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Object Model

Add brief description for core models

digraph foo {

graph [rankdir="LR"]; node [fontsize=9 shape=box]; Instances -> "Public IPs" [arrowhead=crow]; Instances -> "Security Groups" [arrowhead=crow]; Users -> Projects [arrowhead=crow arrowtail=crow dir=both]; Users -> Keys [arrowhead=crow]; Instances -> Volumes [arrowhead=crow]; Projects -> "Public IPs" [arrowhead=crow]; Projects -> Instances [arrowhead=crow]; Projects -> Volumes [arrowhead=crow]; Projects -> Images [arrowhead=crow]; Images -> Instances [arrowhead=crow]; Projects -> "Security Groups" [arrowhead=crow]; "Security Groups" -> Rules [arrowhead=crow];



Each Nova User is authorized based on their access key and secret key, assigned per-user. Read more at /adminguide/managing.users.


For Nova, access to images is based on the project. Read more at /adminguide/managing.projects.


Images are binary files that run the operating system. Read more at /adminguide/managing.images.


Instances are running virtual servers. Read more at /adminguide/managing.instances.


Write doc about volumes

Security Groups

In Nova, a security group is a named collection of network access rules, like firewall policies. Read more at Security Groups.


VLAN is the default network mode for Nova. Read more at /adminguide/network.vlan.

IP Addresses

Nova enables floating IP management.