
5.1 KiB

Tempest Tests

Manila stores tempest tests as plugin under manila_tempest_tests directory. It contains functional and scenario tests.

Installation of plugin to tempest

Tempest plugin installation is common for all its plugins and detailed information can be found in its docs. In simple words: if you have installed manila project on the same machine as tempest, then tempest will find it.

All config options for manila are defined in manila_tempest_tests/ module. They can be set/redefined in tempest.conf file.

Here is a configuration example:

manila = True

# Capabilities
capability_storage_protocol = NFS
capability_snapshot_support = True
capability_create_share_from_snapshot_support = True
backend_names = Backendname1,BackendName2
backend_replication_type = readable

# Enable/Disable test groups
multi_backend = True
multitenancy_enabled = True
enable_protocols = nfs,cifs,glusterfs,cephfs
enable_ip_rules_for_protocols = nfs
enable_user_rules_for_protocols = cifs
enable_cert_rules_for_protocols = glusterfs
enable_cephx_rules_for_protocols = cephfs
username_for_user_rules = foouser
enable_ro_access_level_for_protocols = nfs
run_quota_tests = True
run_extend_tests = True
run_shrink_tests = True
run_snapshot_tests = True
run_consistency_group_tests = True
run_replication_tests = True
run_migration_tests = True
run_manage_unmanage_tests = True
run_manage_unmanage_snapshot_tests = True


None of existing share drivers support all features. So, make sure that share backends really support features you enable in config.

Running tests

To run tests, it is required to install pip, tox and virtualenv packages on host machine. Then run following command from tempest root directory:

$ tox -e all-plugin -- manila_tempest_tests.tests.api

or to run only scenario tests:

$ tox -e all-plugin -- manila_tempest_tests.tests.scenario

Running a subset of tests based on test location

Instead of running all tests, you can specify an individual directory, file, class, or method that contains test code.

To run the tests in the manila_tempest_tests/tests/api/admin directory:

$ tox -e all-plugin -- manila_tempest_tests.tests.api.admin

To run the tests in the manila_tempest_tests/tests/api/admin/ module:

$ tox -e all-plugin -- manila_tempest_tests.tests.api.admin.test_admin_actions

To run the tests in the AdminActionsTest class in manila_tempest_tests/tests/api/admin/ module:

$ tox -e all-plugin -- manila_tempest_tests.tests.api.admin.test_admin_actions.AdminActionsTest

To run the AdminActionsTest.test_reset_share_state test method in manila_tempest_tests/tests/api/admin/ module:

$ tox -e all-plugin -- manila_tempest_tests.tests.api.admin.test_admin_actions.AdminActionsTest.test_reset_share_state

Running a subset of tests based on service involvement

To run the tests that require only manila-api service running:

$ tox -e all-plugin -- \
  \(\?\=\.\*\\\[\.\*\\bapi\\b\.\*\\\]\) \

To run the tests that require all manila services running, but intended to test API behaviour:

$ tox -e all-plugin -- \
  \(\?\=\.\*\\\[\.\*\\b\(api\|api_with_backend\)\\b\.\*\\\]\) \

To run the tests that require all manila services running, but intended to test back-end (manila-share) behaviour:

$ tox -e all-plugin -- \
  \(\?\=\.\*\\\[\.\*\\bbackend\\b\.\*\\\]\) \

Running a subset of positive or negative tests

To run only positive tests, use following command:

$ tox -e all-plugin -- \
  \(\?\=\.\*\\\[\.\*\\bpositive\\b\.\*\\\]\) \

To run only negative tests, use following command:

$ tox -e all-plugin -- \
  \(\?\=\.\*\\\[\.\*\\bnegative\\b\.\*\\\]\) \

To run only positive API tests, use following command:

$ tox -e all-plugin -- \
  \(\?\=\.\*\\\[\.\*\\bpositive\\b\.\*\\\]\) \
  \(\?\=\.\*\\\[\.\*\\bapi\\b\.\*\\\]\) \