
140 lines
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# == Class: midonet::agent::run
# Check out the midonet::agent class for a full understanding of
# how to use the agent resource
# DO NOT USE THIS CLASS ON ITS OWN, use ::midonet::agent !
# === Parameters
# [*zookeeper_hosts*]
# List of hash [{ip, port}] Zookeeper instances that run in cluster.
# [*controller_host*]
# IP of the controller host (or HAProxy ip serving them).
# Default: undef
# [*metadata_port*]
# Port where the metadata service will run
# Default: undef
# [*shared_secret*]
# Metadata shared secret
# Default: undef
# [*service_name*]
# Name of the midolman service
# Default: midolman
# [*service_ensure*]
# Whether to ensure the service is running, stopped, etc.
# Default: running
# [*service_enable*]
# Should the service not be enabled by default? Specify it there
# Default: true
# [*agent_config_path*]
# Override the configuration files path
# Default: /etc/midolman/midolman.conf
# [*jvm_config_path*]
# Override the jvm config files path
# Default: /etc/midolman/midolman-env.sh
# [*max_heap_size*]
# Specify the heap size of the JavaVM in Gb. Ex: '1024M'
# Default: '1024M'
# [*dhcp_mtu*]
# Specify a mtu for packets here.
# Default: undef
# === Authors
# Midonet (http://midonet.org)
# === Copyright
# Copyright (c) 2016 Midokura SARL, All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
class midonet::agent::run (
$service_name = 'midolman',
$service_ensure = 'running',
$service_enable = true,
$midonet_config_path = '/etc/midonet/midonet.conf',
$agent_config_path = '/etc/midolman/midolman.conf',
$jvm_config_path = '/etc/midolman/midolman-env.sh',
$max_heap_size = '1024M',
$dhcp_mtu = undef
) {
file { '/tmp/mn-agent_config.sh':
ensure => present,
content => template('midonet/agent/mn-agent_config.sh.erb'),
} ->
exec { '/bin/bash /tmp/mn-agent_config.sh': }
Package['midolman'] ~> File['agent_config']
file { 'agent_config':
ensure => present,
path => $agent_config_path,
content => template('midonet/agent/midolman.conf.erb'),
notify => Service['midolman'],
before => File['/tmp/mn-agent_config.sh'],
if !defined(File['set_config']) {
Package['midolman'] ~> File['set_config']
File['midonet folder'] ~> File['set_config']
file { 'set_config':
ensure => present,
path => $midonet_config_path,
content => template('midonet/agent/midolman.conf.erb'),
notify => Service['midolman'],
before => File['/tmp/mn-agent_config.sh'],
if !defined(File['midonet folder']) {
file { 'midonet folder':
ensure => 'directory',
path => '/etc/midonet',
owner => 'root',
mode => '0755',
Package['midolman'] ~> File['jvm_config']
file { 'jvm_config':
ensure => present,
path => $jvm_config_path,
content => template('midonet/agent/midolman-env.sh.erb'),
notify => Service['midolman'],
service { 'midolman':
ensure => $service_ensure,
name => $service_name,
enable => $service_enable,