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Add generation to aggregate association representation

As resource provider handling has evolved, it has become clear that virt drivers may wish to manage a complex collection of interrelated resource providers, resource classes, traits and aggregates. Some of those entities may need to be managed by multiple threads of processing, including different nova-compute processes.

The generation concept in the placement service provides a tool for managing these kinds of concurrent operations: a write API request that includes a generation has that generation compared against the value on the server. If there is a match the request can go ahead, otherwise a 409 Conflict response is returned.

This functionality is not present when associating or disassociating a resource provider with one or more aggregate uuids. For virt drivers that wish to manage aggregate associations safely, this is necessary. This spec describes the changes necessary to add the functionality.

Problem description

As stated above, a virt driver may wish to manage resource provider aggregate associations in a thread-safe fashion. Since aggregate association does not currently use the generation mechanism for managing concurrency, this is not possible. The main concern is with accidentally removing an aggregate that some other thread B has set when setting aggregates from thread A, or re-adding one that thread B removed.

Use Cases

As the developer of a virt driver that manages resources that might be shared between compute-nodes (for example storage in a PowerVM or vCenter that is used by multiple clusters) I would like to be able to ensure that I am not clobbering aggregate associations that another thread may have set when setting associations myself.

Proposed change

In a new microversion the representation of GET and PUT /resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates will be updated to a) be the same for both methods and, b) include a resource_provider_generation attribute that has as its value the generation of the resource provider identified by {uuid}.

When processing a PUT request, if the generation does not match the current (server-side) generation of the resource provider, the request will be rejected with a 409 Conflict response.

Details of representation changes can be found below.

When requests are made at an older microversion, thus not including the generation in the request, the generation of the resource provider will not be updated in the database. This is because there is existing code in Nova which currently relies on the generation not being updated. If Nova has it then there could easily be code elsewhere.


We can consider doing nothing. Initially we didn't think we would need this functionality because the expectation was that there wouldn't be multiple threads attempting to manage the aggregate associations for a single resource provider. The canonical example is the shared storage resource described above. In that instance, multiple compute-nodes will want to manage the aggregate associations.

We'd like to support that, so doing nothing isn't really an alternative.

Data model impact

The data model will not change. The persistence of aggregate associations will remain the same.

REST API impact

The format GET /resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates will change to add a resource_provider_generation field:

    "aggregates": [
    "resource_provider_generation": 5

Valid response codes will remain the same.

The previous get format, introduced in microversion 1.1, does not include the generation field.

The format for PUT /resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates will be identical to the GET format (above). This is different from the previous put format in that now, instead of a bare list of UUIDs there is an object with two fields: aggregates (taking a list of UUIDs), and resource_provider_generation (taking a non-negative integer). JSON Schema will be updated to reflect these requirements.

In addition to the existing 200, 400 and 404 response codes currently possible when calling PUT /resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates, a 409 Conflict response code will be returned when the resource_provider_generation field does not match the server-side value.

To preserve backward compatibility, using older microversions will result in the previous behavior: that is, the provider's aggregate associations will be replaced without consideration of the provider generation.

Security impact


Notifications impact


Other end user impact

The osc-placement plugin could be updated to reflect this new functionality.

Performance Impact


Other deployer impact


Developer impact

With this functionality, virt driver developers will be able to more effectively manage aggregate associations using the ProviderTree mechanism.

Upgrade impact




Primary assignee:


Other contributors:


Work Items

  • Create JSON Schema for a new microversion of PUT /resource_providers/{uuid}/aggregates.
  • Add new micro-versioned handlers to support the new formats for GET and PUT with gabbi-driven tests.
  • Adjust the ResourceProvider.set_aggregates method to optionally use the _increment_provider_generation and raise ConcurrentUpdateDetected when the generation does not match, resulting in a 409 Conflict being sent as the response.
  • Update the placement-api-ref.




Gabbi tests which cause expected 409 responses should be sufficient for testing this feature.

Documentation Impact

placement-api-ref updates should be sufficient.



Release Name Description
Rocky Introduced