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StackTaskClient is a command-line and python client for StackTask.

Getting Started

StackTask Client can be installed from PyPI using pip:

pip install python-stacktaskclient

There are a few variants on getting help. A list of global options and supported commands is shown with --help:

stacktask --help

There is also a help command that can be used to get help text for a specific command:

stacktask user-invite --help


Authentication using username/password is most commonly used:

export OS_AUTH_URL=<url-to-openstack-identity>
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=<project-name>
export OS_USERNAME=<username>
export OS_PASSWORD=<password>

The corresponding command-line options look very similar:

--os-auth-url <url>
--os-project-name <project-name>
--os-username <username>
[--os-password <password>]