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RDO-Manager Introduction

RDO-Manager is an OpenStack Deployment & Management tool for RDO. It is based on OpenStack TripleO project and its philosophy is inspired by SpinalStack < latest/>.

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With RDO-Manager, you start by creating an undercloud (an actual operator facing deployment cloud) that will contain the necessary OpenStack components to deploy and manage an overcloud (an actual tenant facing workload cloud). The overcloud is the deployed solution and can represent a cloud for any purpose (e.g. production, staging, test, etc). The operator can choose any of available Overcloud Roles (OpenStack components) they want to deploy to his environment.

Go to architecture to learn more.


RDO-Manager is composed of set of official OpenStack components accompanied by few other open sourced plugins which are increasing RDO-Manager capabilities.

Go to components to learn more.

Architecture <architecture> Components <components>