
2.1 KiB


This charm deploys and configures a node with OpenStack Ironic which has integration with other OpenStack components.


Create an options.yaml file with the necessary configurations needed to deploy the charm:

  series: xenial
  constraints: spaces=internal,public,baremetaldeploy,ipmimanagement
  num_units: 0
    "gui-x": "1353"
    "gui-y": "1078"
    openstack-origin: "cloud:xenial-newton"
    region: "RegionOne"
    enable-ipxe: False
    enabled-drivers: "pxe_ipmitool,agent_ipmitool"
    nodes-cleaning: False
    dhcp-provider: neutron
    debug: True
    verbose: True
    swift-url: ""
    swift-account: "baremetal"
    swift-container: "images"
    swift-temp-url-duration: 1200
    swift-temp-url-key: "key"
    os-admin-network: ""
    os-internal-network: ""
    os-public-network: ""
    os-deploy-network: ""
    deploy-network-uuid: "7c3ee6a9-4f91-43d5-bb1c-44aea99abcf0"
    cleaning-network-uuid: "7c3ee6a9-4f91-43d5-bb1c-44aea99abcf0"

The above configurations can be used to deploy the charm using the OpenStack Newton release. Make sure you change the config options according to your needs. See the configuration section for details about the charm's config options.


OpenStack Ironic supports integration with Neutron, which is used as a DHCP provider for the ironic-conductor.


Deploy the charm and add the relations with the other OpenStack charms:

juju deploy --config options.yaml ironic

juju add-relation ironic mysql
juju add-relation ironic keystone
juju add-relation ironic rabbitmq-server
juju add-relation ironic glance
juju add-relation ironic neutron-api
juju add-relation ironic swift-proxy

To scale out horizontally:

juju add-unit ironic -n <number_of_units>

To scale down:

juju destroy-unit ironic/<unit_number>

To deploy locally

$ juju deploy $path_to_this_checkout --series xenial