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Bonding in UI/Nailgun


The NIC bonding allows you to aggregate multiple physical links to one link to increase speed and provide fault tolerance.

Design docs


Fuel Support

The Puppet module L23network has support for OVS and native Linux bonding, so we can use it for both NovaNetwork and Neutron deployments. Only Native OVS bonding (Neutron only) is implemented in Nailgun now. Vlan splinters cannot be used on bonds now. Three modes are supported now: 'active-backup', 'balance-slb', 'lacp-balance-tcp' (see nailgun.consts.OVS_BOND_MODES).

Deployment serialization

Most detailed docs on deployment serialization for neutron are here:

  1. http://docs.mirantis.com/fuel/fuel-4.0/reference-architecture.html#advanced-network-configuration-using-open-vswitch
  2. https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-orchestrator-serialization

Changes related to bonding are in the “transformations” section:

1. "add-bond" section :

  "action": "add-bond",
  "name": "bond-xxx", # name is generated in UI
  "interfaces": [], # list of NICs; ex: ["eth1", "eth2"]
  "bridge": "br-xxx",
  "properties": [] # info on bond's policy, mode; ex: ["bond_mode=active-backup"]

2. Instead of creating separate OVS bridges for every bonded NIC we need to create one bridge for the bond itself :

  "action": "add-br",
  "name": "br-xxx"


NodeNICsHandler and NodeCollectionNICsHandler are used for bonds creation, update and removal. Operations with bonds and networks assignment are done in single request fashion. It means that creation of bond and appropriate networks reassignment is done using one request. Request parameters must contain sufficient and consistent data for construction of new interfaces topology and proper assignment of all node's networks.

Request/response data example:

    "name": "ovs-bond0", # only name is set for bond, not id
    "type": "bond",
    "mode": "balance-slb", # see nailgun.consts.OVS_BOND_MODES for modes list
    "slaves": [
      {"name": "eth1"}, # only “name” must be in slaves list
      {"name": "eth2"}],
    "assigned_networks": [
        "id": 9,
        "name": "public"
    "name": "eth0",
    "state": "up",
    "mac": "52:54:00:78:55:68",
    "max_speed": null,
    "current_speed": null,
    "assigned_networks": [
        "id": 1,
        "name": "fuelweb_admin"
        "id": 10,
        "name": "management"
        "id": 11,
        "name": "storage"
    "type": "ether",
    "id": 5
    "name": "eth1",
    "state": "up",
    "mac": "52:54:00:88:c8:78",
    "max_speed": null,
    "current_speed": null,
    "assigned_networks": [], # empty for bond slave interfaces
    "type": "ether",
    "id": 2
    "name": "eth2",
    "state": "up",
    "mac": "52:54:00:03:d1:d2",
    "max_speed": null,
    "current_speed": null,
    "assigned_networks": [], # empty for bond slave interfaces
    "type": "ether",
    "id": 1

Following fields are required in request body for bond interface: name, type, mode, slaves. Following fields are required in request body for NIC: id, type.

Nailgun DB

Now we have separate models for bond interfaces and NICs: NodeBondInterface and NodeNICInterface. Node's interfaces can be accessed through Node.nic_interfaces and Node.bond_interfaces separately or through Node.interfaces (property, read-only) all together. Relationship between them (bond:NIC ~ 1:M) is expressed in “slaves” field in NodeBondInterface model. Two more new fields in NodeBondInterface are: “flags” and “mode”. Bond's “mode” can accept values from nailgun.consts.OVS_BOND_MODES. Bond's “flags” are not in use now. “type” property (read-only) indicates whether it is a bond or NIC (see nailgun.consts.NETWORK_INTERFACE_TYPES).