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Policy Engine Triggers


Currently there is no mechanism for treating changes to policy-defined tables as events (aka triggers). Treating changes to policy-defined tables as events is useful because it enables us to, for example, (i) publish those changes on the message bus (ii) set up reactive enforcement, either written in code or in policy, (iii) kicking off translations to other policy engines.

Problem description

This spec aims to provide a programmatic interface for triggers. A programmer will register an event handler to run whenever a change to a table occurs. The framework will then periodically (e.g. whenever inserts/deletes occur) compute updates to tables and run the registered event handlers.

Proposed change

We will create a trigger-registry interface that enables a programmer to dictate a function to run each time the contents of a given table changes.

Programmer's perspective

The functions that a programmer will register have a signature like the one that follows.

def respond_to_trigger(oldtable, newtable, delta)

The programmer will register this handler on a particular theory and a particular table. In this example, we register the function above so it runs each time the table "p" changes in the policy/theory "th".

# instance of congress/policy/ th = engine.policy("alice_policy") # register 'respond_to_trigger' for table 'p' on that policy th.register_trigger("p", respond_to_trigger)

From the programmer's point of view, each time the contents of table "p" changes in the theory named "alice_policy", the function respond_to_trigger is run and given as arguments the original table, the new table, and the difference in the two.


The function 'register_trigger' will be implemented in the congress/policy/ class. We will also have an 'unregister_trigger' function call. The Theory class will be augmented to contain a hash table 'self.triggers' that maps each table name to the set of functions that have been registered for that table. 'register_trigger' and 'unregister_trigger' change the contents of that hash table.

Then changes will be made to NonrecursiveRuleTheory, MaterializedViewTheory, and Database to implement the trigger: each time update() is called, the theory will (i) compute the contents of each table that has a trigger registered, (ii) apply the usual update() logic, (iii) compute the contents of each table with a registered trigger (again), (iv) compute the deltas on each of the tables with triggers (v) for each table t with non-empty delta, invoke all of the triggers registered for t giving the arguments (i), (iii), (iv)

Obviously triggers can be expensive because they require 2 queries each time data is changed. Ideally, we would utilize policy analysis to only query those tables when the data being update might possibly change the contents of those tables.

For example, suppose we registered a trigger for table p, and we had 2 rules:

p(x) :- q(x) r(x) :- t(x)

Updates to table t could never change the contents of p, but updates to table q COULD change the contents of p. Hence, the trigger implementation would run queries on p only when the incoming update changes q.


Programmers could write their own trigger-logic for each feature that needs this functionality. The benefit would be that the programmer can customize the functionality to fit exactly her purpose. The drawback would be that the user would need to understand the internals of all the Theory subclasses.



Policy Actions


Data Sources


Data model impact


REST API impact


Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact


Performance impact

This added functionality may or may not come with a performance cost.

NonrecursiveRuleTheory will have a performance cost because currently we do not evaluate a table on insert/delete, but after the change we will need to do more query evaluation.

MaterializedViewTheory will incur no performance cost because it already evaluates all tables at every insert/delete.

Other deployer impact


Developer impact

None outside of Congress. Developers can ignore the new interface if they want.



Primary assignee:

Tim Hinrichs

Work items

  • Add event-handler registry to theory base class
  • Add implementation of event-handler to all theory subclasses




Unit tests: register event handler, insert/delete policy data, check if event handler actually executed

Documentation impact


