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Building the image

  • Run the following command
docker build --tag dragonflow .

Running the image

Preparation work

  • Create a network to be used by the containers, use any subnet you find fit, the subnet here is just an example.
export DRAGONFLOW_NET_NAME=dragonflow_net
docker network create --subnet= $DRAGONFLOW_NET_NAME

Running etcd node

  • Run the following commands:
mkdir -p /tmp/etcd
chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t /tmp/etcd
export NODE1= # Any free IP in the subnet
export DATA_DIR=/tmp/etcd
docker run --detach --net $DRAGONFLOW_NET_NAME --ip ${NODE1} --volume=${DATA_DIR}:/etcd-data --name etcd quay.io/coreos/etcd:latest /usr/local/bin/etcd --data-dir=/etcd-data --name node1 --initial-advertise-peer-urls http://${NODE1}:2380 --listen-peer-urls http://${NODE1}:2380 --advertise-client-urls http://${NODE1}:2379 --listen-client-urls http://${NODE1}:2379 --initial-cluster node1=http://${NODE1}:2380
  • Make sure the IP was properly assigned to the container:
docker inspect --format "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.${DRAGONFLOW_NET_NAME}.IPAddress }}" etcd

Running controller node

This section assumes you have OVS set up. Make sure ovsdb-server listens on TCP port 6640. This can be done with the following command. Note you may need to allow this via selinux.

sudo ovs-appctl -t ovsdb-server ovsdb-server/add-remote ptcp:6640
  • Run the following commands:
export DRAGONFLOW_ADDRESS= # Any free IP in the subnet
export MANAGEMENT_IP=$(docker inspect --format "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.${DRAGONFLOW_NET_NAME}.Gateway }}" etcd)  # Assuming you put OVS on the host
docker run --name dragonflow --net $DRAGONFLOW_NET_NAME --ip ${DRAGONFLOW_ADDRESS} dragonflow:latest --dragonflow_address ${DRAGONFLOW_ADDRESS} --db_address ${NODE1}:2379 --management_ip ${MANAGEMENT_IP}
  • Make sure the IP was properly assigned to the container:
docker inspect --format "{{ .NetworkSettings.Networks.${DRAGONFLOW_NET_NAME}.IPAddress }}" dragonflow

There are two configuration files that Dragonflow needs, and creates automatically if they do not exist:

  • /etc/dragonflow/dragonflow.ini
  • /etc/dragonflow//etc/dragonflow/dragonflow_datapath_layout.yaml

If these files exist, they are used as-is, and are not overwritten. You can add these files using e.g. -v local-dragonflow-conf.ini:/etc/dragonflow/dragonflow.ini.

Running the container without the controller service

This enables you to run the container without running the container service. This is useful in order to create a standalone node for Dragonflow API, separated from the controller node.

  • Run the following commands:
docker run --name dragonflow --net $DRAGONFLOW_NET_NAME --ip ${DRAGONFLOW_ADDRESS} -e DF_NO_CONTROLLER=1 -i -t dragonflow:latest --dragonflow_address ${DRAGONFLOW_ADDRESS} --db_address ${NODE1}:2379