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Undercloud Install via instack

  1. Clone this repository and instack

     git clone
     git clone
  2. Create and edit your answers file. The descriptions of the parameters that can be set are in the sample answers file.

     cd instack-undercloud
     # Use either the baremetal or virt sample answers file
     # cp instack-baremetal.answers.sample instack.answers
     # cp instack-virt.answers.sample instack.answers
     # Return back to directory where instack was cloned
     cd ..
  3. Run script to install undercloud. The script will produce a lot of output on the sceen. It also logs to ~/.instack/install-undercloud.log. You should see install-undercloud Complete! at the end of a successful run.


That completes the Undercloud install. To proceed with deploying and using the Overcloud see Overcloud.