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HTTP Guidelines

This document contains guidelines for which HTTP response codes should be used by OpenStack APIs as well as what HTTP methods should be supported and preferred.

If something is not covered by this document, projects should follow the guidelines in [RFC 2616](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2616).

HTTP Response Codes

Success Codes

  • If the API call creates a resource on a server, the return code should be 201 Created.
  • If the API call succeeds, but the result of the call has created an asynchronous task that will need to be polled to get completion or state information, the return code should be 202 Accepted, and the body of the request should contain a link that the client can follow in order to get such state information.
  • For all other successful calls, the return code should be 200 OK.

Failure Codes

  • If the call results in the OpenStack user exceeding his or her quota, the return code should be 403 Forbidden. Do not use 413 Request Entity Too Large.
  • For badly formatted requests, the return code should be 400 Bad Request. Do not use 422 Unprocessable Entity.

HTTP Methods

TODO: Provide guidance on what HTTP methods (PUT/POST/PATCH/DELETE, etc) should always be supported, and which should be preferred.

Conveying error/fault information to the end user

TODO: We should have a section here that describes the recommended way of transmitting error/fault information back to the user, including any guidelines on the payload in the response body.