
329 lines
12 KiB

import logging
import threading
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
from oslo_config import cfg
from synergy.common.manager import Manager
__author__ = "Lisa Zangrando"
__email__ = "lisa.zangrando[AT]"
__copyright__ = """Copyright (c) 2015 INFN - INDIGO-DataCloud
All Rights Reserved
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the
License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
either express or implied.
See the License for the specific language governing
permissions and limitations under the License."""
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FairShareManager(Manager):
def __init__(self):
super(FairShareManager, self).__init__("FairShareManager")
self.config_opts = [
cfg.IntOpt('periods', default=3),
cfg.IntOpt('period_length', default=7),
cfg.FloatOpt('default_share', default=10.0),
cfg.FloatOpt('decay_weight', default=0.5,
help="the decay weight (float value [0,1])"),
cfg.IntOpt('age_weight', default=10, help="the age weight"),
cfg.IntOpt('vcpus_weight', default=100, help="the vcpus weight"),
cfg.IntOpt('memory_weight', default=70, help="the memory weight")
def setup(self):
if self.getManager("NovaManager") is None:
raise Exception("NovaManager not found!")
if self.getManager("QueueManager") is None:
raise Exception("QueueManager not found!")
if self.getManager("QuotaManager") is None:
raise Exception("QuotaManager not found!")
if self.getManager("KeystoneManager") is None:
raise Exception("KeystoneManager not found!")
self.periods = CONF.FairShareManager.periods
self.period_length = CONF.FairShareManager.period_length
self.default_share = float(CONF.FairShareManager.default_share)
self.decay_weight = CONF.FairShareManager.decay_weight
self.vcpus_weight = CONF.FairShareManager.vcpus_weight
self.age_weight = CONF.FairShareManager.age_weight
self.memory_weight = CONF.FairShareManager.memory_weight
self.projects = {}
self.workers = []
self.exit = False
self.nova_manager = self.getManager("NovaManager")
self.queue_manager = self.getManager("QueueManager")
self.quota_manager = self.getManager("QuotaManager")
self.keystone_manager = self.getManager("KeystoneManager")
self.fs_condition = threading.Condition()
if self.decay_weight < 0:
self.decay_weight = float(0)
elif self.decay_weight > 1:
self.decay_weight = float(1)
def execute(self, command, *args, **kargs):
if command == "ADD_PROJECT":
return self.addProject(*args, **kargs)
elif command == "GET_PROJECT":
return self.getProject(*args, **kargs)
elif command == "GET_PROJECTS":
return self.getProjects()
elif command == "REMOVE_PROJECT":
return self.removeProject(*args, **kargs)
elif command == "GET_PRIORITY":
result = {}
for prj_id, project in self.projects.items():
users = {}
for user_id, user in project["users"].items():
p = self.calculatePriority(user_id=user_id, prj_id=prj_id)
users[user["name"]] = p
result[project["name"]] = users
return result
elif command == "CALCULATE_PRIORITY":
return self.calculatePriority(*args, **kargs)
elif command == "CALCULATE_FAIRSHARE":
return self.calculateFairShare(*args, **kargs)
raise Exception("command=%r not supported!" % command)
def task(self):
with self.fs_condition:
except Exception as ex:
raise ex
def destroy(self):
def calculatePriority(self, user_id, prj_id, timestamp=None, retry=0):
if prj_id not in self.projects:
raise Exception("project=%s not found!" % prj_id)
user = self.projects[prj_id].getUser(id=user_id)
if not user:
raise Exception("user=%s not found!" % user_id)
priority = user.getPriority()
fairshare_vcpus = priority.getFairShare("vcpus")
fairshare_memory = priority.getFairShare("memory")
if not timestamp:
timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
now = datetime.utcnow()
diff = (now - timestamp)
minutes = diff.seconds / 60
priority = (float(self.age_weight) * minutes +
float(self.vcpus_weight) * fairshare_vcpus +
float(self.memory_weight) * fairshare_memory -
float(self.age_weight) * retry)
return int(priority)
def addProject(self, project):
if self.projects.get(project.getId(), None):
raise Exception("project %r already exists!" % (project.getId()))
prj_share = project.getShare()
if prj_share.getValue() == 0:
self.projects[project.getId()] = project
def getProject(self, prj_id):
if prj_id not in self.projects:
raise Exception("project name=%r not found!" % prj_id)
return self.projects.get(prj_id, None)
def getProjects(self):
return self.projects
def removeProject(self, prj_id):
if prj_id in self.projects:
with self.fs_condition:
del self.projects[prj_id]
def calculateFairShare(self):
if not self.projects:
total_prj_share = float(0)
total_memory = float(0)
total_vcpus = float(0)
to_date = datetime.utcnow()
time_window_from_date = to_date
time_window_to_date = to_date
for prj_id, project in self.projects.items():
for user in project.getUsers():
data = user.getData()
data["vcpus"] = float(0)
data["memory"] = float(0)
for period in xrange(self.periods):
decay = self.decay_weight ** period
from_date = to_date - timedelta(days=(self.period_length))
time_window_from_date = from_date
for prj_id, project in self.projects.items():
usages = self.nova_manager.getProjectUsage(
prj_id, from_date, to_date)
for user_id, usage_rec in usages.items():
decay_vcpus = decay * usage_rec["vcpus"]
decay_memory = decay * usage_rec["memory"]
user = project.getUser(id=user_id)
if user:
data = user.getData()
data["vcpus"] += decay_vcpus
data["memory"] += decay_memory
total_vcpus += decay_vcpus
total_memory += decay_memory
to_date = from_date
for project in self.projects.values():
prj_share = project.getShare()
if prj_share.getValue() == 0:
# check the share for each user and update the usage_record
sibling_share = float(0)
for user in project.getUsers():
user_share = user.getShare()
if user_share.getValue() == 0:
if len(project.getUsers()) == 1:
sibling_share = prj_share.getValue()
sibling_share += user_share.getValue()
for user in project.getUsers():
user_share = user.getShare()
total_prj_share += prj_share.getValue()
for prj_id, project in self.projects.items():
prj_data = project.getData()
prj_data["actual_memory"] = float(0)
prj_data["actual_vcpus"] = float(0)
prj_data["effective_memory"] = float(0)
prj_data["effective_vcpus"] = float(0)
prj_data["time_window_from_date"] = time_window_from_date
prj_data["time_window_to_date"] = time_window_to_date
prj_share = project.getShare()
prj_share.getValue() / prj_share.getSiblingValue())
for user in project.getUsers():
# for each user the normalized share
# is calculated (0 <= user_norm_share <= 1)
usr_share = user.getShare()
usr_share.getValue() / usr_share.getSiblingValue() *
usr_data = user.getData()
usr_data["actual_memory"] = usr_data["memory"]
usr_data["actual_vcpus"] = usr_data["vcpus"]
usr_data["time_window_from_date"] = time_window_from_date
usr_data["time_window_to_date"] = time_window_to_date
if total_memory > 0:
usr_data["actual_memory"] /= total_memory
if total_vcpus > 0:
usr_data["actual_vcpus"] /= total_vcpus
prj_data["actual_memory"] += usr_data["actual_memory"]
prj_data["actual_vcpus"] += usr_data["actual_vcpus"]
for project in self.projects.values():
prj_data = project.getData()
prj_data["effective_memory"] = prj_data["actual_memory"]
prj_data["effective_vcpus"] = prj_data["actual_vcpus"]
for user in project.getUsers():
usr_priority = user.getPriority()
usr_share = user.getShare()
share = usr_share.getValue()
sibling_share = usr_share.getSiblingValue()
norm_share = usr_share.getNormalizedValue()
usr_data = user.getData()
usr_data["effective_vcpus"] = float(0)
usr_data["effective_memory"] = float(0)
usr_data["actual_rel_vcpus"] = float(0)
usr_data["actual_rel_memory"] = float(0)
if prj_data["actual_vcpus"] > 0:
usr_data["actual_rel_vcpus"] = usr_data["actual_vcpus"]
usr_data["actual_rel_vcpus"] /= prj_data["actual_vcpus"]
if prj_data["actual_memory"] > 0:
usr_data["actual_rel_memory"] = usr_data["actual_memory"]
usr_data["actual_rel_memory"] /= prj_data["actual_memory"]
effective_memory = (usr_data["actual_memory"] + (
(prj_data["effective_memory"] -
usr_data["actual_memory"]) *
share / sibling_share))
effective_vcpus = (usr_data["actual_vcpus"] + (
(prj_data["effective_vcpus"] -
usr_data["actual_vcpus"]) *
share / sibling_share))
usr_data["effective_memory"] = effective_memory
usr_data["effective_cores"] = effective_vcpus
f_memory = 2 ** (-effective_memory / norm_share)
usr_priority.setFairShare("memory", f_memory)
f_vcpus = 2 ** (-effective_vcpus / norm_share)
usr_priority.setFairShare("vcpus", f_vcpus)
usr_priority.setValue(float(self.vcpus_weight) * f_vcpus +
float(self.memory_weight) * f_memory)
LOG.debug("fairshare project %s" % project.serialize())