
55 lines
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How to write a Custom Action
1. Write a class inherited from mistral.actions.Action
.. code-block:: python
from mistral_lib import actions
class RunnerAction(actions.Action):
def __init__(self, param):
# store the incoming params
self.param = param
def run(self, context):
# Actions can be returned in a manner of ways. The simplest is
# return {'status': 0}
# or using a Result object. The Result has an optional parameter data
# that can be used to transfer information
return actions.Result()
# Failed executions can also be returned using a workflow Result object
# that contains an non empty error parameter such as:
# return actions.Result(error="error text")
2. Publish the class in a namespace (in your ``setup.cfg``)
.. code-block:: ini
mistral.actions =
example.runner = my.mistral_plugins.somefile:RunnerAction
3. Reinstall your library package if it was installed in system (not in virtualenv).
4. Run db-sync tool to ensure your actions are in Mistral's database
.. code-block:: console
$ mistral-db-manage --config-file <path-to-config> populate
5. Now you can call the action ``example.runner``
.. code-block:: yaml
action: example.runner
param: avalue_to_pass_in