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OpenStack Technical Committee

The OpenStack Technical Committee is one of the governing bodies of the OpenStack project. It is an elected group that represents the contributors to the project, and has oversight on all technical matters.

The Technical Committee is formally defined in the OpenStack Foundation bylaws (in particular article 4.1(b), article 4.13 and Appendix 4) and further refined in the reference/charter.

Upstream work under the Technical Committee is organized under official reference/projects/index, and reference/working-groups.

These pages contain OpenStack Technical Committee reference documents and track official resolutions voted by the committee.

Current Members

Reference documents and Resolutions

reference/index goals/index resolutions/index resolutions/superseded/index

Office hours

Beyond discussing on the mailing-list and participating in ad-hoc IRC meetings, TC members will hold office hours (for one hour) on the #openstack-tc IRC channel at the following times every week:

You can contact TC members at any time, but there will be an effort to be present at those specific hours. So don't hesitate to reach out if you have any question!

How to propose governance changes

Motions should be posted for discussion as a proposed change to the openstack/governance repository (on and/or as a "[tc]" thread to the mailing-list. Upon verification, the chair will put the motion on the current proposals tracker.

We use Gerrit to record votes, so before being formally voted on or approved, motions will have to be presented as a change in the openstack/governance git repository. You can find instructions on how to do that in the Developer's guide section of the Infra manual. Please contact the TC chair in case you need help. Note that a number of simpler changes do not require formal voting by the majority of the Technical Committee membership. Those exceptions are listed in the reference/house-rules document.