
17 KiB

Launch an instance

In environments that include the Data Protection service, you can create a checkpoint and restore this checkpoint.

Create a checkpoint

Create a checkpoint for some resource. For example, for volume:

  1. Source the demo credentials to perform the following steps as a non-administrative project:

    $ . demo-openrc
  2. list provider.

    $ karbor provider-list
    | Id                                   | Name              | Description                                                                         |
    | b766f37c-d011-4026-8228-28730d734a3f | No-Op Provider    | This provider does nothing for each protect and restore operation. Used for testing |
    | cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 | OS Infra Provider | This provider uses OpenStack's own services (swift, cinder) as storage              |
    | e4008868-be97-492c-be41-44e50ef2e16f | EISOO Provider    | This provider provides data protection for applications with EISOO AnyBackup        |
  3. list protectable.

    $ karbor protectable-list
    | Protectable type      |
    | OS::Cinder::Volume    |
    | OS::Glance::Image     |
    | OS::Keystone::Project |
    | OS::Nova::Server      |
  4. list volume resources, and get volume ID.

    $ openstack volume list
    | ID                                   | Display Name | Status    | Size | Attached to |
    | 286a43e9-3899-4983-965f-d8b1faef5e58 | Volume1      | available |    1 |             |
  5. Create a plan for this volume:

    $ karbor plan-create Plan1 cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 '286a43e9-3899-4983-965f-d8b1faef5e58'='OS::Cinder::Volume'='Volume1'
    | Property    | Value                                              |
    | description | None                                               |
    | id          | 81ac01b7-0a69-4b0b-8ef5-bd46a900c90a               |
    | name        | Plan1                                              |
    | parameters  | {}                                                 |
    | provider_id | cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9               |
    | resources   | [                                                  |
    |             |   {                                                |
    |             |     "id": "286a43e9-3899-4983-965f-d8b1faef5e58",  |
    |             |     "name": "Volume1",                             |
    |             |     "type": "OS::Cinder::Volume"                   |
    |             |   }                                                |
    |             | ]                                                  |
    | status      | suspended                                          |
  6. Create checkpoint by plan:

    $ karbor checkpoint-create cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 81ac01b7-0a69-4b0b-8ef5-bd46a900c90a
    | Property        | Value                                                |
    | created_at      | None                                                 |
    | extra_info      | None                                                 |
    | id              | c1112037-b19c-421a-83c9-dd209e785189                 |
    | project_id      | 690ccee85834425e973258252e0da888                     |
    | protection_plan | {                                                    |
    |                 |   "id": "81ac01b7-0a69-4b0b-8ef5-bd46a900c90a",      |
    |                 |   "name": "Plan1",                                   |
    |                 |   "resources": [                                     |
    |                 |     {                                                |
    |                 |       "id": "286a43e9-3899-4983-965f-d8b1faef5e58",  |
    |                 |       "name": "Volume1",                             |
    |                 |       "type": "OS::Cinder::Volume"                   |
    |                 |     }                                                |
    |                 |   ]                                                  |
    |                 | }                                                    |
    | resource_graph  | None                                                 |
    | status          | protecting                                           |
  7. After a short time, verify successful creation of the checkpoint:

    $ karbor checkpoint-show cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 c1112037-b19c-421a-83c9-dd209e785189
    | Property        | Value                                                     |
    | created_at      | 2017-03-27                                                |
    | extra_info      | None                                                      |
    | id              | c1112037-b19c-421a-83c9-dd209e785189                      |
    | project_id      | 690ccee85834425e973258252e0da888                          |
    | protection_plan | {                                                         |
    |                 |   "id": "81ac01b7-0a69-4b0b-8ef5-bd46a900c90a",           |
    |                 |   "name": "Plan1",                                        |
    |                 |   "provider_id": "cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9",  |
    |                 |   "resources": [                                          |
    |                 |     {                                                     |
    |                 |       "id": "286a43e9-3899-4983-965f-d8b1faef5e58",       |
    |                 |       "name": "Volume1",                                  |
    |                 |       "type": "OS::Cinder::Volume"                        |
    |                 |     }                                                     |
    |                 |   ]                                                       |
    |                 | }                                                         |
    | resource_graph  | [                                                         |
    |                 |   {                                                       |
    |                 |     "0x0": [                                              |
    |                 |       "OS::Cinder::Volume",                               |
    |                 |       "286a43e9-3899-4983-965f-d8b1faef5e58",             |
    |                 |       "Volume1"                                           |
    |                 |     ]                                                     |
    |                 |   },                                                      |
    |                 |   []                                                      |
    |                 | ]                                                         |
    | status          | available                                                 |
  8. Create restore by checkpoint:

    $ karbor restore-create cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 c1112037-b19c-421a-83c9-dd209e785189
    | Property         | Value                                |
    | checkpoint_id    | c1112037-b19c-421a-83c9-dd209e785189 |
    | id               | 2c9dea83-3e12-4fa1-80af-16f02b5738ef |
    | parameters       | {}                                   |
    | project_id       | 690ccee85834425e973258252e0da888     |
    | provider_id      | cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 |
    | resources_reason | {}                                   |
    | resources_status | {}                                   |
    | restore_target   | None                                 |
    | status           | in_progress                          |
  9. After a short time, verify successful restore for the checkpoint:

    $ karbor restore-show 2c9dea83-3e12-4fa1-80af-16f02b5738ef
    | Property         | Value                                                                      |
    | checkpoint_id    | c1112037-b19c-421a-83c9-dd209e785189                                       |
    | id               | 2c9dea83-3e12-4fa1-80af-16f02b5738ef                                       |
    | parameters       | {}                                                                         |
    | project_id       | 690ccee85834425e973258252e0da888                                           |
    | provider_id      | cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9                                       |
    | resources_reason | {}                                                                         |
    | resources_status | {u'OS::Cinder::Volume#b0b2d98d-ec8a-498e-ad50-00a2240c76a2': u'available'} |
    | restore_target   | None                                                                       |
    | status           | success                                                                    |
  10. Delete the checkpoint:

    $ karbor checkpoint-delete cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 c1112037-b19c-421a-83c9-dd209e785189
  11. Create a trigger:

    $ karbor trigger-create 'trigger-every-5-minutes' 'time' "pattern"="BEGIN:VEVENT\nRRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=5;\nEND:VEVENT","format"="calendar"
    | Property   | Value                                                                        |
    | id         | b065836f-6485-429d-b12c-e04395c5f58e                                         |
    | name       | My Trigger                                                                   |
    | properties | {                                                                            |
    |            |   "format": "calendar",                                                      |
    |            |   "pattern": "BEGIN:VEVENT\\nRRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=5;\\nEND:VEVENT",  |
    |            |   "start_time": "2017-03-02 22:56:42"                                        |
    |            | }                                                                            |
    | type       | time                                                                         |
  12. Create a scheduled operation:

    $ karbor scheduledoperation-create 'Protect with My Trigger' protect b065836f-6485-429d-b12c-e04395c5f58e "plan_id"="81ac01b7-0a69-4b0b-8ef5-bd46a900c90a","provider_id"="cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9"
    | Property             | Value                                                   |
    | description          | None                                                    |
    | enabled              | True                                                    |
    | id                   | 2ebcf7cc-d8fe-4a70-af71-8a13f20556fb                    |
    | name                 | PMT                                                     |
    | operation_definition | {                                                       |
    |                      |   "plan_id": "ca572b42-6d35-4d81-bb4e-c9b100a3387a",    |
    |                      |   "provider_id": "cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9" |
    |                      | }                                                       |
    | operation_type       | protect                                                 |
    | trigger_id           | b065836f-6485-429d-b12c-e04395c5f58e                    |
  13. After a short time, verify the scheduled operation already effective:

    $ karbor checkpoint-list cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9 --plan_id 81ac01b7-0a69-4b0b-8ef5-bd46a900c90a
    | Id                                   | Project id                       | Status    | Protection plan                                           | Created at |
    | 92e74f0c-8519-4928-9bd5-0039e0fe92b0 | 690ccee85834425e973258252e0da888 | available | {                                                         | 2017-03-03 |
    |                                      |                                  |           |   "id": "ca572b42-6d35-4d81-bb4e-c9b100a3387a",           |            |
    |                                      |                                  |           |   "name": "Plan1",                                        |            |
    |                                      |                                  |           |   "provider_id": "cf56bd3e-97a7-4078-b6d5-f36246333fd9",  |            |
    |                                      |                                  |           |   "resources": [                                          |            |
    |                                      |                                  |           |     {                                                     |            |
    |                                      |                                  |           |       "id": "286a43e9-3899-4983-965f-d8b1faef5e58",       |            |
    |                                      |                                  |           |       "name": "Volume1",                                  |            |
    |                                      |                                  |           |       "type": "OS::Cinder::Volume"                        |            |
    |                                      |                                  |           |     }                                                     |            |
    |                                      |                                  |           |   ]                                                       |            |
    |                                      |                                  |           | }                                                         |            |