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How to Contribute

RDO-Manager source code is available. You can contribute code to individual projects, documentation, report bugs and vulnerabilities, request features.

Contributing Code

As long as RDO-Manager is a set of integrated OpenStack projects, all development is happening in OpenStack upstream.

Learn how to contribute into OpenStack's upstream < wiki/How_To_Contribute>.

See ../introduction/components to find out how to contribute into individual projects.

Reporting Bugs

OpenStack Upstream: If you find bugs or volnurabilities which affect upstream projects, please follow OpenStack's process of filing bugs.

  • Learn how to create Bugs in OpenStack.
  • If you want to file a bug against upstream project, you can find useful links in our list of ../introduction/components.

RDO-Manager: If the bug impacts RDO-Manager as a distribution of the TripleO Installer, you can file a bug against Bugzilla:

  1. Go to
  2. Choose component: rdo-manager (or any related individual project)
  3. Fill in needed information (If you filed also upstream bug, please provide its URL in advanced fields)
  4. Submit bug


If you follow base Bugzilla link, you need to select following: Enter a new bug report -> Community -> RDO

Requesting Features

OpenStack Upstream: Since we are developing projects in OpenStack community, all the features are being requested upstream via Blueprints.

RDO-Manager: If the feature concerns our community distribution named RDO-Manager, you can use Bugzilla to enter new RFE (Request For Enhancement):

  1. Go to
  2. Choose component: rdo-manager
  3. Use '[RFE]' in the beginning of your Summary for quick identification
  4. Display Advanced fields and enter new Kewyord 'RFE'
  5. Fill in needed information (If you filed also upstream blueprint, please provide its URL in advanced fields)
  6. Submit "bug"


If you follow base Bugzilla link, you need to select following: Enter a new bug report -> Community -> RDO