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Exclude tasks from an audit

When you verify changes with the fuel2 audit command, Fuel checks all Puppet tasks disregarding whether they do not change their states (idempotent) or they do change their states (non-idempotent). Each audit report includes both types of tasks. However, the result of the non-idempotent task run typically does not provide important information about the state of the system, and, therefore, can be ignored.

You can exclude the non-idempotent Puppet tasks from the audit by creating a whitelist. A whitelist includes a set of rules in a form of a pair of strings. The first string is a Fuel Puppet task. The second string is the rule.


- fuel_task: netconfig
  rule: L23_stored_configs
- fuel_task: top-role-compute
  rule: Service[nova-compute]/ensure

To apply a rule to all tasks, specify an empty task.

Fuel provides a default whitelist for your reference.

To exclude tasks from an audit:

  1. Log in to the Fuel Master node.

  2. Create a new whitelist or upload the existing one.

    • If you want upload the default whitelist:

      fuel2 audit whitelist load fromfile <ENV_ID>
    • If you need to create a new whitelist:

      1. In the /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/fuel_external_git/ directory, create a .yaml file with the required rules.

      2. Alternatively, specify rules using the following command:

        fuel2 audit whitelist add <ENV_ID> --task <FUEL_TASK> --rule <RULE>

        or by providing a path to the corresponding .yaml file:

        fuel2 audit whitelist load fromfile <ENV_ID> <PATH_TO_YAML>
  3. Verify that you created a whitelist for the selected environment:

    fuel2 audit whitelist show <ENV_ID>
  4. If you need to delete a rule, run:

    fuel2 audit whitelist delete <RULE_ID>