
220 lines
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# Copyright 2015 Puppet Labs
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import voluptuous as v
import time
from zuul.reporter import BaseReporter
from zuul.exceptions import MergeFailure
from zuul.driver.util import scalar_or_list
from zuul.driver.github.githubsource import GithubSource
class GithubReporter(BaseReporter):
"""Sends off reports to Github."""
name = 'github'
log = logging.getLogger("zuul.GithubReporter")
def __init__(self, driver, connection, pipeline, config=None):
super(GithubReporter, self).__init__(driver, connection, config)
self._commit_status = self.config.get('status', None)
self._create_comment = self.config.get('comment', True)
self._merge = self.config.get('merge', False)
self._labels = self.config.get('label', [])
if not isinstance(self._labels, list):
self._labels = [self._labels]
self._unlabels = self.config.get('unlabel', [])
if not isinstance(self._unlabels, list):
self._unlabels = [self._unlabels]
self.context = "{}/{}".format(pipeline.tenant_name, pipeline.name)
def report(self, item):
"""Report on an event."""
# If the source is not GithubSource we cannot report anything here.
if not isinstance(item.change.project.source, GithubSource):
# For supporting several Github connections we also must filter by
# the canonical hostname.
if item.change.project.source.connection.canonical_hostname != \
# order is important for github branch protection.
# A status should be set before a merge attempt
if self._commit_status is not None:
if (hasattr(item.change, 'patchset') and
item.change.patchset is not None):
elif (hasattr(item.change, 'newrev') and
item.change.newrev is not None):
# Comments, labels, and merges can only be performed on pull requests.
# If the change is not a pull request (e.g. a push) skip them.
if hasattr(item.change, 'number'):
if self._create_comment:
if self._labels or self._unlabels:
if (self._merge):
if not item.change.is_merged:
msg = self._formatItemReportMergeFailure(item)
self.addPullComment(item, msg)
def _formatItemReportJobs(self, item):
# Return the list of jobs portion of the report
ret = ''
jobs_fields = self._getItemReportJobsFields(item)
for job_fields in jobs_fields:
ret += '- [%s](%s) : %s%s%s%s\n' % job_fields
return ret
def addPullComment(self, item, comment=None):
message = comment or self._formatItemReport(item)
project = item.change.project.name
pr_number = item.change.number
'Reporting change %s, params %s, message: %s' %
(item.change, self.config, message))
self.connection.commentPull(project, pr_number, message)
def setCommitStatus(self, item):
project = item.change.project.name
if hasattr(item.change, 'patchset'):
sha = item.change.patchset
elif hasattr(item.change, 'newrev'):
sha = item.change.newrev
state = self._commit_status
url_pattern = self.config.get('status-url')
if not url_pattern:
sched_config = self.connection.sched.config
if sched_config.has_option('web', 'status_url'):
url_pattern = sched_config.get('web', 'status_url')
url = item.formatUrlPattern(url_pattern) if url_pattern else ''
description = '%s status: %s' % (item.pipeline.name,
if len(description) >= 140:
# This pipeline is named with a long name and thus this
# desciption would overflow the GitHub limit of 1024 bytes.
# Truncate the description. In practice, anything over 140
# characters seems to trip the limit.
description = 'status: %s' % self._commit_status
'Reporting change %s, params %s, '
'context: %s, state: %s, description: %s, url: %s' %
(item.change, self.config,
self.context, state, description, url))
project, sha, state, url, description, self.context)
def mergePull(self, item):
project = item.change.project.name
pr_number = item.change.number
sha = item.change.patchset
self.log.debug('Reporting change %s, params %s, merging via API' %
(item.change, self.config))
message = self._formatMergeMessage(item.change)
for i in [1, 2]:
self.connection.mergePull(project, pr_number, message, sha)
item.change.is_merged = True
except MergeFailure:
'Merge attempt of change %s %s/2 failed.' %
(item.change, i), exc_info=True)
if i == 1:
'Merge of change %s failed after 2 attempts, giving up' %
def setLabels(self, item):
project = item.change.project.name
pr_number = item.change.number
if self._labels:
self.log.debug('Reporting change %s, params %s, labels:\n%s' %
(item.change, self.config, self._labels))
for label in self._labels:
self.connection.labelPull(project, pr_number, label)
if self._unlabels:
self.log.debug('Reporting change %s, params %s, unlabels:\n%s' %
(item.change, self.config, self._unlabels))
for label in self._unlabels:
self.connection.unlabelPull(project, pr_number, label)
def _formatMergeMessage(self, change):
message = ''
if change.title:
message += change.title
account = getattr(change.source_event, 'account', None)
if not account:
return message
username = account['username']
name = account['name']
email = account['email']
message += '\n\nReviewed-by: '
if name:
message += name
if email:
if name:
message += ' '
message += '<' + email + '>'
if name or email:
message += '\n '
message += self.connection.getUserUri(username)
return message
def getSubmitAllowNeeds(self):
"""Get a list of code review labels that are allowed to be
"needed" in the submit records for a change, with respect
to this queue. In other words, the list of review labels
this reporter itself is likely to set before submitting.
# check if we report a status, if not we can return an empty list
status = self.config.get('status')
if not status:
return []
# we return a status so return the status we report to github
return [self.context]
def getSchema():
github_reporter = v.Schema({
'status': v.Any('pending', 'success', 'failure'),
'status-url': str,
'comment': bool,
'merge': bool,
'label': scalar_or_list(str),
'unlabel': scalar_or_list(str)
return github_reporter