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Title of your blueprint

Rug HA and scaleout

Problem Description

The RUG is a multi-process, multi-worker service but it be cannot be scaled out to multiple nodes for purposes of high-availability and distributed handling of load. The only currently option for a highly-available is to do an active/passive cluster using Pacemaker or similar, which is less than ideal and does not address scale-out concerns.

Proposed Change

This proposes allowing multiple RUG processes to be spawned across many nodes. Each RUG process is responsible for a fraction of the total running appliances. RUG_process->appliance(s) mapping will be managed by a consistent hash ring. An external coordination service (ie, zookeeper) will be leveraged to provide cluster membership capabilities, and python-tooz will be used to manage cluster events. When new members join or depart, the hash ring will be rebalanced and appliances re-distributed across the RUG.

This allows operators to scale out to many RUG instances, eliminating the single-point-of-failure and allowing appliances to be evenly distributed across multiple worker processes.

Data Model Impact




Security Impact


Notifications Impact

Other End User Impact


Performance Impact

There will be some new overhead introduced the messaging layer as Neutron notifications and RPCs will need to be distributed to per-RUG message queues.

Other Deployer Impact

Deployers will need to evaluate and choose an appropriate backend to be used by tooz for leader election. memcached is a simple yet non-robust solution, while zookeeper is a less light-weight but proven one. More info at [2]

Developer Impact


Community Impact



One alternative to having each RUG instance declare its own messaging queue and inspect all incoming messages would be to have the DHT master also serve as a notification master. That is, the leader would be the only instance of the RUG listening to and processing incoming Neutron notificatons, and then re-distributing them to specific RUG workers based on the state of the DHT.

Another option would be to do away with the use of Neutron notifications entirely and hard-wire the akanda-neutron plugin to the RUG via a dedicated message queue.


This proposes enabling operators to run multiple instances of the RUG. Each instance of the RUG will be responsible for a subset of the managed appliances. A distributed, consistent hash ring will be used to map appliances to their respective RUG instance. The Ironic project is already doing something similar and has a hashring implementation we can likely leverage to get started [1]

The RUG cluster is essentially leaderless. The hash ring is constructed using the active node list and each indvidual RUG instance is capable of constructing a ring given a list of members. This ring is consistent across nodes provided the coordination service is properly reporting membership events and they are processed correctly. Using metadata attached to incoming events (ie, tenant_id), a consumer is able to check the hash ring to determine which node in the ring the event is mapped to.

The RUG will spawn a new subprocess called the coordinator. It's only purpose is to listen for cluster membership events using python-tooz. When a member joins or departs, the coordinator will create a new Event of type REBALANCE and put it onto the notifications queue. This event's body will contain an updated list of current cluster nodes.

Each RUG worker process will maintain a copy of the hash ring, which is shared by its worker threads. When it receives a REBALANCE event, it will rebalance the hash ring given the new membership list. When it receives normal CRUD events for resources, it will first check the hash ring to see if it is mapped to its host based on target tenant_id for the event. If it is, the event will be processed. If it is not, the event will be ignored and serviced by another worker.

Ideally, REBALANCE events should be serviced before CRUD events.


Work Items

* Implement a distributed hash ring for managing worker:appliance assignment

* Add new coordination sub-process to the RUG that publishes REBALANCE events to the notifications queue when membership changes

* Setup per-RUG message queues such that notifications are distributed to all RUG processes equally.

  • Update worker to manage its own copy of the hash ring

* Update worker /w ability to respond to new REBALANCE events by rebalancing the ring with an updated membership list

* Update worker to drop events for resources that are not mapped to its host in the hash ring.



Tempest Tests

Functional Tests

If we cannot sufficiently test this using unit tests, we could potentially spin up our devstack job with multiple copies of the akanda-rug-service running on a single host, and having multiple router appliances. This would allow us to test ring rebalancing by killing off one of the multiple akanda-rug-service processes.

API Tests

Documentation Impact

User Documentation

Deployment docs need to be updated to mention this feature is dependent on an external coordination service.

Developer Documentation


[1] [2]