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Example Spec - The title of your blueprint

Currently, there are only a couple of different policies people can use. We want to enable people to utilize multiple policies for the purpose of modularity and encapsulation.

Problem description

We want users to be able to create and delete entire policies. We want users to be able to choose which type of policy they want to create. We want users to write policies that reference tables defined in other policies as naturally as they reference tables defined within datasources.

Proposed change

Users may create/delete any number of policies and give them names. Each of these policies look like the classification policy we have today.

Users can insert/delete rules into each such policy just as they do with the classification policy today. Users may write the same kind of rules they always have, except they can reference tables defined in any other policy in the body of rules.

The rules are prohibited from prefixing the tablename in the head of a rule with a policy-name. The rules are prohibited from recursing across theories.

1) Example policy1: p(x) :- policy2:q(x)

policy2: q(x) :- nova:servers(x)

2) Non-example: do not include policy name in head of rule policy:p(x) :- q(x)

3) Non-example: do not recurse across policies policy1: p(x) :- policy2:q(x)

policy2: q(x) :- policy1:p(x)


We're already doing this (conceptually) with the prefixes (such as nova: and neutron:) on datasource tablenames. This proposal simply generalizes that idea.

Another approach is to put everything into a single theory and explicitly prefix all tables with the module in which they are defined. Implementationally, that is basically what we're doing, but leaving the policies in separate datastructures so that they can leverage different theory types.

Many other module systems are available, but this is basically Python's module system. Everything is visible to everything as long as you have a reference to it.

This proposal does not include hierarchical policies (policies defined within other policies). While that model is sensible for a file-based programming language, it is less clearly sensible for a restful API programming language since there is no inherent structure. This proposal still allows people to use hierarchical policy names, e.g. marketing:manager:alice, but there is no semantics to that hierarchy built into the language.


Example with policies policy1 and policy2. We assume we write the following rule in policy0.

error(vm) :- nova:virtual_machine(vm),

policy1:vm_property(vm), neutron:port(vm, src_ip), policy2:ip_bad(src_ip).

Policy Actions


Data Sources


Data model impact

None. Just a change in the policy engine's implementation.

REST API impact

Each API method which is either added or changed should have the following


  • Description: create a new policy of the given name, abbreviation, and type
  • Method: POST
  • Normal http response codes: success
  • HTTP errors:

    ** conflict: policy already exists ** bad request: type does not exist

  • URL: /v1/policy/
  • Parameters: name, abbreviation (for traces), type (Nonrecursive, Materialized)

Example: curl -X PUT http://localhost:1789/v1/policy -d '{"id": "test_policy", "description": "a great policy", "abbreviation": "test", "type": "nonrecursive"}'

Example output: {"id": "test_policy", "description": "a great policy", "abbreviation": "test", "type": "nonrecursive", "owner": "alice"}'

delete_policy: standard deletion operation

Example: curl -X DELETE http://localhost:1789/v1/policy/test_policy

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

Users will interact with other policies when writing rules.

Performance impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

Work items

  • Add create_policy/delete_policy to congress/policy/ The arguments to create_policy should include name/abbr/type, where type is either NonrecursiveRuleTheory or MaterializedViewTheory.
  • Change compile.atom to a separate 'module' field and 'table' field to avoid repeatedly parsing the tablename. The 'module' field is None if there is none.
  • Modify top_down_eval so that at every point in the search, it jumps to the policy in which the table is defined (or stays in the current policy if 'module' is None).
  • Ensure no infinite loops across theories. We need to check that the graph obtained by rules that cross policy boundaries is non-recursive; we can ignore rules that do not cross policy boundaries.
  • Can leave 'includes' functionality for internal implementation. Should not need to use it for the change above.
  • Expose this functionality through the API and CLI




Unit tests, both positive and negative.


1) Test 1 policy1: p(x) :- policy2:q(x)

policy2: q(1) q(2)

Query: policy1:p(x) yields {p(1), p(2)}

2) Test 2 policy1: p(x) :- policy2:q(x) r(1) r(2)

policy2 q(x) :- policy1:r(x)

Query: policy1:p(x) yields {p(1), p(2)}

3) Test 3 (namespace separation) policy1: p(x) :- policy2:q(x) q(1) q(2)

policy2 q(3) q(4)

Query: policy1:p(x) yields {p(3), p(4)}


1) Test 1 policy1: p(x) :- policy2:q(x)

policy2: q(x) :- policy1:p(x)

Should throw error.

Documentation impact

Need to add docs that describe new capabilities.

