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Template Branch for new OpenStack Infra Publications

Creating new OpenStack Infra Publications is easy and you have started in the right place.

  1. Clone publications, create and checkout template tracking branch:

    git clone git://
    cd publications
    git review -s
    git checkout -b template origin/template
  2. Create a new branch based on this template branch. git checkout -b $BRANCH_NAME.

  3. Edit .gitreview and change the defaultbranch value to $BRANCH_NAME.

  4. Create $BRANCH_NAME in Gerrit. It should be based on the template branch as well to avoid any potential merge conflicts in your first commit. Not everyone has the ability to do this in Gerrit. If you don't, ask an openstack infra core to do it for you.

  5. Now we get to do the fun stuff. Edit index.html editing lines with CHANGEME or changeme in them. You can also add new slides if you like but that isn't necessary in this bootstrapping change. You can follow up with new slides in subsequent changes.

  6. Edit this file, README.rst. The title of this document will be the name used on the root publications index so be sure to update the title. You should also add an Abstract section and general talk info.

  7. At this point you are ready to push your new changes back up to Gerrit. git commit -a && git review

  8. Finally, if you want notifications for subsequent branch updates to be shown in the #openstack-infra channel, add your branch to gerritbot/channels.yaml in the project-config repository.