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# couleur - ANSI terminal tool for python, colored shell and other handy fancy features
__Version 0.3__
__Couleur__ is a handy tool to play around with ANSI features in a
unix terminal
## installing
user@machine:~$ sudo pip install git+git://
## features
+ Single python file
+ 100% tested
+ comes with syntax sugar
## nutshell
### file-like objects filter
![stdout filter](
#### further
>>> import sys, couleur
>>> couleur.proxy(sys.stdout).enable()
>>> print "#{bold}#{red}#{on:yellow}This is#{normal} a test"
u'\x1b[1;31;43mThis is\x1b[39m a test'
>>> couleur.proxy(sys.stdout).ignore()
>>> print "#{bold}#{red}#{on:yellow}This is#{normal} a test"
u'This is a test'
>>> couleur.proxy(sys.stdout).disable()
### dynamic methods
couleur has a syntax sugar that is semantically nice:
import couleur
sh = couleur.Shell(indent=4)
sh.bold_black_on_white('Nice highlight')
# prints '\033[47m\033[1m\033[30mNice highlight\033[0m'
# will increase a internal indentation factor in couleur.Shell instance'Just green')
# prints indented as well ' \033[32mJust Green\033[0m'
# will decrease that indentation factor (above)
# syntax sugar
sh.green_and_nornal_and_blue('this will be printed in green| and |this in blue')
# see: '\033[32mthis will be printed in green\033[0m and \033[34mthis in blue\033[0m'
couleur can overwrite output, so that you can make things like printing progress bars, show percentage and so on:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import couleur
shell = couleur.Shell(linebreak=True, bold=True)
for num in range(101):
if num == 0:
shell.yellow_and_red("Downloading file: |%d%%" % num, replace=True)
shell.white_and_green("Downloading file: |DONE!", replace=True)
### furthermore
With couleur you can mix modifiers and colors.
Available modifiers:
+ reset - resets from the current point to the end
+ bold - make text bold
+ blink - it may blink the text or make it slighly lighten, depending on the terminal
+ italic - make text italic
+ underline - add underline on text
+ inverse - invert colors
+ strikethrough - draws a line through the text
+ up - does the same than passing replace=True to the output function: carriage return and one line up
Available colors:
+ normal
+ black
+ red
+ green
+ yellow
+ blue
+ magenta
+ cyan
+ white
Example chaining modifiers:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import couleur
shell = couleur.Shell(linebreak=True)
shell.bold_italic_underline_yellow_on_black_and_italic_black_on_white("WOO| HOO")
## free software
To contribute back with this project, all you need to do is write code, and test code that proofs its functionallity
### cloning and running tests
You will need to install [nose]( "a pretty way for testing in python").
And run:
user@machine:~/Projects$ git clone git://
user@machine:~/Projects$ cd couleur
user@machine:~/Projects$ pip install -r requirements.pip
user@machine:~/Projects/couleur$ make
## nomenclature
"couleur" stands for "color" in French, I like french, hence the name
## Licensing
Copyright (c) 2010 Gabriel Falcão
Licensed under Apache License 2.0