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Setting up a Barbican Development Environment
These instructions are designed to help you setup a standalone version of
Barbican which uses SQLite as a database backend. This is not suitable for
production due to the lack of authentication and an interface to a secure
encryption system such as an HSM (Hardware Security Module). In addition,
the SQLite backend has known issues with thread-safety. This setup is purely
to aid in development workflows.
.. warning::
The default key store implementation in Barbican **is not secure** in
any way. **Do not use this development standalone mode to store sensitive
Installing system dependencies
**Ubuntu 15.10:**
.. code-block:: bash
# Install development tools
sudo apt-get install -y git python-tox
# Install dependency build requirements
sudo apt-get install -y libffi-dev libssl-dev python-dev gcc
**Fedora 23:**
.. code-block:: bash
# Install development tools
sudo dnf install -y git python-tox
# Install dependency build requirements
sudo dnf install -y gcc libffi-devel openssl-devel redhat-rpm-config
Setting up a virtual environment
We highly recommend using virtual environments for development. You can learn
more about `Virtual Environments`_ in the Python Guide.
If you installed tox in the previous step you should already have virtualenv
installed as well.
.. _Virtual Environments:
.. code-block:: bash
# Clone barbican source
git clone
cd barbican
# Create and activate a virtual environment
virtualenv .barbicanenv
source .barbicanenv/bin/activate
# Install barbican in development mode
pip install -e $PWD
Configuring Barbican
Barbican uses oslo.config for configuration. By default the api process will
look for the configuration file in ``$HOME/barbican.conf`` or
``/etc/barbican/barbican.conf``. The sample configuration files included in the
source code assume that you'll be using ``/etc/barbican/`` for configuration and
``/var/lib/barbican`` for the database file location.
.. code-block:: bash
# Create the directories and copy the config files
sudo mkdir /etc/barbican
sudo mkdir /var/lib/barbican
sudo chown $(whoami) /etc/barbican
sudo chown $(whoami) /var/lib/barbican
cp -r etc/barbican /etc
All the locations are configurable, so you don't have to use ``/etc`` and
``/var/lib`` in your development machine if you don't want to.
Running Barbican
If you made it this far you should be able to run the barbican development
server using this command:
.. code-block:: bash
An instance of barbican will be listening on ``http://localhost:9311``. Note
that the default configuration uses the unauthenticated context. This means
that requests should include the ``X-Project-Id`` header instead of including
a keystone token in the ``X-Auth-Token`` header. For example:
.. code-block:: bash
curl -v -H 'X-Project-Id: 12345' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
For more information on configuring Barbican with Keystone auth see the
:doc:`Keystone Configuration </setup/keystone>` page.
Building the Documentation
You can build the html developer documentation using tox:
.. code-block:: bash
tox -e docs
Running the Unit Tests
You can run the unit test suite using tox:
.. code-block:: bash
tox -e py27