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Improve upgrade content by replacing rigid step-by-step procedures that involve the installation guide architecture and upstream distribution packages with more general procedures that appeal to a wider audience.

Problem description

The existing upgrade content in the Operations Guide includes rigid step-by-step procedures that rely on the simple installation guide architecture and upstream distribution packages. Our audience of operators deploy OpenStack in a variety of ways and would benefit from more generic procedures that apply more easily to different environments.

Proposed change

Develop the following content for each service:

  • Outline of the typical process including common issues. For example, address mandatory operational or configuration changes, stop the service, upgrade the code, upgrade the database schema, start the service, verify operation of the service.
  • Mandatory or significant operational or configuration changes between releases.
  • Links to release notes and configuration reference for other changes.

Mandatory or significant operational or configuration changes between releases only consider upgrades from N-1 to N release back to the most recent EOL release. Given time constraints, development prioritizes upgrades between more recent releases.


Continue using the existing content, likely without updates for recent releases.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Develop a generic upgrade procedure.
  • Determine mandatory or significant operational or configuration changes between releases and test upgrades using these changes.


  • Suitable environment for deploying various releases and performing upgrades.


  • Verify generic upgrade procedure and augmentation with mandatory or significant operational or configuration changes for each release.


  • Discussion can occur using any official medium including IRC in #openstack-doc, the openstack-docs mailing list, weekly documentation team meeting, and potentially etherpads.