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Bank Plugins Development Guide




This Guide provides instructions on how to develop and use your bank plugins; the guide also gives an overview of the existing bank plugins.

Before you read this document, it is recommended to:

#. Deploy an OpenStack environment with the latest Karbor version. See the Karbor Installation Guide.


The bank plugin is responsible for persisting data between protect and restore operations, and between different sites. This gives Karbor the flexibility store metadata in many locations, object stores such as Swift, document stores such as MongoDB, relational databases such as MariaDB, etc.

So a simplified object store interface of bank is defined for most backends to support saving the metadata and backup data of the checkpoints.

You can extend the functionality of the Karbor's bank through implementing new bank plugins.

Existing Plugins


Create a bank plugin

The Karbor code-base has a python API that corresponds to the set of API calls you must implement to be a Karbor Bank plugin. Within the source code directory, look at karbor/service/protection/bank_plugin.py

A bank plugin usually consists of code to:

  1. Lists: This function will list all the object from the default container of the bank backend.
  2. Creates: This function will create or update one object to the default container of the bank backend.
  3. Gets: This function will get one object from the default container of the bank backend.
  4. Deletes: This function will delete one object from the default container of the bank backend.

In order to tell whether the checkpoint (saved in the bank) is a zombie or not, a lease mechanism is introduced to the bank plugin.

The bank plugin will play a role as lease client while the bank bankends server (i.e swift cluster) plays as the lease server. So the bank plugin for a lease server should consist of code to:

  1. acquire_lease The bank plugin (lease client) will use this function to acquire a lease from bank server (lease server). For swift specifically, it will create a lease object in swift container and set an expire_window for this lease.
  2. renew_lease This function will be called by each lease client in the background periodically.
  3. check_lease_validity This function is used by GC to check whether the lease object exists or not in lease server side.

Add the configuration of the bank plugin

  1. Adding the Plugin class module to the entry_points Add the bank plugin module name to the protection namespace of karbor in the entry_points section of setup.cfg file:

    karbor.protections =
    karbor-swift-bank-plugin = karbor.services.protection.bank_plugins.swift_bank_plugin:SwiftBankPlugin
    karbor-fs-bank-plugin = karbor.services.protection.bank_plugins.file_system_bank_plugin:FileSystemBankPlugin
  2. The bank plugin can be used by karbor. Before starting the karbor-protection service, The admin need to configure the bank plugin entry point name to the configuration of the provider (/etc/karbor/providers.d/openstack-fs-bank.conf), Let us take local fs bank plugin as a example:

    name = OS Infra Provider with local file system bank
    description = This provider uses local file system as the bank of karbor
    id = 6659007d-6f66-4a0f-9cb4-17d6aded0bb9