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Encrypt Murano PL Properties

Currently the object model for an application in Murano is stored in the Murano database as plain text. This can pose a security risk for applications whose object model contains passwords or other sensitive data.

Problem description

Many Murano applications request input data from users, which in most cases is entered via the murano dashboard. Currently all input from users is stored in database in plain text. In the case of a MySQL1 app for example, the password that the user enters will be stored in plain text in both the session and environment database tables. This info is available both to the cloud admin, other users in the same project, and also to an attacker should the database become compromised.

Proposed change

This spec proposes to add a two new yaql functions; encrypt_data and decrypt_data. The former will be processed at the dashboard stage, as it will be applied to input fields presented to the user. decrypt_data will be processed in the engine during app execution.

These functions will make use of Castellan2 which is a generic key manager interface for OpenStack. Castellan is designed to be used with a variety of secret storage backends, the most common being Barbican3. The Castellan key manager is already being used by the Nova and Cinder project to name two4. Because Barbican is the default storage backend, Barbican and Castellan will be referred to interchangeably for the rest of this document.


Some questions have been raised as to the usefulness of Barbican as a whole 5. Some community members are concerned with adding it as "yet another dependency" to their project, while others have concerns about its integration with Keystone with regards to secret storage.

With regards to dependency concerns, these functions will be optional to Murano. If Castellan is not configured, an error message will be shown in Horizon informing the user to contact their administrator if they wish to use apps requiring encryption. The use of Castellan also helps here, as it gives operators flexibility in which secret backend they wish to use. It should be noted however that Castellan does not appear to currently provide any "dummy" backend drivers6.

With regards to security, the argument that Barbican is the common solution for secret storage in OpenStack seems reasonable; security is something best left to specialists in the field. If a flaw is discovered in Barbican, it can be patched once by an operator and all projects using it will automatically benefit.

Data model impact


REST API impact


Versioning impact


Other end user impact


Deployer impact

Deployers wishing to use the new encryption functionality will be required to deploy a key manager such as Barbican (it is worth noting Barbican may already be available in some cloud environments in which case there would be minimal impact).

The functionality will be made optional via a configuration item, hence there will be no impact for deployers who don't wish to take advantage of this feature.

Developer impact

Developers should be made aware of these functions via documentation, and also how to use them.

Murano-dashboard / Horizon impact

Will need to be updated to understand calls to encrypt_data in forms.



Primary assignee:

Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Integrate Castellan into murano-dashboard.
  • Add a encrypt_data function to the dashboard to make use of the above.
  • Integrate Castellan into the murano engine.
  • Add a decrypt_data function to the dashboard to make use of the above.
  • Testing.


  • Castellan
  • Barbican


  • Appropriate unit and functional tests will need to be added.
  • Potentially the tempest tests could be updated for full end-to-end testing with Barbican.

Documentation Impact

Deployment docs will need info on Barbican configuration for Murano and murano-dashboard. MuranoPL Docs will also be needed on the new functions.






