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The scripts setup a devstack, monasca and ceilosca setup on the local machine

#Few gotchas:

  • Monasca-ui doesn't get setup with this since it has compatibilty issues with oslo.utils version in stable/liberty
  • One of the monasca smoke test fails, but it is at the end and shouldn't affect the operation of ceilosca


  • Please make sure that the hostname does not contains hyphens (-) otherwise the creation of root under Percona cluster will fail.


  • By default uses the current user for setting devstack and monasca, make sure the user has sudo privileges
  • If you are running this script behind a proxy, make sure current host-ip is added to no_proxy
  1. git clone
  2. cd monasca-ceilometer
  3. deployer/


If for any reason you need to re-run the ceilosca script please make sure that:

  1. MySql and Percona are removed using this command:

sudo apt-get purge mysql* percona*

#Using the Clients

##Ceilometer Client

To run the Ceilometer client make sure to have the right OS_ environment variable set. You can do this running the following command from the devstack folder:

source openrc admin

##Monasca Client

To run the Monasca client make sure to have the right OS_ environment variable set. You can do this running the following command from the monasca-vagrant folder:


##Setting monasca-user role to ceilometer user

Ceilometer user needs the monasca-user role in the service tenant for Ceilometer to authenticate with the Monasca API.

keystone user-role-add --user --tenant --role

IDs can be retrieved by using keystone user-list, tenant-list and role-list.