
124 lines
4.4 KiB

# == Class: n1k_vsm
# Deploy N1KV VSM as a VM on RHEL7 server.
# Support exists and tested for RedHat.
# (For Ubuntu/Debian platforms few changes and testing pending.)
# == Parameters:
# [*phy_if_bridge*]
# (required) Physical interface that will be moved to the bridge for mgmt trafic
# [*phy_gateway*]
# (required) Default gateway for the mgmt network
# [*vsm_role*]
# (required) Role (standalone/primary/secondary) of the Nexus1000v VSM
# [*vsm_domain_id*]
# (required) Domain id of the Nexus1000v VSM
# [*vsm_admin_passwd*]
# (required) Password of admin user on the Nexus1000v VSM
# [*vsm_mgmt_ip*]
# (required) IP of the management interface on the Nexus1000v VSM
# [*vsm_mgmt_netmask*]
# (required) IP netmask of the management interface of the Nexus1000v VSM
# [*vsm_mgmt_gateway*]
# (required) IP of the default gateway for the management interface of the Nexus1000v VSM
# [*n1kv_source*]
# (required) Location where to get the Nexus1000v VSM ISO/RPM package
# [*n1kv_version*]
# (required) Version of the Nexus1000v VSM
# [*pacemaker_control*]
# (optional) Set to determine if pacemaker will control the VSM. If true will deploy both
# primary and secondary VSMs on all nodes and will not start VSM. Defaults to false and
# thus is optional unless this functionality is being used.
# [*existing_bridge*]
# (required) If VSM should be installed behind an existing bridge, this should be set to
# true and the bridge name should be provided in phy_if_bridge.
# [*vsm_mac_base*]
# (optional) If set, provides randomization for the MAC addresses for the VSM VM(s).
# Should be a (random) hexadecimal number of at least 7 digits (more is fine).
class n1k_vsm(
$n1kv_source = '',
$n1kv_version = 'latest',
$phy_if_bridge = 'enp1s0f0',
$vsm_role = 'primary',
$pacemaker_control = false,
$existing_bridge = false,
$vsm_mac_base = ''
) {
if($::osfamily != 'Redhat') {
#current support exists for Redhat family.
#Support for Debian will be added soon.
fail("Unsupported osfamily ${::osfamily}")
# Ensure role is set to primary for pacemaker controlled deployment
# Additionally setup the extra variables for the secondary VSM
if ($n1k_vsm::pacemaker_control) {
$vsm_role_s = 'secondary'
$vsmname_s = 'vsm-s'
$imgfile_s = "/var/spool/cisco/vsm/${vsm_role_s}_repacked.iso"
$diskfile_s = "/var/spool/cisco/vsm/${vsm_role_s}_disk"
if ($n1k_vsm::vsm_role == 'primary') or ($n1k_vsm::vsm_role == 'standalone') {
$vsmname = 'vsm-p'
$mgmtip = $vsm_mgmt_ip
$mgmtnetmask = $vsm_mgmt_netmask
$mgmtgateway = $vsm_mgmt_gateway
} else { # secondary
$vsmname = 'vsm-s'
$mgmtip = ''
$mgmtnetmask = ''
$mgmtgateway = ''
$consolepts = 2
$memory = 4096000
$vcpu = 2
$disksize = 4
$imgfile = "/var/spool/cisco/vsm/${n1k_vsm::vsm_role}_repacked.iso"
$diskfile = "/var/spool/cisco/vsm/${n1k_vsm::vsm_role}_disk"
#Set bridge name properly
$ovsbridge = 'vsm-br'
#VSM installation will be done only once. Will not respond to puppet sync
$_phy_if_bridge = regsubst($n1k_vsm::phy_if_bridge, '[.:-]+', '_', 'G')
$_phy_ip_addr = inline_template("<%= scope.lookupvar('::ipaddress_${_phy_if_bridge}') %>")
if $_phy_ip_addr != '' {
$phy_ip_addr = inline_template("<%= scope.lookupvar('::ipaddress_${_phy_if_bridge}') %>")
$phy_ip_mask = inline_template("<%= scope.lookupvar('::netmask_${_phy_if_bridge}') %>")
$gw_intf = $n1k_vsm::phy_gateway
include ::n1k_vsm::pkgprep_ovscfg
notify {"Arg: intf ${phy_if_bridge} vsm_role ${vsm_role} domainid ${vsm_domain_id}" : withpath => true}
notify {"ip ${phy_ip_addr} mask ${phy_ip_mask} gw ${n1k_vsm::phy_gateway}" : withpath => true}
notify {"gw_dv ${gw_intf} ovs ${ovsbridge} vsmname ${n1k_vsm::vsmname}" : withpath => true}
notify {"mgmtip ${n1k_vsm::mgmtip} vsm_mask ${n1k_vsm::mgmtnetmask} vsm_gw ${n1k_vsm::mgmtgateway}": withpath => false}
include ::n1k_vsm::vsmprep
include ::n1k_vsm::deploy
Class['n1k_vsm::vsmprep'] -> Class['n1k_vsm::deploy']