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AdjutantClient is a command-line and python client for Adjutant.

Getting Started

Adjutant Client can be installed from PyPI using pip:

pip install python-openstackclient python-adjutantclient

The command line client is installed as a plugin for the OpenStack client, and an older deprecated version is available under the entry point 'adjutant'.

Python API

In order to use the python api directly, you must first obtain an auth token and identify which endpoint you wish to speak to:

>>> adjutant_url = ''
>>> auth_token = '3bcc3d3a03f44e3d8377f9247b0ad155'

Once you have done so, you can use the API like so:

>>> from adjutantclient.client import Client
>>> adjutant = Client('1', endpoint=adjutant_url, token=auth_token)

An auth token isn't needed for accessing signup, user.password_forgot(), token.submit() or token.get().