
659 lines
26 KiB

# Copyright 2013 Rackspace Hosting Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import netaddr
from neutron.extensions import securitygroup as sg_ext
from neutron import quota
from neutron_lib import exceptions as n_exc
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
from quark.db import api as db_api
from quark.drivers import registry
from quark.environment import Capabilities
from quark import exceptions as q_exc
from quark import ipam
from quark import network_strategy
from quark import plugin_views as v
from quark import tags
from quark import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
STRATEGY = network_strategy.STRATEGY
# HACK(amir): RM9305: do not allow a tenant to associate a network to a port
# that does not belong to them unless it is publicnet or servicenet
# NOTE(blogan): allow advanced services, such as lbaas, the ability
# to associate a network to a port that does not belong to them
def _raise_if_unauthorized(context, net):
if (not STRATEGY.is_provider_network(net["id"]) and
net["tenant_id"] != context.tenant_id and
not context.is_advsvc):
raise n_exc.NotAuthorized()
def _get_net_driver(network, port=None):
port_driver = None
if port and port.get("network_plugin"):
port_driver = port.get("network_plugin")
return registry.DRIVER_REGISTRY.get_driver(
network["network_plugin"], port_driver=port_driver)
except Exception as e:
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource="ports",
msg="invalid network_plugin: %s" % e)
def _get_ipam_driver(network, port=None):
network_id = network["id"]
network_strategy = network["ipam_strategy"]
# Ask the net driver for a IPAM strategy to use
# with the given network/default strategy.
net_driver = _get_net_driver(network, port=port)
strategy = net_driver.select_ipam_strategy(
network_id, network_strategy)
# If the driver has no opinion about which strategy to use,
# we use the one specified by the network.
if not strategy:
strategy = network_strategy
return ipam.IPAM_REGISTRY.get_strategy(strategy)
except Exception as e:
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource="ports",
msg="invalid ipam_strategy: %s" % e)
# NOTE(morgabra) Backend driver operations return a lot of stuff. We use a
# small subset of this data, so we filter out things we don't care about
# so we can avoid any collisions with real port data.
def _filter_backend_port(backend_port):
# Collect a list of allowed keys in the driver response
required_keys = ["uuid", "bridge"]
tag_keys = [tag for tag in PORT_TAG_REGISTRY.tags.keys()]
allowed_keys = required_keys + tag_keys
for k in backend_port.keys():
if k not in allowed_keys:
del backend_port[k]
def split_and_validate_requested_subnets(context, net_id, segment_id,
subnets = []
ip_addresses = {}
for fixed_ip in fixed_ips:
subnet_id = fixed_ip.get("subnet_id")
ip_address = fixed_ip.get("ip_address")
if not subnet_id:
raise n_exc.BadRequest(resource="fixed_ips",
msg="subnet_id required")
if ip_address:
ip_addresses[ip_address] = subnet_id
subnets = ip_addresses.values() + subnets
sub_models = db_api.subnet_find(context, id=subnets, scope=db_api.ALL)
if len(sub_models) == 0:
raise n_exc.SubnetNotFound(subnet_id=subnets)
for s in sub_models:
if s["network_id"] != net_id:
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(
error_message="Requested subnet doesn't belong to requested "
if segment_id and segment_id != s["segment_id"]:
raise q_exc.AmbiguousNetworkId(net_id=net_id)
return ip_addresses, subnets
def create_port(context, port):
"""Create a port
Create a port which is a connection point of a device (e.g., a VM
NIC) to attach to a L2 Neutron network.
: param context: neutron api request context
: param port: dictionary describing the port, with keys
as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in
neutron/api/v2/attributes.py. All keys will be populated.
LOG.info("create_port for tenant %s" % context.tenant_id)
port_attrs = port["port"]
admin_only = ["mac_address", "device_owner", "bridge", "admin_state_up",
"use_forbidden_mac_range", "network_plugin",
utils.filter_body(context, port_attrs, admin_only=admin_only)
port_attrs = port["port"]
mac_address = utils.pop_param(port_attrs, "mac_address", None)
use_forbidden_mac_range = utils.pop_param(port_attrs,
"use_forbidden_mac_range", False)
segment_id = utils.pop_param(port_attrs, "segment_id")
fixed_ips = utils.pop_param(port_attrs, "fixed_ips")
if "device_id" not in port_attrs:
port_attrs['device_id'] = ""
device_id = port_attrs['device_id']
# NOTE(morgabra) This should be instance.node from nova, only needed
# for ironic_driver.
if "instance_node_id" not in port_attrs:
port_attrs['instance_node_id'] = ""
instance_node_id = port_attrs['instance_node_id']
net_id = port_attrs["network_id"]
port_id = uuidutils.generate_uuid()
net = db_api.network_find(context, None, None, None, False, id=net_id,
if not net:
raise n_exc.NetworkNotFound(net_id=net_id)
_raise_if_unauthorized(context, net)
# NOTE (Perkins): If a device_id is given, try to prevent multiple ports
# from being created for a device already attached to the network
if device_id:
existing_ports = db_api.port_find(context,
if existing_ports:
raise n_exc.BadRequest(
resource="port", msg="This device is already connected to the "
"requested network via another port")
# Try to fail early on quotas and save ourselves some db overhead
if fixed_ips:
quota.QUOTAS.limit_check(context, context.tenant_id,
if not STRATEGY.is_provider_network(net_id):
# We don't honor segmented networks when they aren't "shared"
segment_id = None
port_count = db_api.port_count_all(context, network_id=[net_id],
context, context.tenant_id,
ports_per_network=port_count + 1)
if not segment_id:
raise q_exc.AmbiguousNetworkId(net_id=net_id)
network_plugin = utils.pop_param(port_attrs, "network_plugin")
if not network_plugin:
network_plugin = net["network_plugin"]
port_attrs["network_plugin"] = network_plugin
ipam_driver = _get_ipam_driver(net, port=port_attrs)
net_driver = _get_net_driver(net, port=port_attrs)
# NOTE(morgabra) It's possible that we select a driver different than
# the one specified by the network. However, we still might need to use
# this for some operations, so we also fetch it and pass it along to
# the backend driver we are actually using.
base_net_driver = _get_net_driver(net)
# TODO(anyone): security groups are not currently supported on port create.
# Please see JIRA:NCP-801
security_groups = utils.pop_param(port_attrs, "security_groups")
if security_groups is not None:
raise q_exc.SecurityGroupsNotImplemented()
group_ids, security_groups = _make_security_group_list(context,
quota.QUOTAS.limit_check(context, context.tenant_id,
addresses = []
backend_port = None
with utils.CommandManager().execute() as cmd_mgr:
def _allocate_ips(fixed_ips, net, port_id, segment_id, mac,
if fixed_ips:
if (STRATEGY.is_provider_network(net_id) and
not context.is_admin):
raise n_exc.NotAuthorized()
ips, subnets = split_and_validate_requested_subnets(context,
kwargs["ip_addresses"] = ips
kwargs["subnets"] = subnets
context, addresses, net["id"], port_id,
CONF.QUARK.ipam_reuse_after, segment_id=segment_id,
mac_address=mac, **kwargs)
def _allocate_ips_undo(addr, **kwargs):
LOG.info("Rolling back IP addresses...")
if addresses:
for address in addresses:
with context.session.begin():
ipam_driver.deallocate_ip_address(context, address,
except Exception:
LOG.exception("Couldn't release IP %s" % address)
def _allocate_mac(net, port_id, mac_address,
mac = ipam_driver.allocate_mac_address(
context, net["id"], port_id, CONF.QUARK.ipam_reuse_after,
use_forbidden_mac_range=use_forbidden_mac_range, **kwargs)
return mac
def _allocate_mac_undo(mac, **kwargs):
LOG.info("Rolling back MAC address...")
if mac:
with context.session.begin():
except Exception:
LOG.exception("Couldn't release MAC %s" % mac)
def _allocate_backend_port(mac, addresses, net, port_id, **kwargs):
backend_port = net_driver.create_port(
context, net["id"],
return backend_port
def _allocate_back_port_undo(backend_port,
LOG.info("Rolling back backend port...")
backend_port_uuid = None
if backend_port:
backend_port_uuid = backend_port.get("uuid")
net_driver.delete_port(context, backend_port_uuid)
except Exception:
"Couldn't rollback backend port %s" % backend_port)
def _allocate_db_port(port_attrs, backend_port, addresses, mac,
port_attrs["network_id"] = net["id"]
port_attrs["id"] = port_id
port_attrs["security_groups"] = security_groups
LOG.info("Including extra plugin attrs: %s" % backend_port)
with context.session.begin():
new_port = db_api.port_create(
context, addresses=addresses, mac_address=mac["address"],
backend_key=backend_port["uuid"], **port_attrs)
return new_port
def _allocate_db_port_undo(new_port,
LOG.info("Rolling back database port...")
if not new_port:
with context.session.begin():
db_api.port_delete(context, new_port)
except Exception:
"Couldn't rollback db port %s" % backend_port)
# addresses, mac, backend_port, new_port
mac = _allocate_mac(net, port_id, mac_address,
_allocate_ips(fixed_ips, net, port_id, segment_id, mac)
backend_port = _allocate_backend_port(mac, addresses, net, port_id)
new_port = _allocate_db_port(port_attrs, backend_port, addresses, mac)
return v._make_port_dict(new_port)
def update_port(context, id, port):
"""Update values of a port.
: param context: neutron api request context
: param id: UUID representing the port to update.
: param port: dictionary with keys indicating fields to update.
valid keys are those that have a value of True for 'allow_put'
as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object in
LOG.info("update_port %s for tenant %s" % (id, context.tenant_id))
port_db = db_api.port_find(context, id=id, scope=db_api.ONE)
if not port_db:
raise n_exc.PortNotFound(port_id=id)
port_dict = port["port"]
fixed_ips = port_dict.pop("fixed_ips", None)
admin_only = ["mac_address", "device_owner", "bridge", "admin_state_up",
always_filter = ["network_id", "backend_key", "network_plugin"]
utils.filter_body(context, port_dict, admin_only=admin_only,
# Pre-check the requested fixed_ips before making too many db trips.
# Note that this is the only check we need, since this call replaces
# the entirety of the IP addresses document if fixed_ips are provided.
if fixed_ips:
quota.QUOTAS.limit_check(context, context.tenant_id,
new_security_groups = utils.pop_param(port_dict, "security_groups")
if new_security_groups is not None:
if (Capabilities.TENANT_NETWORK_SG not in
if not STRATEGY.is_provider_network(port_db["network_id"]):
raise q_exc.TenantNetworkSecurityGroupRulesNotEnabled()
if new_security_groups is not None and not port_db["device_id"]:
raise q_exc.SecurityGroupsRequireDevice()
group_ids, security_group_mods = _make_security_group_list(
context, new_security_groups)
quota.QUOTAS.limit_check(context, context.tenant_id,
if fixed_ips is not None:
# NOTE(mdietz): we want full control over IPAM since
# we're allocating by subnet instead of
# network.
ipam_driver = ipam.IPAM_REGISTRY.get_strategy(
addresses, subnet_ids = [], []
ip_addresses = {}
for fixed_ip in fixed_ips:
subnet_id = fixed_ip.get("subnet_id")
ip_address = fixed_ip.get("ip_address")
if not (subnet_id or ip_address):
raise n_exc.BadRequest(
msg="subnet_id or ip_address required")
if ip_address and not subnet_id:
raise n_exc.BadRequest(
msg="subnet_id required for ip_address allocation")
if subnet_id and ip_address:
ip_netaddr = None
ip_netaddr = netaddr.IPAddress(ip_address).ipv6()
except netaddr.AddrFormatError:
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(
error_message="Invalid format provided for ip_address")
ip_addresses[ip_netaddr] = subnet_id
port_ips = set([netaddr.IPAddress(int(a["address"]))
for a in port_db["ip_addresses"]])
new_ips = set([a for a in ip_addresses.keys()])
ips_to_allocate = list(new_ips - port_ips)
ips_to_deallocate = list(port_ips - new_ips)
for ip in ips_to_allocate:
if ip in ip_addresses:
# NOTE: Fix for RM10187 - we were losing the list of IPs if
# more than one IP was to be allocated. Track an
# aggregate list instead, and add it to the running total
# after each allocate
allocated = []
context, allocated, port_db["network_id"],
port_db["id"], reuse_after=None, ip_addresses=[ip],
for ip in ips_to_deallocate:
context, port_db, ip_address=ip)
for subnet_id in subnet_ids:
context, addresses, port_db["network_id"], port_db["id"],
# Need to return all existing addresses and the new ones
if addresses:
port_dict["addresses"] = port_db["ip_addresses"]
# NOTE(morgabra) Updating network_plugin on port objects is explicitly
# disallowed in the api, so we use whatever exists in the db.
net_driver = _get_net_driver(port_db.network, port=port_db)
base_net_driver = _get_net_driver(port_db.network)
# TODO(anyone): What do we want to have happen here if this fails? Is it
# ok to continue to keep the IPs but fail to apply security
# groups? Is there a clean way to have a multi-status? Since
# we're in a beta-y status, I'm going to let this sit for
# a future patch where we have time to solve it well.
kwargs = {}
if new_security_groups is not None:
kwargs["security_groups"] = security_group_mods
net_driver.update_port(context, port_id=port_db["backend_key"],
port_dict["security_groups"] = security_group_mods
with context.session.begin():
port = db_api.port_update(context, port_db, **port_dict)
# NOTE(mdietz): fix for issue 112, we wanted the IPs to be in
# allocated_at order, so get a fresh object every time
if port_db in context.session:
port_db = db_api.port_find(context, id=id, scope=db_api.ONE)
return v._make_port_dict(port_db)
def get_port(context, id, fields=None):
"""Retrieve a port.
: param context: neutron api request context
: param id: UUID representing the port to fetch.
: param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
port dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
object in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
will be returned.
LOG.info("get_port %s for tenant %s fields %s" %
(id, context.tenant_id, fields))
results = db_api.port_find(context, id=id, fields=fields,
if not results:
raise n_exc.PortNotFound(port_id=id)
return v._make_port_dict(results)
def get_ports(context, limit=None, sorts=None, marker=None, page_reverse=False,
filters=None, fields=None):
"""Retrieve a list of ports.
The contents of the list depends on the identity of the user
making the request (as indicated by the context) as well as any
: param context: neutron api request context
: param filters: a dictionary with keys that are valid keys for
a port as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object
in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py. Values in this dictionary
are an iterable containing values that will be used for an exact
match comparison for that value. Each result returned by this
function will have matched one of the values for each key in
: param fields: a list of strings that are valid keys in a
port dictionary as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP
object in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py. Only these fields
will be returned.
LOG.info("get_ports for tenant %s filters %s fields %s" %
(context.tenant_id, filters, fields))
if filters is None:
filters = {}
if "ip_address" in filters:
if not context.is_admin:
raise n_exc.NotAuthorized()
ips = []
ips = [netaddr.IPAddress(ip) for ip in filters.pop("ip_address")]
except netaddr.AddrFormatError:
raise n_exc.InvalidInput(
error_message="Invalid format provided for ip_address")
query = db_api.port_find_by_ip_address(context, ip_address=ips,
scope=db_api.ALL, **filters)
ports = []
for ip in query:
ports = db_api.port_find(context, limit, sorts, marker,
fields=fields, join_security_groups=True,
return v._make_ports_list(ports, fields)
def get_ports_count(context, filters=None):
"""Return the number of ports.
The result depends on the identity of the user making the request
(as indicated by the context) as well as any filters.
: param context: neutron api request context
: param filters: a dictionary with keys that are valid keys for
a port as listed in the RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP object
in neutron/api/v2/attributes.py. Values in this dictionary
are an iterable containing values that will be used for an exact
match comparison for that value. Each result returned by this
function will have matched one of the values for each key in
NOTE: this method is optional, as it was not part of the originally
defined plugin API.
LOG.info("get_ports_count for tenant %s filters %s" %
(context.tenant_id, filters))
return db_api.port_count_all(context, join_security_groups=True, **filters)
def delete_port(context, id):
"""Delete a port.
: param context: neutron api request context
: param id: UUID representing the port to delete.
LOG.info("delete_port %s for tenant %s" % (id, context.tenant_id))
port = db_api.port_find(context, id=id, scope=db_api.ONE)
if not port:
raise n_exc.PortNotFound(port_id=id)
if 'device_id' in port: # false is weird, but ignore that
LOG.info("delete_port %s for tenant %s has device %s" %
(id, context.tenant_id, port['device_id']))
backend_key = port["backend_key"]
mac_address = netaddr.EUI(port["mac_address"]).value
ipam_driver = _get_ipam_driver(port["network"], port=port)
ipam_driver.deallocate_mac_address(context, mac_address)
context, port, ipam_reuse_after=CONF.QUARK.ipam_reuse_after)
net_driver = _get_net_driver(port["network"], port=port)
base_net_driver = _get_net_driver(port["network"])
net_driver.delete_port(context, backend_key, device_id=port["device_id"],
with context.session.begin():
db_api.port_delete(context, port)
def _diag_port(context, port, fields):
p = v._make_port_dict(port)
net_driver = _get_net_driver(port.network, port=port)
if 'config' in fields:
context, port["backend_key"], get_status='status' in fields))
return p
def diagnose_port(context, id, fields):
if not context.is_admin:
raise n_exc.NotAuthorized()
if id == "*":
return {'ports': [_diag_port(context, port, fields) for
port in db_api.port_find(context).all()]}
db_port = db_api.port_find(context, id=id, scope=db_api.ONE)
if not db_port:
raise n_exc.PortNotFound(port_id=id)
port = _diag_port(context, db_port, fields)
return {'ports': port}
def _make_security_group_list(context, group_ids):
if not group_ids or not utils.attr_specified(group_ids):
return ([], [])
group_ids = list(set(group_ids))
groups = []
for gid in group_ids:
group = db_api.security_group_find(context, id=gid,
if not group:
raise sg_ext.SecurityGroupNotFound(id=gid)
return (group_ids, groups)