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2023.2 (Bobcat) (under development)

The 2023.2 (Bobcat) OpenStack Charms release includes updates for the charms described on the ../project/openstack-charms page. As of this release, the project consists of 62 stable charms.


This release corresponds to a non-SLURP (upstream OpenStack) release and will consequently only be supported until July 2024.

For scheduling information of past and future releases see the ../project/release-schedule.


Release notes contents is superseded by updated information published in the index (this guide) after the release of any given OpenStack Charms version.


Always upgrade to the latest stable charms before making any major changes to your cloud and before filing bug reports. Note that charm upgrades and OpenStack upgrades are functionally different. For instructions on performing the different upgrade types see the ../admin/upgrades/overview page.

Summary of changes:

New stable charms


The watcher charm enables the OpenStack Watcher service. The watcher charm provides a flexible and scalable resource optimization service for multi-tenant OpenStack-based clouds. A how-to is available at: ../admin/compute/watcher.


The watcher-dashboard charm provides the Watcher Dashboard plugin for use with the openstack-dashboard charm.

Usage example:

juju deploy --channel 2023.2/stable openstack-dashboard
juju deploy --channel 2023.2/stable watcher-dashboard
juju integrate openstack-dashboard:dashboard-plugin watcher-dashboard:dashboard

New stable charm features

With each new feature, there is a corresponding example bundle in the form of a test bundle, and/or a section in the current guide (Charm Guide) that details its usage. Test bundles are located in the src/tests/bundles directory of the relevant charm repository (see all charm repositories).

Keystone role cache config

The keystone charm now supports configuring the Keystone [role] cache_time option using a new role-cache-expiration charm configuration option. If not set, this defaults to the global expiration_time (configurable by the dogpile-cache-expiration charm configuration option). Setting cache_time to around 10 (seconds) is recommended for clouds that receive frequent role assignment changes and that are therefore sensitive to the (default) 600s delay that assignments can take to propagate to all Keystone peer caches.

For example, to set the role cache expiration time to 10 seconds do:

juju config keystone role-cache-expiration=10

Designate-bind allow transfer config

The designate-bind charm now supports configuring the BIND9 allow-transfer option. If not set, the corresponding feature is disabled.

For example, to set allow-transfer to and

juju config designate-bind allow_transfer_nets=";"

This will allow designate-bind to perform a zone transfer to and

This change modifies the default behaviour of the allow-transfer setting. To restore the default behaviour, set allow-transfer-nets to any:

juju config designate-bind allow_transfer_nets=any

Improve Vault snap channel refresh

The refresh mechanism for the Vault snap managed within the vault charm has been improved. It now properly stops the service before performing a snap refresh. For more details see bug LP #2007587.

Glance custom image properties

The glance charm now supports configuring automatic custom image properties for imported images.

To add custom properties, use a comma-delimited string of key:value pairs:

juju config glance custom-import-properties='property1:value1,property2:value2,property3:value3'

These properties will only be added to images that go through the Interoperable image import process such as openstack image create --import. They will not be applied to regular image uploads.

magnum charm: new option to expose cluster_user_trust

This configuration option controls whether to assign a trust to the cluster user or not. This option needs to be set to True for clusters with volume_driver=cinder, cloud_provider_enabled=true or registry_enabled=true in the underlying cluster template to work. This is a potential security risk since the trust gives instances OpenStack API access to the cluster's project.

For more details see bug LP #1996237.

nova-cloud-controller charm: new relation to openstack-dashboard

juju integrate nova-cloud-controller:dashboard openstack-dashboard:dashboard allows nova-cloud-controller to know that possible hosts and IP addresses that the cloud users use to access the OpenStack Dashboard, the nova-cloud-controller units use this information to configure the nova-serialproxy daemon and allow requests coming from the web browsers visiting the dashboard.

This relation is mandatory when the nova-cloud-controller application is configured with enable-serial-console set to True.

For more details see bug LP #2030094.

Documentation updates

OpenStack 2023.2 guide updates

The Charm Guide and the Deploy Guide were updated for OpenStack 2023.2.

Juju 3.x guide updates

The Charm Guide and the Deploy Guide were updated for Juju 3.x.

Charm Guide changes

  • the project's backport policy was refreshed
  • legacy charm revisions were published as reference material
  • policy overrides page refactored into how-to, conceptual, and tutorial material
  • ongoing improvements and corrections

Informational notices

Ceph FileStore support removed

OSD FileStore format has been deprecated in upstream Ceph starting with the Quincy release. With the Reef release, FileStore support has been removed, leaving support for only BlueStore format.


Data loss may occur if you attempt to upgrade to Ceph Reef when FileStore OSDs are present.

Before upgrading the payload ("OpenStack upgrade") of any of the Ceph charms, migrate all FileStore OSDs to BlueStore. See upgrade path note BlueStore migration <bluestore_migration> for guidance.

Nova AvailabilityZoneFilter removal in 2023.2

The AvailabilityZoneFilter option was removed from Nova in 2023.2 Bobcat (see the Nova 2023.2 upgrade notes).

In order for the scheduler to honour an availability zone request, there must now be a Placement aggregate that matches the Nova host aggregate that was assigned to an availability zone.

This should not technically affect users as the new configuration should have been automatically done. However, verification steps have been provided as an upgrade path note <az_option_removal>.

Enforce MTU size between Octavia networks

The behaviour of the Octavia loadbalancer charm has been changed to ensure that the MTU size on the health manager port (typically called o-hm0) matches the MTU on the load balancer network (called lb-mgmt-net). Prior to this change, when the MTU sizes were not aligned and the o-hm0 MTU is less than the lb-mgmt-net MTU, then health check messages will be dropped causing the load balancer to fail-over.

The new behaviour is to always align the MTU of the health manager port (o-hm0) to that of the load balancer network (lb-mgmt-net).

For more details please see bug LP #2018998.

Removed features

hyperv mechanism driver

The hyperv mechanism driver has been removed from the neutron-api charm. The networking-hyperv (OpenStack Winstackers) project is now retired and the package was removed from Ubuntu 23.10 (Mantic).

For more details see bug LP #2036953.

Issues discovered during this release cycle

Juju 3.x incompatibilities

The keystone and glance-simplestreams-sync legacy charms (not using channels), and stable channels Xena and before, do not work with a Juju 3.x controller. The problems arising from upgrading these charms so that they (automatically) use Juju 3.x unit agents are related to:

  • Fernet key rotations (keystone)
  • status setting and endpoint updating (glance-simplestreams-sync)

LXD container upgrade to jammy

While performing LXD container series upgrades from focal to jammy, these containers may lose their IP addresses and network connectivity on reboot.

For more details see Upgrade issues.