Initial version from puppet-n1k-vsm-archive/rh-n1k-vsm branch

This commit is contained in:
Marga Millet 2014-08-12 11:13:07 -07:00
parent eec4ee87e6
commit 69ff094069
6 changed files with 779 additions and 0 deletions

files/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
import shutil, tempfile, os, optparse, logging
import sys
usage = "usage: %prog [options]"
parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage)
parser.add_option("-i", "--isofile", help="ISO image", dest="isoimg")
parser.add_option("-d", "--domainid", help="Domain id ", dest="domainid")
parser.add_option("-n", "--vsmname", help="VSM name", dest="vsmname")
parser.add_option("-m", "--mgmtip", help="Management Ip address", dest="mgmtip")
parser.add_option("-s", "--mgmtsubnet", help="Management Subnet", dest="mgmtsubnet")
parser.add_option("-g", "--gateway", help="Management gateway", dest="mgmtgateway")
parser.add_option("-p", "--password", help="Admin account password", dest="adminpasswd")
parser.add_option("-r", "--vsmrole", help="VSM Role, primary ,secondary or standalone", dest="vsmrole")
parser.add_option("-f", "--file", help="Repackaged file", dest="repackediso")
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
isoimg = options.isoimg
domainid = int(options.domainid)
vsmname = options.vsmname
mgmtip = options.mgmtip
mgmtsubnet = options.mgmtsubnet
mgmtgateway = options.mgmtgateway
adminpasswd = options.adminpasswd
vsmrole = options.vsmrole
repackediso = options.repackediso
class Command(object):
"""Run a command and capture it's output string, error string and exit status"""
def __init__(self, command):
self.command = command
def run(self, shell=True):
import subprocess as sp
process = sp.Popen(self.command, shell = shell, stdout = sp.PIPE, stderr = sp.PIPE) =
self.output, self.error = process.communicate()
self.failed = process.returncode
return self
def returncode(self):
return self.failed
def createOvfEnvXmlFile(domain, gateway, hostname, ip, subnet, password, vsm_mode):
#TODO: write a proper xml
ovf_f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False)
st = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> \n'
st += '<Environment \n'
st += 'xmlns="" \n'
st += 'xmlns:xsi="" \n'
st += 'xmlns:oe="" \n'
st += 'xmlns:ve="" \n'
st += 'oe:id=""> \n'
st += '<PlatformSection> \n'
st += '<Kind>VMware ESXi</Kind> \n'
st += '<Version>4.0.0</Version> \n'
st += '<Vendor>VMware, Inc.</Vendor> \n'
st += '<Locale>en</Locale> \n'
st += '</PlatformSection> \n'
st += '<PropertySection> \n'
st += '<Property oe:key="DomainId" oe:value="%s" /> \n' % (domain)
st += '<Property oe:key="EnableTelnet" oe:value="True" /> \n'
st += '<Property oe:key="GatewayIpV4" oe:value="%s" /> \n' % (gateway)
st += '<Property oe:key="HostName" oe:value="%s" /> \n' % (hostname)
st += '<Property oe:key="ManagementIpV4" oe:value="%s" /> \n' % (ip)
st += '<Property oe:key="ManagementIpV4Subnet" oe:value="%s" /> \n' % (subnet)
st += '<Property oe:key="OvfDeployment" oe:value="installer" /> \n'
st += '<Property oe:key="SvsMode" oe:value="L3" /> \n'
st += '<Property oe:key="Password" oe:value="%s" /> \n' % (password)
st += '<Property oe:key="HARole" oe:value="%s" /> \n' % (vsm_mode)
#if vsm_mode == "primary":
# st += '<Property oe:key="HARole" oe:value="%s" /> \n' % (vsm_mode)
# st += '<Property oe:key="HARole" oe:value="standalone" /> \n'
st += '</PropertySection> \n'
st += '</Environment> \n'
return ovf_f
def main():
""" repackages the iso file, with modified ovf file """
#logger = logging.getLogger('myapp')
#hdlr = logging.FileHandler('/tmp/myapp.log')
#formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s')
ovf_f = createOvfEnvXmlFile(domain=domainid, gateway=mgmtgateway, hostname=vsmname, ip=mgmtip, subnet=mgmtsubnet, password=adminpasswd, vsm_mode=vsmrole)
mntdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
ddir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
cret = Command('/bin/mount -o loop -t iso9660 %s %s' % (isoimg, mntdir)).run()"%s %s" % (cret.output, cret.error))
if cret.failed:
print(sys.argv[0], "1 ", cret.output, cret.error)
cret = Command('/bin/cp -r %s/* %s' % (mntdir, ddir)).run()
print(sys.argv[0], "2 cwchang X", cret.output, "X", cret.error,"X")
if cret.failed:
print(sys.argv[0], "2 ", cret.output, cret.error)
sys.exit(1)"%s %s" % (cret.output, cret.error))
cret = Command('/bin/umount %s' % (mntdir)).run()
if cret.failed:
print(sys.argv[0], "3 ", cret.output, cret.error)
sys.exit(1)"%s %s" % (cret.output, cret.error))"%s %s" % (cret.output, cret.error))
cret = Command('/bin/cp %s %s/ovf-env.xml' % (, ddir)).run()
if cret.failed:
print(sys.argv[0], "4 ", cret.output, cret.error)
sys.exit(1)"%s %s" % (cret.output, cret.error))
if os.path.exists('%s/isolinux/isolinux.bin' % (ddir)):
cret = Command('cd %s; /usr/bin/mkisofs -uid 0 -gid 0 -J -R -A Cisco_Nexus_1000V_VSM -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o %s .' % (ddir, repackediso)).run()
if cret.failed:
print(sys.argv[0],"5 ", cret.output, cret.error)
sys.exit(1)"%s %s" % (cret.output, cret.error))
cret = Command('cd %s; /usr/bin/mkisofs -uid 0 -gid 0 -J -R -A Cisco_Nexus_1000V_VSM -b boot/grub/iso9660_stage1_5 -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o %s .' % (ddir, repackediso)).run()
if cret.failed:
print(sys.argv[0], "6 ", cret.output, cret.error)
sys.exit(1)"%s %s" % (cret.output, cret.error))
if __name__ == "__main__":

manifests/deploy.pp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
class n1k_vsm::deploy {
#ensure tap interfaces and deploy the vsm
$ctrltap = $n1k_vsm::ctrlinterface[0]
$ctrlmac = $n1k_vsm::ctrlinterface[1]
$ctrlbridge = $n1k_vsm::ctrlinterface[2]
$mgmttap = $n1k_vsm::mgmtinterface[0]
$mgmtmac = $n1k_vsm::mgmtinterface[1]
$mgmtbridge = $n1k_vsm::mgmtinterface[2]
$pkttap = $n1k_vsm::pktinterface[0]
$pktmac = $n1k_vsm::pktinterface[1]
$pktbridge = $n1k_vsm::pktinterface[2]
# tapint {"$ctrltap":
# bridge => $ctrlbridge,
# ensure => present
# }
# tapint {"$mgmttap":
# bridge => $mgmtbridge,
# ensure => present
# }
# tapint {"$pkttap":
# bridge => $pktbridge,
# ensure => present
# }
$diskfile = "/var/spool/vsm/${n1k_vsm::role}_disk"
exec { "Exec_create_disk":
command => "/usr/bin/qemu-img create -f raw $diskfile ${n1k_vsm::disksize}G",
unless => "/usr/bin/virsh list | grep -c ' ${n1k_vsm::vsmname} .* running'",
exec {"Debug_Exec_create_disk_debug":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\nExec_create_disk /usr/bin/qemu-img create -f raw $diskfile ${n1k_vsm::disksize}G\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
$targetxmlfile = "/var/spool/vsm/vsm_${n1k_vsm::role}_deploy.xml"
file { "File_Target_XML_File":
path => "$targetxmlfile",
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '666',
content => template('n1k_vsm/vsm_vm.xml.erb'),
require => Exec["Exec_create_disk"],
exec {"Debug_File_Target_XML_FILE":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\nFile_Target_XML_File\n path=$targetxmlfile \n owner=root \n group=root \n mode=666 \n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
exec { "Exec_Create_VSM":
command => "/usr/bin/virsh define $targetxmlfile",
unless => "/usr/bin/virsh list | grep -c ' ${n1k_vsm::vsmname} .* running'",
exec {"Debug_Exec_Create_VSM":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\nExec_Launch_VSM \n command=/bin/echo /usr/bin/virsh define $targetxmlfile \n unless=/usr/bin/virsh list --all | grep -c ' ${n1k_vsm::vsmname} ' \" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
exec { "Exec_Launch_VSM":
command => "/usr/bin/virsh start ${n1k_vsm::vsmname}",
unless => "/usr/bin/virsh list --all | grep -c ' ${n1k_vsm::vsmname} .* running '",
exec {"Debug_Exec_Launch_VSM":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\nExec_Launch_VSM \n command=/bin/echo /usr/bin/virsh start ${n1k_vsm::vsmname} \n unless=/usr/bin/virsh list --all | grep -c ' ${n1k_vsm::vsmname} .* running' \" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
Exec["Exec_create_disk"] -> File["File_Target_XML_File"] -> Exec["Exec_Create_VSM"] -> Exec["Exec_Launch_VSM"]

manifests/init.pp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
class n1k_vsm(
$configureovs = false,
$physicalinterfaceforovs = 'enp1s0f0',
$consolepts = 2,
$role = 'primary',
$memory = 4096000,
$vcpu = 2,
$disksize = 4,
$n1kv_source = "puppet:///modules/n1k_vsm/vsm.iso",
$n1kv_version = "latest",
$imgfile = "/var/spool/vsm/${role}_repacked.iso"
$diskfile = "/var/spool/vsm/${role}_disk"
$Debug_Print = "/usr/bin/printf"
$Debug_Log = "/tmp/n1kv_vsm_puppet.log"
# Clean up debug log
file {"File_$Debug_Log":
path => $Debug_Log,
ensure => "absent",
include n1k_vsm::pkgprep_ovscfg
include n1k_vsm::vsmprep
include n1k_vsm::deploy
File["File_$Debug_Log"] -> Class['n1k_vsm::pkgprep_ovscfg'] -> Class['n1k_vsm::vsmprep'] -> Class['n1k_vsm::deploy']

manifests/pkgprep_ovscfg.pp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
class n1k_vsm::pkgprep_ovscfg {
# Definition of sync points
$Sync_Point_KVM = "##SYNC_POINT_KVM"
$Sync_Point_Virsh_Network = "##SYNC_POINT_VIRSH_NETWORK"
case "$::osfamily" {
"RedHat": {
# Order indepedent resources
service {"Service_network":
name => "network",
ensure => "running",
restart => "/sbin/service network restart || /bin/true",
exec {"Debug_Service_network":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Service_network\n name=network\n ensure=running\n enable=true\n restart=/sbin/service network restart\n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
# VSM dependent packages installation section
# Eng note
# cwchang: Ideally we should have either of this logic
# 1. Have an iteration thru the package list in the $pkgs.each ...
# Somehow this syntax needs to turn on future parser by document
# 2. package resource should be able to run a name list
# Neither one works. We go for rudimentary one-by-one here for now.
# Pitfalls observed:
# 1. We cannot reassign variables for some reason
# 2. We cannot leave spaces in name
# qemu-kvm-rhev
package {"Package_qemu-kvm":
name => "qemu-kvm",
ensure => "installed",
before => Notify["$Sync_Point_KVM"],
exec {"Debug_Package_qemu-kvm":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Package_qemu-kvm \n name=qemu-kvm \n ensure=installed\n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
package {"Package_virt-viewer":
name => "virt-viewer",
ensure => "installed",
before => Notify["$Sync_Point_KVM"],
exec {"Debug_Package_virt-viewer":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Package_virt-viewer \n name=virt-viewer \n ensure=installed \n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
package {"Package_virt-manager":
name => "virt-manager",
ensure => "installed",
before => Notify["$Sync_Point_KVM"],
exec {"Debug_Package_virt-manager":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Package_virt-manager \n name=virt-manager \n ensure=installed\n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
package {"Package_libvirt":
name => "libvirt",
ensure => "installed",
before => Notify["$Sync_Point_KVM"],
exec {"Debug_Package_libvirt":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Package_libvirt \n name=libvirt \n ensure=installed\n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
package {"Package_libvirt-python":
name => "libvirt-python",
ensure => "installed",
before => Notify["$Sync_Point_KVM"],
exec {"Debug_Package_libvirt-python":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Package_libvirt-python \n name=libvirt-python \n ensure=installed\n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
#package {"Package_python-virtinst":
# name => "python-virtinst",
# ensure => "installed",
# before => Notify["$Sync_Point_KVM"],
#exec {"Debug_Package_python-virtinst":
# command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Package_python-virtinst \n name=python-virtinst \n ensure=installed \n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
#package {"Package_genisoimage":
# name => "genisoimage",
# ensure => "installed",
# before => Notify["$Sync_Point_KVM"],
#exec {"Debug_Package_genisoimage":
# command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Package_genisoimage \n name=genisoimage \n ensure=installed \n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
package {"Package_ebtables":
name => "ebtables",
#ensure => "purged",
ensure => "installed",
before => Notify["$Sync_Point_KVM"],
exec {"Debug_Package_ebtables":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Package_ebtables \n name=ebtables \n ensure=purged \n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
service {"Service_libvirtd":
name => "libvirtd",
ensure => "running",
exec {"Debug_Service_libvirtd":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Service_libvirtd\n name=libvirtd \n ensure=running \n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
# Virsh network exec configuration section
exec {"Exec_removenet":
command => "/usr/bin/virsh net-destroy default || /bin/true",
unless => "/usr/bin/virsh net-info default | /bin/grep -c 'Active: .* no'",
before => Notify["$Sync_Point_Virsh_Network"],
exec {"Debug_Exec_removenet":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Exec_removenet \n command=/usr/bin/virsh net-destroy default || /bin/true \n unless=/usr/bin/virsh net-info default | /bin/grep -c 'Active: .* no'\n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
exec {"Exec_disableautostart":
command => "/usr/bin/virsh net-autostart --disable default || /bin/true",
unless => "/usr/bin/virsh net-info default | /bin/grep -c 'Autostart: .* no'",
before => Notify["$Sync_Point_Virsh_Network"],
exec {"Debug_Exec_disableautostart":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Exec_disableautostart' \n command=/usr/bin/virsh net-autostart --disable default || /bin/true \n unless /usr/bin/virsh net-info default | grep -c 'Autostart: .* no'\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
package {"Package_openvswitch":
name => "openvswitch",
ensure => "installed",
exec {"Debug_Package_openvswitch":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Package_openvswitch \n name=openvswitch \n ensure=installed\n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
# bring up OVS and perform interface configuration
service {"Service_openvswitch":
name => "openvswitch",
ensure => "running",
enable => "true",
exec {"Debug_Service_openvswitch":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Service_openvswitch \n name=openvswitch \n ensure=running \n enable=true\n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
exec {"Exec_AddOvsBr":
command => "/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl -- --may-exist add-br $n1k_vsm::ovsbridge",
exec {"Debug_Exec_AddOvsBr":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Exec_AddOvsBr \n command=/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl -- --may-exist add-br $n1k_vsm::ovsbridge \n \" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
# Modify Ovs bridge inteface configuation file
augeas {"Augeas_modify_ifcfg-ovsbridge":
name => "$n1k_vsm::ovsbridge",
context => "/files/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$n1k_vsm::ovsbridge",
changes => [
"set DEVICE $n1k_vsm::ovsbridge",
"set BOOTPROTO none",
"set IPADDR $n1k_vsm::nodeip",
"set NETMASK $n1k_vsm::nodenetmask",
"set ONBOOT yes",
"set TYPE OVSBridge",
"set DEVICETYPE ovs",
notify => Service["Service_network"],
exec {"Debug_Augeas_modify_ifcfg-ovsbridge":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Augeas_modify_ifcfg-$n1k_vsm::ovsbridge \n name=$n1k_vsm::ovsbridge \n context=/files/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$n1k_vsm::ovsbridge \n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
# Modify Physical Interface config file
augeas {"Augeas_modify_ifcfg-physicalinterfaceforovs":
name => "$n1k_vsm::physicalinterfaceforovs",
context => "/files/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$n1k_vsm::physicalinterfaceforovs",
changes => [
"set ONBOOT yes",
"set BOOTPROTO none",
"set TYPE OVSPort",
"set DEVICETYPE ovs",
"set OVS_BRIDGE $n1k_vsm::ovsbridge",
"rm IPADDR",
exec {"Debug_Augeas_modify_ifcfg-physicalinterfaceforovs":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Augeas_modify_ifcfg-physicalinterfaceforovs \n name=$n1k_vsm::physicalinterfaceforovs \n context=/files/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$n1k_vsm::physicalinterfaceforovs\n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
# Move physical port around from host bridge if any, to ovs bridge
#exec {"Exec_phy_bridge":
# command => "/usr/sbin/brctl show | /bin/grep $intf | /bin/sed 's/[\t ].*//' > $phy_bridge",
#exec {"Debug_Exec_phy_bridge":
# command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Exec_phy_bridge \n /usr/sbin/brctl show | /bin/grep $intf | /bin/sed 's/[\t ].*//' > $phy_bridge \n \" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
exec {"Exec_rebridge":
#command => "/usr/bin/test -s $phy_bridge && /usr/sbin/brctl delif \$(cat $phy_bridge) $intf || /bin/true; /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl -- --may-exist add-port $n1k_vsm::ovsbridge $intf",
command => "/usr/bin/ovs-vsctl -- --may-exist add-port $n1k_vsm::ovsbridge $intf",
#notify => Service["Service_network"],
exec {"Debug_Exec_rebridge":
#command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Exec_rebridge \n /usr/bin/test -s $phy_bridge && /usr/sbin/brctl delif \$(cat $phy_bridge) $intf || /bin/true; /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl -- --may-exist add-port $n1k_vsm::ovsbridge $intf; /bin/rm -f $phy_bridge \n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Exec_rebridge \n /usr/bin/ovs-vsctl -- --may-exist add-port $n1k_vsm::ovsbridge $intf \n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
# Order enforcement logic
#Notify["$Sync_Point_KVM"] -> Service["Service_libvirtd"] -> Notify["$Sync_Point_Virsh_Network"] -> Package["Package_openvswitch"] -> Service["Service_openvswitch"] -> Exec["Exec_AddOvsBr"]->Augeas["Augeas_modify_ifcfg-ovsbridge"]->Augeas["Augeas_modify_ifcfg-physicalinterfaceforovs"]->Exec["Exec_phy_bridge"]->Exec["Exec_rebridge"]
Notify["$Sync_Point_KVM"] -> Service["Service_libvirtd"] -> Notify["$Sync_Point_Virsh_Network"] -> Package["Package_openvswitch"] -> Service["Service_openvswitch"] -> Exec["Exec_AddOvsBr"]->Augeas["Augeas_modify_ifcfg-ovsbridge"]->Augeas["Augeas_modify_ifcfg-physicalinterfaceforovs"]->Exec["Exec_rebridge"]
"Ubuntu": {
default: {
# bail out for unsupported OS
fail("<Error>: os[$os] is not supported")

manifests/vsmprep.pp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
class n1k_vsm::vsmprep {
include 'stdlib'
# VSM package source parsing logic
$source = $n1k_vsm::n1kv_source
$source_method = regsubst($source, "^(.+):.*", '\1')
$dest = inline_template('<%= File.basename(source) %>')
# prepare vsm spool folder
file {"File_VSM_Spool_Dir":
path => "$VSM_Spool_Dir",
ensure => "directory",
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => "664",
exec {"Debug_File_VSM_Spool_Dir":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n File_VSM_Spool_Dir\n path=$VSM_Spool_Dir \n ensure=directory \n owner=root \n group=root \n mode=664 \n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
case "$source_method" {
"http": {
yumrepo {"http-cisco-foreman":
baseurl => "$n1k_vsm::n1kv_source",
descr => "Internal repo for Foreman",
enabled => "1",
gpgcheck => "1",
proxy => "_none_",
gpgkey => "${n1k_vsm::n1kv_source}/RPM-GPG-KEY",
package {"Package_VSM":
name => "$VSM_PKG_NAME",
ensure => "${n1k_vsm::n1kv_version}",
exec {"Copy_VSM":
command => "/bin/cp $VSM_RPM_Install_Dir/*.iso $VSM_Spool_Dir/$VSM_ISO",
before => Notify["$VSM_Bin_Prepare_Sync_Point"],
exec {"Debug-http-cisco-os and Package_VSM":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Debug-http-cisco-os and Package_VSM \n baseurl=$n1k_vsm::n1kv_source \n descr=>Internal repo for Foreman \n enabled = 1 \n gpgcheck=1 \n gpgkey => $n1kv_source::n1kv_source/RPM-GPG-KEY\n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
"ftp": {
package {"ftp":
name => "ftp",
ensure => "installed",
yumrepo {"ftp-cisco-foreman":
baseurl => "$n1k_vsm::n1kv_source",
descr => "Internal repo for Foreman",
enabled => "1",
gpgcheck => "1",
proxy => "_none_",
gpgkey => "${n1k_vsm::n1kv_source}/RPM-GPG-KEY",
package {"Package_VSM":
name => "$VSM_PKG_NAME",
ensure => "${n1k_vsm::n1kv_version}",
exec {"Copy_VSM":
command => "/bin/cp $VSM_RPM_Install_Dir/*.iso $VSM_Spool_Dir/$VSM_ISO",
before => Notify["$VSM_Bin_Prepare_Sync_Point"],
exec {"Debug-ftp-cisco-os and Package_VSM":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Debug-ftp-cisco-os and Package_VSM \n baseurl=$n1k_vsm::n1kv_source \n descr=>Internal repo for Foreman \n enabled = 1 \n gpgcheck=1 \n gpgkey => $n1kv_source::n1kv_source/RPM-GPG-KEY\n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
"puppet": {
# make sure the file does not exist
exec {"File_VSM_Bin_Remove":
command => "/bin/rm -f $VSM_DEST || /bin/true",
before => Notify["$VSM_Bin_Prepare_Sync_Point"],
file {"File_VSM_Bin_Prepare":
path => "$VSM_DEST",
ensure => "present",
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => "664",
source => "$n1k_vsm::n1kv_source",
before => Notify["$VSM_Bin_Prepare_Sync_Point"],
exec {"Exec_RPM_TO_ISO":
# If it's an RPM, we do a local rpm installation ..."
command => "/bin/rpm -i --force $VSM_DEST && /bin/cp $VSM_RPM_Install_Dir/*.iso $VSM_Spool_Dir/$VSM_ISO",
unless => "/usr/bin/file $VSM_DEST | /bin/grep -c ' ISO '",
before => Notify["$VSM_Bin_Prepare_Sync_Point"],
exec {"Debug_File_VSM_Bin_Prepare_Exec_RPM_TO_ISO":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Debug_File_VSM_Bin_Prepare_Exec_RPM_TO_ISO \n path=$VSM_DEST \n ensure=directory \n owner=root\n group=root\n mode=664\n source=$n1k_vsm::n1kv_source\n \" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
default: {
fail("<Error>: Unknown sourcing method [$source_method] is not supported")
notify {"$VSM_Bin_Prepare_Sync_Point":}
# copy to local place
file {"File_VSM_Repackage_Script_Name":
path => "$VSM_Repackage_Script",
ensure => "present",
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => "774",
source => "puppet:///modules/n1k_vsm/$VSM_Repackage_Script_Name",
exec {"Debug_File_VSM_Repackage_Script_Name":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Debug_VSM_Repackage_Script_Name \n path=$VSM_Repackage_Script \n ensure=present \n owner=root \n group=root \n mode=774\n source=puppet:///modules/n1k_vsm/$VSM_REPACKAGE_SCRIPT_NAME \n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
# Now generate ovf xml file and repackage the iso
exec {"Exec_VSM_Repackage_Script_Name":
command => "${VSM_Repackage_Script} -i$VSM_Spool_Dir/$VSM_ISO -d${n1k_vsm::domainid} -n${n1k_vsm::vsmname} -m${n1k_vsm::mgmtip} -s${n1k_vsm::mgmtnetmask} -g${n1k_vsm::mgmtgateway} -p${n1k_vsm::adminpasswd} -r${n1k_vsm::role} -f${VSM_Spool_Dir}/${n1k_vsm::role}_repacked.iso >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}",
exec {"Debug_Exec_VSM_Repackage_Script_Name":
command => "${n1k_vsm::Debug_Print} \"[INFO]\n Exec_VSM_Repackage_Script_Name\n command=$VSM_Repackage_Script -i$VSM_ISO -d${n1k_vsm::domainid} -n${n1k_vsm::vsmname} -m${n1k_vsm::mgmtip} -s${n1k_vsm::mgmtnetmask} -g${n1k_vsm::mgmtgateway} -p${n1k_vsm::adminpasswd} -r${n1k_vsm::role} -f${VSM_Spool_Dir}/${n1k_vsm::role}_repacked.iso \n\" >> ${n1k_vsm::Debug_Log}"
File["File_VSM_Spool_Dir"]-> Notify["$VSM_Bin_Prepare_Sync_Point"]->File["File_VSM_Repackage_Script_Name"]->Exec["Exec_VSM_Repackage_Script_Name"]

templates/vsm_vm.xml.erb Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
<domain type='kvm' >
<name><%= scope.lookupvar('n1k_vsm::vsmname') %></name>
<memory unit='KiB'><%= scope.lookupvar('n1k_vsm::memory') %></memory>
<vcpu placement='static'> <%= scope.lookupvar('n1k_vsm::vcpu') %></vcpu>
<type arch='x86_64' machine='rhel6.5.0'>hvm</type>
<boot dev='hd'/>
<boot dev='cdrom'/>
<features> <acpi/> <apic/> <pae/> </features>
<clock offset='localtime'/>
<disk type='file' device='disk'>
<driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
<source file='<%= scope.lookupvar('n1k_vsm::diskfile') %>'/>
<target dev='hda' bus='ide'/>
<disk type='file' device='cdrom'>
<driver name='qemu' type='raw'/>
<source file='<%= scope.lookupvar('n1k_vsm::imgfile') %>'/>
<target dev='hdb' bus='ide'/>
<controller type='ide' index='0'>
<alias name='ide0'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x1'/>
<interface type='bridge'>
<mac address='<%= @ctrlmac %>'/>
<source bridge='<%= @ctrlbridge %>'/>
<virtualport type='openvswitch' />
<target dev='<%= @ctrltap %>'/>
<model type='e1000'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>
<interface type='bridge'>
<mac address='<%= @mgmtmac %>'/>
<source bridge='<%= @mgmtbridge %>'/>
<virtualport type='openvswitch' />
<target dev='<%= @mgmttap %>'/>
<model type='e1000'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x0'/>
<interface type='bridge'>
<mac address='<%= @pktmac %>'/>
<source bridge='<%= @pktbridge %>'/>
<virtualport type='openvswitch' />
<target dev='<%= @pkttap %>'/>
<model type='e1000'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x0'/>
<input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>
<graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes' listen='' keymap='en-us'>
<listen type='address' address=''/>
<model type='cirrus' vram='9216' heads='1'/>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>
<memballoon model='virtio'>
<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>
<console type='pty' tty='/dev/pts/<%= scope.lookupvar('n1k_vsm::consolepts') %>'>
<source path='/dev/pts/<%= scope.lookupvar('n1k_vsm::consolepts') %>'/>
<target port='0'/>