"""Pump simulated OpenStack notificationss into RabbitMQ. You need to install rabbitqm-server and pip install librabbitmq pip install --pre notabene pip install --pre notification_utils """ import datetime from notabene import kombu_driver as driver import notification_utils import notigen connection = driver.create_connection("localhost", 5672, 'guest', 'guest', "librabbitmq", "/") exchange = driver.create_exchange("monitor", "topic") queue_name = "monitor.info" queue = driver.create_queue(queue_name, exchange, queue_name, channel=connection.channel()) queue.declare() g = notigen.EventGenerator(1000) # Number of operations per minute now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() start = now nevents = 0 while nevents < 10000: e = g.generate(now) if e: nevents += len(e) for event in e: driver.send_notification(event, queue_name, connection, exchange) print nevents, event['when'], event['event_type'] now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()