Mandatory) Host where the Midonet API runs
# [*service_dir*]
# (Mandatory) Folder on which to place the pidfile and some other temporary
# files for the well functioning of this script (ex: /tmp/status)
# [*zookeeper_hosts*]
# (Mandatory) Comma-separated list of zookeeper hosts. These are a hash consisting of two
# fields, 'ip' and 'port'. Example: [ { 'ip' => '', 'port' => '2181'}]
# [*api_port*]
# (Mandatory) Port that the Midonet API binds
# [*scripts_dir*]
# (Optional) Path where to place the necessary scripts
# [*ensure_scripts*]
# (Optional) Status of the scripts
# [*mido_keystone_user*]
# (Optional) Username to authenticate against Keystone
# [*mido_keystone_password*]
# (Optional) Password to authenticate against Keystone
# [*mido_project_id*]
# (Optional) Project id to authenticate in keystone
# === Examples
# The easiest way to run the class is:
# class { 'midonet::gateway::static':
# network_id => 'example_netid',
# cidr => '',
# gateway_ip => '',
# service_host => '',
# service_dir => '/tmp/status',
# zookeeper_hosts => [
# {
# 'ip'=>'',
# 'port'=>'2181'
# }
# ],
# api_port => '8181'
# }
# === Authors
# Midonet (http://midonet.org)
# === Copyright
# Copyright (c) 2016 Midokura SARL, All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
class midonet::gateway::static (
$scripts_dir = '/tmp',
$uplink_script = 'create_fake_uplink_l2.sh',
$ensure_scripts = 'present',
$myhostname = $::hostname,
$masquerade = 'on'
) {
# Place script and helper files before executing it
file { 'fake_uplink_script':
ensure => $ensure_scripts,
path => "${scripts_dir}/${uplink_script}",
content => template('midonet/gateway/create_fake_uplink_l2.sh.erb'),
# Finally, execute the script
exec { 'run gateway static creation script':
command => "/bin/bash -x ${scripts_dir}/${uplink_script} 2>&1 | tee ${scripts_dir}/${uplink_script}.out",
returns => ['0', '7'],
require => [
# Ensure interfaces are configured and enabled at boot time
# (for the time being this is RHEL 7.x only)
if $::osfamily == 'RedHat' and $::operatingsystemmajrelease == '7' {
file { 'fake_uplink_script-STARTUP':
ensure => $ensure_scripts,
mode => '0775',
path => '/usr/local/sbin/create_fake_uplink_l2.sh',
content => template('midonet/gateway/create_fake_uplink_l2.sh.erb'),
} ->
file { 'fake_uplink_script-SERVICEFILE':
ensure => $ensure_scripts,
mode => '0644',
path => '/etc/systemd/system/midonet-static-uplink.service',
source => 'puppet:///modules/midonet/gateway/midonet-static-uplink.service',
} ->
service { 'midonet-static-uplink': enable => true }