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Publish policy results to DSE message bus

Implement subscriptions for the policy engine. That is, every time an entity on the DSE subscribes to a policy engine table, the policy engine should publish the results of that table on the message bus. The implementation should utilize the trigger mechanism, which is the subject of another spec.

Problem description

Currently, datasource drivers obey the publish/subscribe paradigm for tables. The policy engine subscribes to the tables it needs from the datasources, and the datasources publish information as appropriate.

But there are several use cases when other entities on the DSE message bus (not necessarily "datasources" per se) would like to subscribe to tables defined within policy.

  • Building proof of concepts where an external service is informed of policy violations and reacts accordingly, implemented for the sake of convenience as another entity on the DSE message bus.
  • Interoperable policy engines that publish their monitoring results on the bus for other policy engines to consume.

Proposed change

Every time the policy engine gets a subscription request for a specific table, e.g. 'alice_policy:error', the policy engine registers a trigger for that trigger. When the trigger fires, it publishes the contents of that table on the message bus.

Every time the policy engine gets an unsubscribe request for a specific table, the policy engine removes the trigger for that table.

The subscribe/unsubscribe functionality should be implemented within policy/

Because it is likely that the tables could be large, it makes sense to publish deltas for those tables on the bus, just as the datasources do. The functionality that does this for datasource drivers can be found in

To implement the delta publishing, we should look into creating a subclass of dse/ that includes the prepush_processor functionality and have both DatasourceDriver and DseRuntime inherit from it instead of DeepSix.


The policy engine could publish the entire table to the bus. The downside is that large tables with frequent small changes would cause a large amount of unneeded bus traffic. The upside would be that the subscriber might be simpler to write if it receives the entire table. If that turns out to be the case, we could always build convenience functions that compute the entire table from the deltas.



Policy Actions


Data Sources


Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance impact

Performance will be impacted, but little moreso than because of the triggers. The triggers will need to compute the delta; that delta will then simply be published on the message bus. Publishing is fast (especially compared to computing the contents of tables and then their deltas).

Other deployer impact


Developer impact




Primary assignee:

<launchpad-id or None>

Other contributors:

<launchpad-id or None>

Work items

  • Create subclass of DeepSix that includes delta publication functionality and have DatasourceDriver and DseRuntime inherit from that subclass instead of DeepSix
  • Alter DseRuntime so that every subscribe message sets up the appropriate trigger.
  • Alter DseRuntime so that every unsubscribe message removes the appropriate trigger.


  • Requires triggers: policy-engine-triggers


Non-tempest tests that subscribe to policy engine tables, cause changes to those tables, and verify that the appropriate deltas are sent on the bus are adequate.

Documentation impact

None required--we're just making a policy engine implement the same interface as datasource drivers.
