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Upgrade Environment Quick Start

Upgrade Environment Quick Start


Only use this section as a reference. Read the detailed sections below to understand the upgrade scenario before running any of the listed commands.

This section lists commands required to upgrade a 6.1 environment to version 7.0 with brief comments. For the detailed description of what each command does and why, see the following sections:

  • Detailed upgrade procedure<upg_sol>
  • Detailed description of commands<upg_script>


Do not run the following commands unless you understand exactly what you are doing. It can completely destroy your OpenStack environment. Please, read the detailed sections below carefully before you proceed with these commands.

1. Install the Upgrade Script

Run the following command on the Fuel Master node to download and install the Upgrade Script in the system:

yum install -y fuel-octane
octane prepare

2. Pick environment to upgrade

Run the following command and pick an environment to upgrade from the list:

fuel2 env list

Note the ID of the environment and store it in a variable:

export ORIG_ID=<ID>

3. Create an Upgrade Seed environment

Run the following command to create a new environment of version 7.0 and store its ID to a variable:

SEED_ID=$(./octane upgrade-env $ORIG_ID)

4. Upgrade the first Controller

Pick one of the Controllers in your environment by ID and remember that ID:

fuel node list --env ${ORIG_ID} | awk -F\| '$7~/controller/{print($0)}'

Use the ID of the Controller to upgrade it with the following command:

octane upgrade-node --isolated $SEED_ID <ID>

5. Upgrade State Database

After the first Controller in the 7.0 environment is deployed and ready, run the following command to upgrade the state databases of the OpenStack services:

octane upgrade-db $ORIG_ID $SEED_ID

6. Upgrade Ceph cluster

Run the following command to upgrade the Monitor node on the new Controller with the state and configuration of the original Ceph cluster:

octane upgrade-ceph $ORIG_ID $SEED_ID

7. Switch control plane to 7.0

Run the following command to switch the OpenStack environment to the 7.0 control plane:

octane upgrade-controlplane $ORIG_ID $SEED_ID

8. Upgrade all Controllers

Identify the remaining Controllers in the 6.1 environment by IDs (ID1, ID2, etc):

fuel node list --env ${ORIG_ID} | awk -F\| '$7~/controller/{print($0)}'

Run the following command to upgrade the remaining 6.1 Controllers to version 7.0:

octane upgrade-node $SEED_ID <ID1> <ID2>

9. Upgrade Compute and Ceph OSD nodes

Repeat the following command for every node in the 6.1 environment identified by ID:

octane upgrade-node $SEED_ID <ID>

10. Clean up the Fuel Master node

When no nodes remain in the 6.1 environment, run the following command to restore the original state of the 7.0 Fuel Master node:

octane cleanup-fuel

11. Delete the original 6.1 environment

After verification of the upgraded 7.0 environment, delete the original 6.1 environment with the following command:

fuel env --env $ORIG_ID --delete