#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from six.moves import configparser as ConfigParser import gc import hashlib import json import logging import os import pprint from six.moves import queue as Queue from six.moves import urllib import random import re import select import shutil from six.moves import reload_module import socket import string import subprocess import swiftclient import threading import time import uuid import git import gear import fixtures import pymysql import statsd import testtools from git import GitCommandError import zuul.connection.gerrit import zuul.connection.smtp import zuul.connection.sql import zuul.scheduler import zuul.webapp import zuul.rpclistener import zuul.launcher.gearman import zuul.lib.swift import zuul.merger.client import zuul.merger.merger import zuul.merger.server import zuul.reporter.gerrit import zuul.reporter.smtp import zuul.source.gerrit import zuul.trigger.gerrit import zuul.trigger.timer import zuul.trigger.zuultrigger FIXTURE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures') USE_TEMPDIR = True logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s %(name)-32s ' '%(levelname)-8s %(message)s') def repack_repo(path): cmd = ['git', '--git-dir=%s/.git' % path, 'repack', '-afd'] output = subprocess.Popen(cmd, close_fds=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out = output.communicate() if output.returncode: raise Exception("git repack returned %d" % output.returncode) return out def random_sha1(): return hashlib.sha1(str(random.random())).hexdigest() def iterate_timeout(max_seconds, purpose): start = time.time() count = 0 while (time.time() < start + max_seconds): count += 1 yield count time.sleep(0) raise Exception("Timeout waiting for %s" % purpose) class ChangeReference(git.Reference): _common_path_default = "refs/changes" _points_to_commits_only = True class FakeChange(object): categories = {'Approved': ('Approved', -1, 1), 'Code-Review': ('Code-Review', -2, 2), 'Verified': ('Verified', -2, 2)} # TODO(tobiash): This is used as a translation layer between the tests # which use lower case labels. This can be removed if all # tests are converted to use the correct casing. categories_translation = {'approved': 'Approved', 'code-review': 'Code-Review', 'verified': 'Verified', 'Approved': 'Approved', 'Code-Review': 'Code-Review', 'Verified': 'Verified', 'CRVW': 'Code-Review', 'APRV': 'Approved', 'VRFY': 'Verified'} def __init__(self, gerrit, number, project, branch, subject, status='NEW', upstream_root=None): self.gerrit = gerrit self.reported = 0 self.queried = 0 self.patchsets = [] self.number = number self.project = project self.branch = branch self.subject = subject self.latest_patchset = 0 self.depends_on_change = None self.needed_by_changes = [] self.fail_merge = False self.messages = [] self.data = { 'branch': branch, 'comments': [], 'commitMessage': subject, 'createdOn': time.time(), 'id': 'I' + random_sha1(), 'lastUpdated': time.time(), 'number': str(number), 'open': status == 'NEW', 'owner': {'email': 'user@example.com', 'name': 'User Name', 'username': 'username'}, 'patchSets': self.patchsets, 'project': project, 'status': status, 'subject': subject, 'submitRecords': [], 'url': 'https://hostname/%s' % number} self.upstream_root = upstream_root self.addPatchset() self.data['submitRecords'] = self.getSubmitRecords() self.open = status == 'NEW' def add_fake_change_to_repo(self, msg, fn, large): path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, self.project) repo = git.Repo(path) ref = ChangeReference.create(repo, '1/%s/%s' % (self.number, self.latest_patchset), 'refs/tags/init') repo.head.reference = ref zuul.merger.merger.reset_repo_to_head(repo) repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d') path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, self.project) if not large: fn = os.path.join(path, fn) f = open(fn, 'w') f.write("test %s %s %s\n" % (self.branch, self.number, self.latest_patchset)) f.close() repo.index.add([fn]) else: for fni in range(100): fn = os.path.join(path, str(fni)) f = open(fn, 'w') for ci in range(4096): f.write(random.choice(string.printable)) f.close() repo.index.add([fn]) r = repo.index.commit(msg) repo.head.reference = 'master' zuul.merger.merger.reset_repo_to_head(repo) repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d') repo.heads['master'].checkout() return r def addPatchset(self, files=[], large=False): self.latest_patchset += 1 if files: fn = files[0] else: fn = '%s-%s' % (self.branch.replace('/', '_'), self.number) msg = self.subject + '-' + str(self.latest_patchset) c = self.add_fake_change_to_repo(msg, fn, large) ps_files = [{'file': '/COMMIT_MSG', 'type': 'ADDED'}, {'file': 'README', 'type': 'MODIFIED'}] for f in files: ps_files.append({'file': f, 'type': 'ADDED'}) d = {'approvals': [], 'createdOn': time.time(), 'files': ps_files, 'number': str(self.latest_patchset), 'ref': 'refs/changes/1/%s/%s' % (self.number, self.latest_patchset), 'revision': c.hexsha, 'uploader': {'email': 'user@example.com', 'name': 'User name', 'username': 'user'}} self.data['currentPatchSet'] = d self.patchsets.append(d) self.data['submitRecords'] = self.getSubmitRecords() def getPatchsetCreatedEvent(self, patchset): event = {"type": "patchset-created", "change": {"project": self.project, "branch": self.branch, "id": "I5459869c07352a31bfb1e7a8cac379cabfcb25af", "number": str(self.number), "subject": self.subject, "owner": {"name": "User Name"}, "url": "https://hostname/3"}, "patchSet": self.patchsets[patchset - 1], "uploader": {"name": "User Name"}} return event def getChangeRestoredEvent(self): event = {"type": "change-restored", "change": {"project": self.project, "branch": self.branch, "id": "I5459869c07352a31bfb1e7a8cac379cabfcb25af", "number": str(self.number), "subject": self.subject, "owner": {"name": "User Name"}, "url": "https://hostname/3"}, "restorer": {"name": "User Name"}, "patchSet": self.patchsets[-1], "reason": ""} return event def getChangeAbandonedEvent(self): event = {"type": "change-abandoned", "change": {"project": self.project, "branch": self.branch, "id": "I5459869c07352a31bfb1e7a8cac379cabfcb25af", "number": str(self.number), "subject": self.subject, "owner": {"name": "User Name"}, "url": "https://hostname/3"}, "abandoner": {"name": "User Name"}, "patchSet": self.patchsets[-1], "reason": ""} return event def getChangeCommentEvent(self, patchset): event = {"type": "comment-added", "change": {"project": self.project, "branch": self.branch, "id": "I5459869c07352a31bfb1e7a8cac379cabfcb25af", "number": str(self.number), "subject": self.subject, "owner": {"name": "User Name"}, "url": "https://hostname/3"}, "patchSet": self.patchsets[patchset - 1], "author": {"name": "User Name"}, "approvals": [{"type": "Code-Review", "description": "Code-Review", "value": "0"}], "comment": "This is a comment"} return event def getRefUpdatedEvent(self): path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, self.project) repo = git.Repo(path) oldrev = repo.heads[self.branch].commit.hexsha event = { "type": "ref-updated", "submitter": { "name": "User Name", }, "refUpdate": { "oldRev": oldrev, "newRev": self.patchsets[-1]['revision'], "refName": self.branch, "project": self.project, } } return event def addApproval(self, category, value, username='reviewer_john', granted_on=None, message=''): if not granted_on: granted_on = time.time() approval = { 'description': self.categories_translation[category], 'type': self.categories_translation[category], 'value': str(value), 'by': { 'username': username, 'email': username + '@example.com', }, 'grantedOn': int(granted_on) } for i, x in enumerate(self.patchsets[-1]['approvals'][:]): if x['by']['username'] == username and \ x['type'] == self.categories_translation[category]: del self.patchsets[-1]['approvals'][i] self.patchsets[-1]['approvals'].append(approval) event = {'approvals': [approval], 'author': {'email': 'author@example.com', 'name': 'Patchset Author', 'username': 'author_phil'}, 'change': {'branch': self.branch, 'id': 'Iaa69c46accf97d0598111724a38250ae76a22c87', 'number': str(self.number), 'owner': {'email': 'owner@example.com', 'name': 'Change Owner', 'username': 'owner_jane'}, 'project': self.project, 'subject': self.subject, 'topic': 'master', 'url': 'https://hostname/459'}, 'comment': message, 'patchSet': self.patchsets[-1], 'type': 'comment-added'} self.data['submitRecords'] = self.getSubmitRecords() return json.loads(json.dumps(event)) def getSubmitRecords(self): status = {} for cat in self.categories.keys(): status[cat] = 0 for a in self.patchsets[-1]['approvals']: cur = status[a['type']] cat_min, cat_max = self.categories[a['type']][1:] new = int(a['value']) if new == cat_min: cur = new elif abs(new) > abs(cur): cur = new status[a['type']] = cur labels = [] ok = True for typ, cat in self.categories.items(): cur = status[typ] cat_min, cat_max = cat[1:] if cur == cat_min: value = 'REJECT' ok = False elif cur == cat_max: value = 'OK' else: value = 'NEED' ok = False labels.append({'label': cat[0], 'status': value}) if ok: return [{'status': 'OK'}] return [{'status': 'NOT_READY', 'labels': labels}] def setDependsOn(self, other, patchset): self.depends_on_change = other d = {'id': other.data['id'], 'number': other.data['number'], 'ref': other.patchsets[patchset - 1]['ref'] } self.data['dependsOn'] = [d] other.needed_by_changes.append(self) needed = other.data.get('neededBy', []) d = {'id': self.data['id'], 'number': self.data['number'], 'ref': self.patchsets[patchset - 1]['ref'], 'revision': self.patchsets[patchset - 1]['revision'] } needed.append(d) other.data['neededBy'] = needed def query(self): self.queried += 1 d = self.data.get('dependsOn') if d: d = d[0] if (self.depends_on_change.patchsets[-1]['ref'] == d['ref']): d['isCurrentPatchSet'] = True else: d['isCurrentPatchSet'] = False return json.loads(json.dumps(self.data)) def setMerged(self): if (self.depends_on_change and self.depends_on_change.data['status'] != 'MERGED'): return if self.fail_merge: return self.data['status'] = 'MERGED' self.open = False path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, self.project) repo = git.Repo(path) repo.heads[self.branch].commit = \ repo.commit(self.patchsets[-1]['revision']) def setReported(self): self.reported += 1 class FakeGerritConnection(zuul.connection.gerrit.GerritConnection): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test.FakeGerritConnection") def __init__(self, connection_name, connection_config, changes_db=None, queues_db=None, upstream_root=None): super(FakeGerritConnection, self).__init__(connection_name, connection_config) self.event_queue = queues_db self.fixture_dir = os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, 'gerrit') self.change_number = 0 self.changes = changes_db self.queries = [] self.upstream_root = upstream_root def addFakeChange(self, project, branch, subject, status='NEW'): self.change_number += 1 c = FakeChange(self, self.change_number, project, branch, subject, upstream_root=self.upstream_root, status=status) self.changes[self.change_number] = c return c def review(self, project, changeid, message, action): number, ps = changeid.split(',') change = self.changes[int(number)] # Add the approval back onto the change (ie simulate what gerrit would # do). # Usually when zuul leaves a review it'll create a feedback loop where # zuul's review enters another gerrit event (which is then picked up by # zuul). However, we can't mimic this behaviour (by adding this # approval event into the queue) as it stops jobs from checking what # happens before this event is triggered. If a job needs to see what # happens they can add their own verified event into the queue. # Nevertheless, we can update change with the new review in gerrit. for cat in ['CRVW', 'VRFY', 'APRV']: if cat in action: change.addApproval(cat, action[cat], username=self.user) if 'label' in action: parts = action['label'].split('=') change.addApproval(parts[0], parts[2], username=self.user) change.messages.append(message) if 'submit' in action: change.setMerged() if message: change.setReported() def query(self, number): change = self.changes.get(int(number)) if change: return change.query() return {} def simpleQuery(self, query): self.log.debug("simpleQuery: %s" % query) self.queries.append(query) if query.startswith('change:'): # Query a specific changeid changeid = query[len('change:'):] l = [change.query() for change in self.changes.values() if change.data['id'] == changeid] elif query.startswith('message:'): # Query the content of a commit message msg = query[len('message:'):].strip() l = [change.query() for change in self.changes.values() if msg in change.data['commitMessage']] else: # Query all open changes l = [change.query() for change in self.changes.values()] return l def _start_watcher_thread(self, *args, **kw): pass def getGitUrl(self, project): return os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project.name) class BuildHistory(object): def __init__(self, **kw): self.__dict__.update(kw) def __repr__(self): return ("" % (self.result, self.name, self.number, self.changes)) class FakeURLOpener(object): def __init__(self, upstream_root, url): self.upstream_root = upstream_root self.url = url def read(self): res = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.url) path = res.path project = '/'.join(path.split('/')[2:-2]) ret = '001e# service=git-upload-pack\n' ret += ('000000a31270149696713ba7e06f1beb760f20d359c4abed HEAD\x00' 'multi_ack thin-pack side-band side-band-64k ofs-delta ' 'shallow no-progress include-tag multi_ack_detailed no-done\n') path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project) repo = git.Repo(path) for ref in repo.refs: r = ref.object.hexsha + ' ' + ref.path + '\n' ret += '%04x%s' % (len(r) + 4, r) ret += '0000' return ret class FakeStatsd(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) self.sock.bind(('', 0)) self.port = self.sock.getsockname()[1] self.wake_read, self.wake_write = os.pipe() self.stats = [] def run(self): while True: poll = select.poll() poll.register(self.sock, select.POLLIN) poll.register(self.wake_read, select.POLLIN) ret = poll.poll() for (fd, event) in ret: if fd == self.sock.fileno(): data = self.sock.recvfrom(1024) if not data: return self.stats.append(data[0]) if fd == self.wake_read: return def stop(self): os.write(self.wake_write, '1\n') class FakeBuild(threading.Thread): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test") def __init__(self, worker, job, number, node): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.daemon = True self.worker = worker self.job = job self.name = job.name.split(':')[1] self.number = number self.node = node self.parameters = json.loads(job.arguments) self.unique = self.parameters['ZUUL_UUID'] self.wait_condition = threading.Condition() self.waiting = False self.aborted = False self.requeue = False self.created = time.time() self.description = '' self.run_error = False def release(self): self.wait_condition.acquire() self.wait_condition.notify() self.waiting = False self.log.debug("Build %s released" % self.unique) self.wait_condition.release() def isWaiting(self): self.wait_condition.acquire() if self.waiting: ret = True else: ret = False self.wait_condition.release() return ret def _wait(self): self.wait_condition.acquire() self.waiting = True self.log.debug("Build %s waiting" % self.unique) self.wait_condition.wait() self.wait_condition.release() def run(self): data = { 'url': 'https://server/job/%s/%s/' % (self.name, self.number), 'name': self.name, 'number': self.number, 'manager': self.worker.worker_id, 'worker_name': 'My Worker', 'worker_hostname': 'localhost', 'worker_ips': ['', ''], 'worker_fqdn': 'zuul.example.org', 'worker_program': 'FakeBuilder', 'worker_version': 'v1.1', 'worker_extra': {'something': 'else'} } self.log.debug('Running build %s' % self.unique) self.job.sendWorkData(json.dumps(data)) self.log.debug('Sent WorkData packet with %s' % json.dumps(data)) self.job.sendWorkStatus(0, 100) if self.worker.hold_jobs_in_build: self.log.debug('Holding build %s' % self.unique) self._wait() self.log.debug("Build %s continuing" % self.unique) self.worker.lock.acquire() result = 'SUCCESS' if (('ZUUL_REF' in self.parameters) and self.worker.shouldFailTest(self.name, self.parameters['ZUUL_REF'])): result = 'FAILURE' if self.aborted: result = 'ABORTED' if self.requeue: result = None if self.run_error: work_fail = True result = 'RUN_ERROR' else: data['result'] = result data['node_labels'] = ['bare-necessities'] data['node_name'] = 'foo' work_fail = False changes = None if 'ZUUL_CHANGE_IDS' in self.parameters: changes = self.parameters['ZUUL_CHANGE_IDS'] self.worker.build_history.append( BuildHistory(name=self.name, number=self.number, result=result, changes=changes, node=self.node, uuid=self.unique, description=self.description, parameters=self.parameters, pipeline=self.parameters['ZUUL_PIPELINE']) ) self.job.sendWorkData(json.dumps(data)) if work_fail: self.job.sendWorkFail() else: self.job.sendWorkComplete(json.dumps(data)) del self.worker.gearman_jobs[self.job.unique] self.worker.running_builds.remove(self) self.worker.lock.release() class FakeWorker(gear.Worker): def __init__(self, worker_id, test): super(FakeWorker, self).__init__(worker_id) self.gearman_jobs = {} self.build_history = [] self.running_builds = [] self.build_counter = 0 self.fail_tests = {} self.test = test self.hold_jobs_in_build = False self.lock = threading.Lock() self.__work_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.work) self.__work_thread.daemon = True self.__work_thread.start() def handleJob(self, job): parts = job.name.split(":") cmd = parts[0] name = parts[1] if len(parts) > 2: node = parts[2] else: node = None if cmd == 'build': self.handleBuild(job, name, node) elif cmd == 'stop': self.handleStop(job, name) elif cmd == 'set_description': self.handleSetDescription(job, name) def handleBuild(self, job, name, node): build = FakeBuild(self, job, self.build_counter, node) job.build = build self.gearman_jobs[job.unique] = job self.build_counter += 1 self.running_builds.append(build) build.start() def handleStop(self, job, name): self.log.debug("handle stop") parameters = json.loads(job.arguments) name = parameters['name'] number = parameters['number'] for build in self.running_builds: if build.name == name and build.number == number: build.aborted = True build.release() job.sendWorkComplete() return job.sendWorkFail() def handleSetDescription(self, job, name): self.log.debug("handle set description") parameters = json.loads(job.arguments) name = parameters['name'] number = parameters['number'] descr = parameters['html_description'] for build in self.running_builds: if build.name == name and build.number == number: build.description = descr job.sendWorkComplete() return for build in self.build_history: if build.name == name and build.number == number: build.description = descr job.sendWorkComplete() return job.sendWorkFail() def work(self): while self.running: try: job = self.getJob() except gear.InterruptedError: continue try: self.handleJob(job) except: self.log.exception("Worker exception:") def addFailTest(self, name, change): l = self.fail_tests.get(name, []) l.append(change) self.fail_tests[name] = l def shouldFailTest(self, name, ref): l = self.fail_tests.get(name, []) for change in l: if self.test.ref_has_change(ref, change): return True return False def release(self, regex=None): builds = self.running_builds[:] self.log.debug("releasing build %s (%s)" % (regex, len(self.running_builds))) for build in builds: if not regex or re.match(regex, build.name): self.log.debug("releasing build %s" % (build.parameters['ZUUL_UUID'])) build.release() else: self.log.debug("not releasing build %s" % (build.parameters['ZUUL_UUID'])) self.log.debug("done releasing builds %s (%s)" % (regex, len(self.running_builds))) class FakeGearmanServer(gear.Server): def __init__(self): self.hold_jobs_in_queue = False super(FakeGearmanServer, self).__init__(0) def getJobForConnection(self, connection, peek=False): for queue in [self.high_queue, self.normal_queue, self.low_queue]: for job in queue: if not hasattr(job, 'waiting'): if job.name.startswith('build:'): job.waiting = self.hold_jobs_in_queue else: job.waiting = False if job.waiting: continue if job.name in connection.functions: if not peek: queue.remove(job) connection.related_jobs[job.handle] = job job.worker_connection = connection job.running = True return job return None def release(self, regex=None): released = False qlen = (len(self.high_queue) + len(self.normal_queue) + len(self.low_queue)) self.log.debug("releasing queued job %s (%s)" % (regex, qlen)) for job in self.getQueue(): cmd, name = job.name.split(':') if cmd != 'build': continue if not regex or re.match(regex, name): self.log.debug("releasing queued job %s" % job.unique) job.waiting = False released = True else: self.log.debug("not releasing queued job %s" % job.unique) if released: self.wakeConnections() qlen = (len(self.high_queue) + len(self.normal_queue) + len(self.low_queue)) self.log.debug("done releasing queued jobs %s (%s)" % (regex, qlen)) class FakeSMTP(object): log = logging.getLogger('zuul.FakeSMTP') def __init__(self, messages, server, port): self.server = server self.port = port self.messages = messages def sendmail(self, from_email, to_email, msg): self.log.info("Sending email from %s, to %s, with msg %s" % ( from_email, to_email, msg)) headers = msg.split('\n\n', 1)[0] body = msg.split('\n\n', 1)[1] self.messages.append(dict( from_email=from_email, to_email=to_email, msg=msg, headers=headers, body=body, )) return True def quit(self): return True class FakeSwiftClientConnection(swiftclient.client.Connection): def post_account(self, headers): # Do nothing pass def get_auth(self): # Returns endpoint and (unused) auth token endpoint = os.path.join('https://storage.example.org', 'V1', 'AUTH_account') return endpoint, '' class MySQLSchemaFixture(fixtures.Fixture): def setUp(self): super(MySQLSchemaFixture, self).setUp() random_bits = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase) for x in range(8)) self.name = '%s_%s' % (random_bits, os.getpid()) self.passwd = uuid.uuid4().hex db = pymysql.connect(host="localhost", user="openstack_citest", passwd="openstack_citest", db="openstack_citest") cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("create database %s" % self.name) cur.execute( "grant all on %s.* to '%s'@'localhost' identified by '%s'" % (self.name, self.name, self.passwd)) cur.execute("flush privileges") self.dburi = 'mysql+pymysql://%s:%s@localhost/%s' % (self.name, self.passwd, self.name) self.addDetail('dburi', testtools.content.text_content(self.dburi)) self.addCleanup(self.cleanup) def cleanup(self): db = pymysql.connect(host="localhost", user="openstack_citest", passwd="openstack_citest", db="openstack_citest") cur = db.cursor() cur.execute("drop database %s" % self.name) cur.execute("drop user '%s'@'localhost'" % self.name) cur.execute("flush privileges") class BaseTestCase(testtools.TestCase): log = logging.getLogger("zuul.test") def setUp(self): super(BaseTestCase, self).setUp() test_timeout = os.environ.get('OS_TEST_TIMEOUT', 0) try: test_timeout = int(test_timeout) except ValueError: # If timeout value is invalid do not set a timeout. test_timeout = 0 if test_timeout > 0: self.useFixture(fixtures.Timeout(test_timeout, gentle=False)) if (os.environ.get('OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE') == 'True' or os.environ.get('OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE') == '1'): stdout = self.useFixture(fixtures.StringStream('stdout')).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stdout', stdout)) if (os.environ.get('OS_STDERR_CAPTURE') == 'True' or os.environ.get('OS_STDERR_CAPTURE') == '1'): stderr = self.useFixture(fixtures.StringStream('stderr')).stream self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('sys.stderr', stderr)) if (os.environ.get('OS_LOG_CAPTURE') == 'True' or os.environ.get('OS_LOG_CAPTURE') == '1'): log_level = logging.DEBUG if os.environ.get('OS_LOG_LEVEL') == 'DEBUG': log_level = logging.DEBUG elif os.environ.get('OS_LOG_LEVEL') == 'INFO': log_level = logging.INFO elif os.environ.get('OS_LOG_LEVEL') == 'WARNING': log_level = logging.WARNING elif os.environ.get('OS_LOG_LEVEL') == 'ERROR': log_level = logging.ERROR elif os.environ.get('OS_LOG_LEVEL') == 'CRITICAL': log_level = logging.CRITICAL self.useFixture(fixtures.FakeLogger( level=log_level, format='%(asctime)s %(name)-32s ' '%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')) # NOTE(notmorgan): Extract logging overrides for specific libraries # from the OS_LOG_DEFAULTS env and create FakeLogger fixtures for # each. This is used to limit the output during test runs from # libraries that zuul depends on such as gear. log_defaults_from_env = os.environ.get('OS_LOG_DEFAULTS') if log_defaults_from_env: for default in log_defaults_from_env.split(','): try: name, level_str = default.split('=', 1) level = getattr(logging, level_str, logging.DEBUG) self.useFixture(fixtures.FakeLogger( name=name, level=level, format='%(asctime)s %(name)-32s ' '%(levelname)-8s %(message)s')) except ValueError: # NOTE(notmorgan): Invalid format of the log default, # skip and don't try and apply a logger for the # specified module pass class ZuulTestCase(BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(ZuulTestCase, self).setUp() if USE_TEMPDIR: tmp_root = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir( rootdir=os.environ.get("ZUUL_TEST_ROOT")) ).path else: tmp_root = os.environ.get("ZUUL_TEST_ROOT") self.test_root = os.path.join(tmp_root, "zuul-test") self.upstream_root = os.path.join(self.test_root, "upstream") self.git_root = os.path.join(self.test_root, "git") self.state_root = os.path.join(self.test_root, "lib") if os.path.exists(self.test_root): shutil.rmtree(self.test_root) os.makedirs(self.test_root) os.makedirs(self.upstream_root) os.makedirs(self.state_root) # Make per test copy of Configuration. self.setup_config() self.config.set('zuul', 'layout_config', os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, self.config.get('zuul', 'layout_config'))) self.config.set('merger', 'git_dir', self.git_root) self.config.set('zuul', 'state_dir', self.state_root) # For each project in config: self.init_repo("org/project") self.init_repo("org/project1") self.init_repo("org/project2") self.init_repo("org/project3") self.init_repo("org/project4") self.init_repo("org/project5") self.init_repo("org/project6") self.init_repo("org/one-job-project") self.init_repo("org/nonvoting-project") self.init_repo("org/templated-project") self.init_repo("org/layered-project") self.init_repo("org/node-project") self.init_repo("org/conflict-project") self.init_repo("org/noop-project") self.init_repo("org/experimental-project") self.init_repo("org/no-jobs-project") self.statsd = FakeStatsd() # note, use rather than localhost to avoid getting ipv6 # see: https://github.com/jsocol/pystatsd/issues/61 os.environ['STATSD_HOST'] = '' os.environ['STATSD_PORT'] = str(self.statsd.port) self.statsd.start() # the statsd client object is configured in the statsd module import reload_module(statsd) reload_module(zuul.scheduler) self.gearman_server = FakeGearmanServer() self.config.set('gearman', 'port', str(self.gearman_server.port)) self.worker = FakeWorker('fake_worker', self) self.worker.addServer('', self.gearman_server.port) self.gearman_server.worker = self.worker zuul.source.gerrit.GerritSource.replication_timeout = 1.5 zuul.source.gerrit.GerritSource.replication_retry_interval = 0.5 zuul.connection.gerrit.GerritEventConnector.delay = 0.0 self.sched = zuul.scheduler.Scheduler(self.config) self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('swiftclient.client.Connection', FakeSwiftClientConnection)) self.swift = zuul.lib.swift.Swift(self.config) self.event_queues = [ self.sched.result_event_queue, self.sched.trigger_event_queue ] self.configure_connections() self.sched.registerConnections(self.connections) def URLOpenerFactory(*args, **kw): if isinstance(args[0], urllib.request.Request): return old_urlopen(*args, **kw) return FakeURLOpener(self.upstream_root, *args, **kw) old_urlopen = urllib.request.urlopen urllib.request.urlopen = URLOpenerFactory self.merge_server = zuul.merger.server.MergeServer(self.config, self.connections) self.merge_server.start() self.launcher = zuul.launcher.gearman.Gearman(self.config, self.sched, self.swift) self.merge_client = zuul.merger.client.MergeClient( self.config, self.sched) self.sched.setLauncher(self.launcher) self.sched.setMerger(self.merge_client) self.webapp = zuul.webapp.WebApp( self.sched, port=0, listen_address='') self.rpc = zuul.rpclistener.RPCListener(self.config, self.sched) self.sched.start() self.sched.reconfigure(self.config) self.sched.resume() self.webapp.start() self.rpc.start() self.launcher.gearman.waitForServer() self.registerJobs() self.builds = self.worker.running_builds self.history = self.worker.build_history self.addCleanup(self.assertFinalState) self.addCleanup(self.shutdown) def configure_connections(self): # TODO(jhesketh): This should come from lib.connections for better # coverage # Register connections from the config self.smtp_messages = [] def FakeSMTPFactory(*args, **kw): args = [self.smtp_messages] + list(args) return FakeSMTP(*args, **kw) self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('smtplib.SMTP', FakeSMTPFactory)) # Set a changes database so multiple FakeGerrit's can report back to # a virtual canonical database given by the configured hostname self.gerrit_changes_dbs = {} self.gerrit_queues_dbs = {} self.connections = {} for section_name in self.config.sections(): con_match = re.match(r'^connection ([\'\"]?)(.*)(\1)$', section_name, re.I) if not con_match: continue con_name = con_match.group(2) con_config = dict(self.config.items(section_name)) if 'driver' not in con_config: raise Exception("No driver specified for connection %s." % con_name) con_driver = con_config['driver'] # TODO(jhesketh): load the required class automatically if con_driver == 'gerrit': if con_config['server'] not in self.gerrit_changes_dbs.keys(): self.gerrit_changes_dbs[con_config['server']] = {} if con_config['server'] not in self.gerrit_queues_dbs.keys(): self.gerrit_queues_dbs[con_config['server']] = \ Queue.Queue() self.event_queues.append( self.gerrit_queues_dbs[con_config['server']]) self.connections[con_name] = FakeGerritConnection( con_name, con_config, changes_db=self.gerrit_changes_dbs[con_config['server']], queues_db=self.gerrit_queues_dbs[con_config['server']], upstream_root=self.upstream_root ) setattr(self, 'fake_' + con_name, self.connections[con_name]) elif con_driver == 'smtp': self.connections[con_name] = \ zuul.connection.smtp.SMTPConnection(con_name, con_config) elif con_driver == 'sql': self.connections[con_name] = \ zuul.connection.sql.SQLConnection(con_name, con_config) else: raise Exception("Unknown driver, %s, for connection %s" % (con_config['driver'], con_name)) # If the [gerrit] or [smtp] sections still exist, load them in as a # connection named 'gerrit' or 'smtp' respectfully if 'gerrit' in self.config.sections(): self.gerrit_changes_dbs['gerrit'] = {} self.gerrit_queues_dbs['gerrit'] = Queue.Queue() self.event_queues.append(self.gerrit_queues_dbs['gerrit']) self.connections['gerrit'] = FakeGerritConnection( '_legacy_gerrit', dict(self.config.items('gerrit')), changes_db=self.gerrit_changes_dbs['gerrit'], queues_db=self.gerrit_queues_dbs['gerrit']) if 'smtp' in self.config.sections(): self.connections['smtp'] = \ zuul.connection.smtp.SMTPConnection( '_legacy_smtp', dict(self.config.items('smtp'))) def setup_config(self, config_file='zuul.conf'): """Per test config object. Override to set different config.""" self.config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() self.config.read(os.path.join(FIXTURE_DIR, config_file)) def assertFinalState(self): # Make sure that git.Repo objects have been garbage collected. repos = [] gc.collect() for obj in gc.get_objects(): if isinstance(obj, git.Repo): repos.append(obj) self.assertEqual(len(repos), 0) self.assertEmptyQueues() for pipeline in self.sched.layout.pipelines.values(): if isinstance(pipeline.manager, zuul.scheduler.IndependentPipelineManager): self.assertEqual(len(pipeline.queues), 0) def shutdown(self): self.log.debug("Shutting down after tests") self.launcher.stop() self.merge_server.stop() self.merge_server.join() self.merge_client.stop() self.worker.shutdown() self.sched.stop() self.sched.join() self.statsd.stop() self.statsd.join() self.webapp.stop() self.webapp.join() self.rpc.stop() self.rpc.join() self.gearman_server.shutdown() threads = threading.enumerate() if len(threads) > 1: self.log.error("More than one thread is running: %s" % threads) def init_repo(self, project): parts = project.split('/') path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, *parts[:-1]) if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project) repo = git.Repo.init(path) repo.config_writer().set_value('user', 'email', 'user@example.com') repo.config_writer().set_value('user', 'name', 'User Name') repo.config_writer().write() fn = os.path.join(path, 'README') f = open(fn, 'w') f.write("test\n") f.close() repo.index.add([fn]) repo.index.commit('initial commit') master = repo.create_head('master') repo.create_tag('init') repo.head.reference = master zuul.merger.merger.reset_repo_to_head(repo) repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d') self.create_branch(project, 'mp') def create_branch(self, project, branch): path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project) repo = git.Repo.init(path) fn = os.path.join(path, 'README') branch_head = repo.create_head(branch) repo.head.reference = branch_head f = open(fn, 'a') f.write("test %s\n" % branch) f.close() repo.index.add([fn]) repo.index.commit('%s commit' % branch) repo.head.reference = repo.heads['master'] zuul.merger.merger.reset_repo_to_head(repo) repo.git.clean('-x', '-f', '-d') def create_commit(self, project): path = os.path.join(self.upstream_root, project) repo = git.Repo(path) repo.head.reference = repo.heads['master'] file_name = os.path.join(path, 'README') with open(file_name, 'a') as f: f.write('creating fake commit\n') repo.index.add([file_name]) commit = repo.index.commit('Creating a fake commit') return commit.hexsha def ref_has_change(self, ref, change): path = os.path.join(self.git_root, change.project) repo = git.Repo(path) try: for commit in repo.iter_commits(ref): if commit.message.strip() == ('%s-1' % change.subject): return True except GitCommandError: pass return False def job_has_changes(self, *args): job = args[0] commits = args[1:] if isinstance(job, FakeBuild): parameters = job.parameters else: parameters = json.loads(job.arguments) project = parameters['ZUUL_PROJECT'] path = os.path.join(self.git_root, project) repo = git.Repo(path) ref = parameters['ZUUL_REF'] sha = parameters['ZUUL_COMMIT'] repo_messages = [c.message.strip() for c in repo.iter_commits(ref)] repo_shas = [c.hexsha for c in repo.iter_commits(ref)] commit_messages = ['%s-1' % commit.subject for commit in commits] self.log.debug("Checking if job %s has changes; commit_messages %s;" " repo_messages %s; sha %s" % (job, commit_messages, repo_messages, sha)) for msg in commit_messages: if msg not in repo_messages: self.log.debug(" messages do not match") return False if repo_shas[0] != sha: self.log.debug(" sha does not match") return False self.log.debug(" OK") return True def registerJobs(self): count = 0 for job in self.sched.layout.jobs.keys(): self.worker.registerFunction('build:' + job) count += 1 self.worker.registerFunction('stop:' + self.worker.worker_id) count += 1 while len(self.gearman_server.functions) < count: time.sleep(0) def orderedRelease(self): # Run one build at a time to ensure non-race order: while len(self.builds): self.release(self.builds[0]) self.waitUntilSettled() def release(self, job): if isinstance(job, FakeBuild): job.release() else: job.waiting = False self.log.debug("Queued job %s released" % job.unique) self.gearman_server.wakeConnections() def getParameter(self, job, name): if isinstance(job, FakeBuild): return job.parameters[name] else: parameters = json.loads(job.arguments) return parameters[name] def resetGearmanServer(self): self.worker.setFunctions([]) while True: done = True for connection in self.gearman_server.active_connections: if (connection.functions and connection.client_id not in ['Zuul RPC Listener', 'Zuul Merger']): done = False if done: break time.sleep(0) self.gearman_server.functions = set() self.rpc.register() self.merge_server.register() def haveAllBuildsReported(self): # See if Zuul is waiting on a meta job to complete if self.launcher.meta_jobs: return False # Find out if every build that the worker has completed has been # reported back to Zuul. If it hasn't then that means a Gearman # event is still in transit and the system is not stable. for build in self.worker.build_history: zbuild = self.launcher.builds.get(build.uuid) if not zbuild: # It has already been reported continue # It hasn't been reported yet. return False # Make sure that none of the worker connections are in GRAB_WAIT for connection in self.worker.active_connections: if connection.state == 'GRAB_WAIT': return False return True def areAllBuildsWaiting(self): builds = self.launcher.builds.values() for build in builds: client_job = None for conn in self.launcher.gearman.active_connections: for j in conn.related_jobs.values(): if j.unique == build.uuid: client_job = j break if not client_job: self.log.debug("%s is not known to the gearman client" % build) return False if not client_job.handle: self.log.debug("%s has no handle" % client_job) return False server_job = self.gearman_server.jobs.get(client_job.handle) if not server_job: self.log.debug("%s is not known to the gearman server" % client_job) return False if not hasattr(server_job, 'waiting'): self.log.debug("%s is being enqueued" % server_job) return False if server_job.waiting: continue worker_job = self.worker.gearman_jobs.get(server_job.unique) if worker_job: if build.number is None: self.log.debug("%s has not reported start" % worker_job) return False if worker_job.build.isWaiting(): continue else: self.log.debug("%s is running" % worker_job) return False else: self.log.debug("%s is unassigned" % server_job) return False return True def eventQueuesEmpty(self): for queue in self.event_queues: yield queue.empty() def eventQueuesJoin(self): for queue in self.event_queues: queue.join() def waitUntilSettled(self): self.log.debug("Waiting until settled...") start = time.time() while True: if time.time() - start > 10: self.log.debug("Queue status:") for queue in self.event_queues: self.log.debug(" %s: %s" % (queue, queue.empty())) self.log.debug("All builds waiting: %s" % (self.areAllBuildsWaiting(),)) raise Exception("Timeout waiting for Zuul to settle") # Make sure no new events show up while we're checking self.worker.lock.acquire() # have all build states propogated to zuul? if self.haveAllBuildsReported(): # Join ensures that the queue is empty _and_ events have been # processed self.eventQueuesJoin() self.sched.run_handler_lock.acquire() if (not self.merge_client.build_sets and all(self.eventQueuesEmpty()) and self.haveAllBuildsReported() and self.areAllBuildsWaiting()): self.sched.run_handler_lock.release() self.worker.lock.release() self.log.debug("...settled.") return self.sched.run_handler_lock.release() self.worker.lock.release() self.sched.wake_event.wait(0.1) def countJobResults(self, jobs, result): jobs = filter(lambda x: x.result == result, jobs) return len(jobs) def getJobFromHistory(self, name): history = self.worker.build_history for job in history: if job.name == name: return job raise Exception("Unable to find job %s in history" % name) def assertEmptyQueues(self): # Make sure there are no orphaned jobs for pipeline in self.sched.layout.pipelines.values(): for queue in pipeline.queues: if len(queue.queue) != 0: print('pipeline %s queue %s contents %s' % ( pipeline.name, queue.name, queue.queue)) self.assertEqual(len(queue.queue), 0, "Pipelines queues should be empty") def assertReportedStat(self, key, value=None, kind=None): start = time.time() while time.time() < (start + 5): for stat in self.statsd.stats: pprint.pprint(self.statsd.stats) k, v = stat.split(':') if key == k: if value is None and kind is None: return elif value: if value == v: return elif kind: if v.endswith('|' + kind): return time.sleep(0.1) pprint.pprint(self.statsd.stats) raise Exception("Key %s not found in reported stats" % key) class ZuulDBTestCase(ZuulTestCase): def setup_config(self, config_file='zuul-connections-same-gerrit.conf'): super(ZuulDBTestCase, self).setup_config(config_file) for section_name in self.config.sections(): con_match = re.match(r'^connection ([\'\"]?)(.*)(\1)$', section_name, re.I) if not con_match: continue if self.config.get(section_name, 'driver') == 'sql': f = MySQLSchemaFixture() self.useFixture(f) if (self.config.get(section_name, 'dburi') == '$MYSQL_FIXTURE_DBURI$'): self.config.set(section_name, 'dburi', f.dburi)