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Cells V2

Nova cells v2 has been introduced over the Ocata and Pike cycles. In fact, all Pike deployments are now deployments using nova cells v2 usually using a single compute cell.

Problem Description

Nova cells v2 allows for a group of compute nodes to have their own dedicated database, message queue and conductor while still being administered through a central API service. This has the following benefits:

Reduced pressure on Rabbit and MySQL in large deployments

In even moderately sized clouds the database and message broker can quickly become a bottle neck. Cells can be used to alleviate that pressure by having a database and message queue per cell of compute nodes. It is worth noting that the charms already support having traffic for neutron etc in a separate rabbit instance.

Create multiple failure domains

Grouping compute cells with their local services allows the creation of discrete failure domains (from a nova POV at least).

Remote Compute cells (Edge computing)

In some deployments a group of compute nodes maybe far removed (from a networking pov) from the central services. In this case it maybe useful to have the compute nodes act as a largely independent group.

Different SLAs per cell

Different groups of compute nodes can have different levels of performance, HA. etc. A cell could have no local HA for the database, message queue and conductor for a development cell but the production cell could have significantly higher specification servers running clustered services.

(These use cases were paraphrased from *4.)

Proposed Change

To facilitate a cells v2 deployment a few relatively simple interfaces and relations need to be added. From a nova perspective the topology looks like this. This spec proposes mapping that to this charm topology.

Superconductor access to Child cells

The superconductor needs to be able to query the databases of the compute cells and to send and receive messages on the compute_cells message bus. The cleanest way to model this would be to have a direct Juju relation between the superconductor and the compute cells database and message bus. To facilitate this the following relations will be added to the nova-cloud-controller charm:

    interface: mysql-shared
    interface: rabbitmq

Superconductor configuring child cells

With the above change the superconductor has access to the child db and mq but does not know which compute cell name to associate with them. To solve this the nova-cloud-controller charm will have the following new relations:

    interface: cell
    interface: cell

The new cell relation will be used to pass the cell name, db service name and message queue service name.

  'amqp-service': 'rabbitmq-server-cell1',
  'db-service': 'mysql-cell1',
  'cell-name': 'cell1',

Given this information the superconductor can examine the service names that are attached to its shared-db-cell and amqp-cell relations and construct urls for them. The superconductor is then able to create the cell mapping in the api database by running:

nova-manage cell_v2 create_cell \
    --name <cell_name> \
    --transport-url <transport_url> \
    --database_connection <database_connection>

The superconductor needs five relations to be in place and their corresponding contexts to be complete before the cell can be mapped. Given the nova-cloud-controller is a non-reactive charm special care will be needed to ensure that the cell mapping happens irrespective of the order in which those relations are completed.

Compute conductor no longer registering with keystone

The compute conductor does not need to register an endpoint with keystone nor does it need service credentials. As such the identity-service relation should not be used for compute cells. A guard should be put in place in the nova-cloud-controller charm to prevent a compute cells nova-cloud-controller from registering an incorrect endpoint in keystone.

Compute conductor cell name config option

The compute conductor needs to know its own cell name so that it can pass this information up to the superconductor. To allow this a new configuration option will be added to the nova-compute charm:

    type: string
    description: |
      Name of the compute cell this controller is associated with. If this is
      left unset or set to api then it is assumed that this controller will
      be the top level api and cell0 controller.

Leaving the cell name unset assumes the current behaviour of associating the nova-cloud-controller with the api service, cell0 and cell1.

nova-compute service credentials

The nova-compute charm needs service credentials for RPC calls to the Nova Placement API and the Neutron API service. It currently gets these credentials via its cloud-compute relation which is ugly at best. However, given that the compute cells nova-cloud-controller will no longer have a relation with keystone it will not have any credentials to pass on to nova-compute. This is overcome by adding a cloud-credentials relation to the nova-compute charm.

    interface: keystone-credentials

nova-compute will request a username based on its service name so that users for different cells can be distinguished from one another.

Bespoke vhosts and db names

The ability to specify a nova db name and a rabbitmq vhost name should either be removed from the nova-cloud-controller charm or the new cell interface needs to support passing those up to the superconductor so that the superconductor can request access to the correct resources from the compute nodes database and message queue.

Disabling unused services

The compute cells nova-cloud-controller only needs to run the conductor service and possible the console services. Unused services should be disabled by the charm.

New cell conductor charm?

The nova cloud controller in a compute node only runs a small subset of the nova services and does not require a lot of the complexity that is baked into the current nova-cloud-controller charm. This begs the question of whether a new cut-down reactive charm that just runs the conductor would make sense. Most of the changes outlined above actually impact the superconductor rather than the compute conductor. However, looking at this the other way around the changes needed to allow the nova-cloud-controller charm to act as a child conductor are actually quite small and so probably do not warrant the creation of a new charm. It is probably worth noting some historical context here too, every time the decision has been made to create a charm which can operate in multiple modes that decision has been reversed at some cost at a later data ( ceph being a prime example).

Taking all that into consideration a new charm will not be written and the existing nova-cloud-controller charm will be extended to add support for running as a compute conductor.

Message Queues

There is flexibility around which message queue the non-nova services use. A dedicated rabbit instance could be created for them or they could reuse the rabbit instance the nova api service is using.

Telemetry etc

This spec does not touch on integration with telemetry. However, this does require further investigation to ensure that message data can be collected.

Juju service names

It will be useful, but not required, to embed the cell name in the service name of each component that is cell specific. Eg deploying services for cellN may look like this:

juju deploy nova-compute nova-compute-cellN
juju deploy nova-cloud-controller nova-cloud-controller-cellN
juju deploy mysql mysql-cellN
juju deploy rabbitmq-server rabbitmq-server-cellN


  • Do nothing and do not support additional nova v2 cells.
  • Resurrect support for the deprecated and bug ridden cells v1



Primary assignee:


Gerrit Topic

Use Gerrit topic "<topic_name>" for all patches related to this spec.

git-review -t cellsv2

Existing Work

As part of writing the spec prototype charms and a bundle were created for reference: Bundle and charm diffs

Work Items

  • Remove support for cells v1 from nova-compute and nova-cloud-controller charms
  • Add identity-context relation to nova-compute and ensure the supplied credentials are used when rendering placement and keystone sections in nova.conf
  • Add shared-db-cell relation to nova-cloud-controller assuming 'nova' database name when requesting access.
  • Add amqp-cell relations to nova-cloud-controller assuming 'openstack' vhost name when requesting access.
  • Add code for registering a cell to nova-cloud-controller. This will use the AMQ and SharedDB contexts from the shared-db-cell and amqp-cell relation to create the cell mapping.
  • Update nova.conf templates in nova-cloud-controller to only render api db url if the nova-cloud-controller is a superconductor.
  • Update db initialisation code to only run the relevant cell migration if not a superconductor.
  • Add nova-cell and nova-cell-api relations and ensure that the shared-db, amqp shared-db-cell, amqp-cell and nova-api-cell relations all attempt to register compute cells.
  • Write bundles to use cells topology
  • Check integration with other services (designate and telemetry in particular)


No new repositories needed.


  • READMEs of nova-cloud-controller and nova-compute will need updating to explain new relations and config options.
  • Blog with deployment walkthrough and explanation.
  • Update Openstack Charm documentation to explain how to do a multi-cell deployment
  • Add bundle to charm store.


No new security risks that I am aware of


  • A multi-cell topology is probably beyond the scope of amulet tests
  • Bundles added to openstack-charm-testing
  • Mojo specs


None that I can think of


Much of the benefit of cells etc was lifted from *4

*1 *2 *3 *4