
26 KiB

Bare Metal service command-line client

The ironic client is the command-line interface (CLI) for the Bare Metal service API and its extensions.

This chapter documents ironic version 1.0.0.

For help on a specific ironic command, enter:

$ ironic help COMMAND

ironic usage

usage: ironic [--insecure] [--os-cacert <ca-certificate>]
              [--os-cert <certificate>] [--os-key <key>] [--timeout <seconds>]
              [--os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID]
              [--os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME]
              [--os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID]
              [--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME]
              [--os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID]
              [--os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME] [--version]
              [--debug] [-v] [--cert-file OS_CERT] [--key-file OS_KEY]
              [--ca-file OS_CACERT] [--os-username OS_USERNAME]
              [--os-password OS_PASSWORD] [--os-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID]
              [--os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME] [--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL]
              [--os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME]
              [--os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN] [--ironic-url IRONIC_URL]
              [--ironic-api-version IRONIC_API_VERSION]
              [--os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE] [--os-endpoint OS_ENDPOINT]
              [--os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE]
              [--max-retries MAX_RETRIES] [--retry-interval RETRY_INTERVAL]
              <subcommand> ...



Create a new chassis.


Delete a chassis.


List the chassis.


List the nodes contained in a chassis.


Show detailed information about a chassis.


Update information about a chassis.


Register a new node with the Ironic service.


Unregister a node from the Ironic service.


Get the current boot device for a node.


Get the connection information for a node's console, if enabled.


Get the supported boot devices for a node.


Get the vendor passthru methods for a node.


List the nodes which are registered with the Ironic service.


List the ports associated with a node.


Set the boot device for a node.


Enable or disable serial console access for a node.


Enable or disable maintenance mode for a node.


Power a node on or off or reboot.


Initiate a provisioning state change for a node.


Show detailed information about a node.


Show information about the node's states.


Update information about a registered node.


Validate a node's driver interfaces.


Call a vendor-passthru extension for a node.


Create a new port.


Delete a port.


List the ports.


Show detailed information about a port.


Update information about a port.


Get the vendor passthru methods for a driver.


List the enabled drivers.


Get properties of a driver.


Show information about a driver.


Call a vendor-passthru extension for a driver.


Prints all of the commands and options for bash-completion.


Display help about this program or one of its subcommands.

ironic optional arguments


Explicitly allow client to perform "insecure" TLS (https) requests. The server's certificate will not be verified against any certificate authorities. This option should be used with caution.

--os-cacert <ca-certificate>

Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. Defaults to env[OS_CACERT].

--os-cert <certificate>

Defaults to env[OS_CERT].

--os-key <key>

Defaults to env[OS_KEY].

--timeout <seconds>

Set request timeout (in seconds).

--os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID

Defaults to env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID].

--os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME

Defaults to env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME].

--os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID

Another way to specify tenant ID. This option is mutually exclusive with --os-tenant-id. Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_ID].

--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME

Another way to specify tenant name. This option is mutually exclusive with --os-tenant-name. Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_NAME].

--os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID

Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID].

--os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME

Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME].


show program's version number and exit



-v, --verbose

Print more verbose output

--cert-file OS_CERT

DEPRECATED! Use --os-cert.

--key-file OS_KEY

DEPRECATED! Use --os-key.

--ca-file OS_CACERT

DEPRECATED! Use --os-cacert.

--os-username OS_USERNAME

Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME]

--os-password OS_PASSWORD

Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD]

--os-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID

Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_ID]

--os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME

Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME]

--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL

Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL]

--os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME

Defaults to env[OS_REGION_NAME]

--os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN

Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_TOKEN]

--ironic-url IRONIC_URL

Defaults to env[IRONIC_URL]

--ironic-api-version IRONIC_API_VERSION

Accepts 1.x (where "x" is microversion) or "latest", Defaults to env[IRONIC_API_VERSION] or 1

--os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE

Defaults to env[OS_SERVICE_TYPE] or "baremetal"

--os-endpoint OS_ENDPOINT

Specify an endpoint to use instead of retrieving one from the service catalog (via authentication). Defaults to env[OS_SERVICE_ENDPOINT].

--os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE

Defaults to env[OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] or "publicURL"

--max-retries MAX_RETRIES

Maximum number of retries in case of conflict error (HTTP 409). Defaults to env[IRONIC_MAX_RETRIES] or 5. Use 0 to disable retrying.

--retry-interval RETRY_INTERVAL

Amount of time (in seconds) between retries in case of conflict error (HTTP 409). Defaults to env[IRONIC_RETRY_INTERVAL] or 2.

ironic chassis-create

usage: ironic chassis-create [-d <description>] [-e <key=value>]

Create a new chassis.

Optional arguments

-d <description>, --description <description>

Description of the chassis.

-e <key=value>, --extra <key=value>

Record arbitrary key/value metadata. Can be specified multiple times.

ironic chassis-delete

usage: ironic chassis-delete <chassis> [<chassis> ...]

Delete a chassis.

Positional arguments


UUID of the chassis.

ironic chassis-list

usage: ironic chassis-list [--detail] [--limit <limit>] [--marker <chassis>]
                           [--sort-key <field>] [--sort-dir <direction>]
                           [--fields <field> [<field> ...]]

List the chassis.

Optional arguments


Show detailed information about the chassis.

--limit <limit>

Maximum number of chassis to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Ironic API Service.

--marker <chassis>

Chassis UUID (for example, of the last chassis in the list from a previous request). Returns the list of chassis after this UUID.

--sort-key <field>

Chassis field that will be used for sorting.

--sort-dir <direction>

Sort direction: "asc" (the default) or "desc".

--fields <field> [<field> ...]

One or more chassis fields. Only these fields will be fetched from the server. Can not be used when '-- detail' is specified.

ironic chassis-node-list

usage: ironic chassis-node-list [--detail] [--limit <limit>] [--marker <node>]
                                [--sort-key <field>] [--sort-dir <direction>]
                                [--fields <field> [<field> ...]]
                                [--maintenance <boolean>]
                                [--associated <boolean>]
                                [--provision-state <provision-state>]

List the nodes contained in a chassis.

Positional arguments


UUID of the chassis.

Optional arguments


Show detailed information about the nodes.

--limit <limit>

Maximum number of nodes to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Ironic API Service.

--marker <node>

Node UUID (for example, of the last node in the list from a previous request). Returns the list of nodes after this UUID.

--sort-key <field>

Node field that will be used for sorting.

--sort-dir <direction>

Sort direction: "asc" (the default) or "desc".

--fields <field> [<field> ...]

One or more node fields. Only these fields will be fetched from the server. Can not be used when '-- detail' is specified.

--maintenance <boolean>

List nodes in maintenance mode: 'true' or 'false'.

--associated <boolean>

List nodes by instance association: 'true' or 'false'.

--provision-state <provision-state>

List nodes in specified provision state.

ironic chassis-show

usage: ironic chassis-show [--fields <field> [<field> ...]] <chassis>

Show detailed information about a chassis.

Positional arguments


UUID of the chassis.

Optional arguments

--fields <field> [<field> ...]

One or more chassis fields. Only these fields will be fetched from the server.

ironic chassis-update

usage: ironic chassis-update <chassis> <op> <path=value> [<path=value> ...]

Update information about a chassis.

Positional arguments


UUID of the chassis.


Operation: 'add', 'replace', or 'remove'.


Attribute to add, replace, or remove. Can be specified multiple times. For 'remove', only <path> is necessary.

ironic driver-get-vendor-passthru-methods

usage: ironic driver-get-vendor-passthru-methods <driver>

Get the vendor passthru methods for a driver.

Positional arguments


Name of the driver.

ironic driver-list

usage: ironic driver-list

List the enabled drivers.

ironic driver-properties

usage: ironic driver-properties <driver>

Get properties of a driver.

Positional arguments


Name of the driver.

ironic driver-show

usage: ironic driver-show <driver>

Show information about a driver.

Positional arguments


Name of the driver.

ironic driver-vendor-passthru

usage: ironic driver-vendor-passthru [--http-method <http-method>]
                                     <driver> <method>
                                     [<arg=value> [<arg=value> ...]]

Call a vendor-passthru extension for a driver.

Positional arguments


Name of the driver.


Vendor-passthru method to be called.


Argument to be passed to the vendor-passthru method. Can be specified multiple times.

Optional arguments

--http-method <http-method>

The HTTP method to use in the request. Valid HTTP methods are: 'POST', 'PUT', 'GET', 'DELETE', and 'PATCH'. Defaults to 'POST'.

ironic node-create

usage: ironic node-create [-c <chassis>] -d <driver> [-i <key=value>]
                          [-p <key=value>] [-e <key=value>] [-u <uuid>]
                          [-n <name>]

Register a new node with the Ironic service.

Optional arguments

-c <chassis>, --chassis <chassis>

UUID of the chassis that this node belongs to.

-d <driver>, --driver <driver>

Driver used to control the node [REQUIRED].

-i <key=value>, --driver-info <key=value>

Key/value pair used by the driver, such as out-of-band management credentials. Can be specified multiple times.

-p <key=value>, --properties <key=value>

Key/value pair describing the physical characteristics of the node. This is exported to Nova and used by the scheduler. Can be specified multiple times.

-e <key=value>, --extra <key=value>

Record arbitrary key/value metadata. Can be specified multiple times.

-u <uuid>, --uuid <uuid>

Unique UUID for the node.

-n <name>, --name <name>

Unique name for the node.

ironic node-delete

usage: ironic node-delete <node> [<node> ...]

Unregister a node from the Ironic service.

Positional arguments


Name or UUID of the node.

ironic node-get-boot-device

usage: ironic node-get-boot-device <node>

Get the current boot device for a node.

Positional arguments


Name or UUID of the node.

ironic node-get-console

usage: ironic node-get-console <node>

Get the connection information for a node's console, if enabled.

Positional arguments


Name or UUID of the node.

ironic node-get-supported-boot-devices

usage: ironic node-get-supported-boot-devices <node>

Get the supported boot devices for a node.

Positional arguments


Name or UUID of the node.

ironic node-get-vendor-passthru-methods

usage: ironic node-get-vendor-passthru-methods <node>

Get the vendor passthru methods for a node.

Positional arguments


Name or UUID of the node.

ironic node-list

usage: ironic node-list [--limit <limit>] [--marker <node>]
                        [--sort-key <field>] [--sort-dir <direction>]
                        [--maintenance <boolean>] [--associated <boolean>]
                        [--provision-state <provision-state>] [--detail]
                        [--fields <field> [<field> ...]]

List the nodes which are registered with the Ironic service.

Optional arguments

--limit <limit>

Maximum number of nodes to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Ironic API Service.

--marker <node>

Node UUID (for example, of the last node in the list from a previous request). Returns the list of nodes after this UUID.

--sort-key <field>

Node field that will be used for sorting.

--sort-dir <direction>

Sort direction: "asc" (the default) or "desc".

--maintenance <boolean>

List nodes in maintenance mode: 'true' or 'false'.

--associated <boolean>

List nodes by instance association: 'true' or 'false'.

--provision-state <provision-state>

List nodes in specified provision state.


Show detailed information about the nodes.

--fields <field> [<field> ...]

One or more node fields. Only these fields will be fetched from the server. Can not be used when '-- detail' is specified.

ironic node-port-list

usage: ironic node-port-list [--detail] [--limit <limit>] [--marker <port>]
                             [--sort-key <field>] [--sort-dir <direction>]
                             [--fields <field> [<field> ...]]

List the ports associated with a node.

Positional arguments


UUID of the node.

Optional arguments


Show detailed information about the ports.

--limit <limit>

Maximum number of ports to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Ironic API Service.

--marker <port>

Port UUID (for example, of the last port in the list from a previous request). Returns the list of ports after this UUID.

--sort-key <field>

Port field that will be used for sorting.

--sort-dir <direction>

Sort direction: "asc" (the default) or "desc".

--fields <field> [<field> ...]

One or more port fields. Only these fields will be fetched from the server. Can not be used when '-- detail' is specified.

ironic node-set-boot-device

usage: ironic node-set-boot-device [--persistent] <node> <boot-device>

Set the boot device for a node.

Positional arguments


Name or UUID of the node.


'pxe', 'disk', 'cdrom', 'bios', or 'safe'.

Optional arguments


Make changes persistent for all future boots.

ironic node-set-console-mode

usage: ironic node-set-console-mode <node> <enabled>

Enable or disable serial console access for a node.

Positional arguments


Name or UUID of the node.


Enable or disable console access for a node: 'true' or 'false'.

ironic node-set-maintenance

usage: ironic node-set-maintenance [--reason <reason>]
                                   <node> <maintenance-mode>

Enable or disable maintenance mode for a node.

Positional arguments


Name or UUID of the node.


'true' or 'false'; 'on' or 'off'.

Optional arguments

--reason <reason>

Reason for setting maintenance mode to 'true' or 'on'; not valid when setting to 'false' or 'off'.

ironic node-set-power-state

usage: ironic node-set-power-state <node> <power-state>

Power a node on or off or reboot.

Positional arguments


Name or UUID of the node.


'on', 'off', or 'reboot'.

ironic node-set-provision-state

usage: ironic node-set-provision-state [--config-drive <config-drive>]
                                       <node> <provision-state>

Initiate a provisioning state change for a node.

Positional arguments


Name or UUID of the node.


Supported states: 'active', 'deleted', 'rebuild', 'inspect', 'provide', 'manage' or 'abort'

Optional arguments

--config-drive <config-drive>

A gzipped, base64-encoded configuration drive string OR the path to the configuration drive file OR the path to a directory containing the config drive files. In case it's a directory, a config drive will be generated from it. This parameter is only valid when setting provision state to 'active'.

ironic node-show

usage: ironic node-show [--instance] [--fields <field> [<field> ...]] <id>

Show detailed information about a node.

Positional arguments


Name or UUID of the node (or instance UUID if --instance is specified).

Optional arguments

--instance <id>

is an instance UUID.

--fields <field> [<field> ...]

One or more node fields. Only these fields will be fetched from the server.

ironic node-show-states

usage: ironic node-show-states <node>

Show information about the node's states.

Positional arguments


Name or UUID of the node.

ironic node-update

usage: ironic node-update <node> <op> <path=value> [<path=value> ...]

Update information about a registered node.

Positional arguments


Name or UUID of the node.


Operation: 'add', 'replace', or 'remove'.


Attribute to add, replace, or remove. Can be specified multiple times. For 'remove', only <path> is necessary.

ironic node-validate

usage: ironic node-validate <node>

Validate a node's driver interfaces.

Positional arguments


Name or UUID of the node.

ironic node-vendor-passthru

usage: ironic node-vendor-passthru [--http-method <http-method>]
                                   <node> <method>
                                   [<arg=value> [<arg=value> ...]]

Call a vendor-passthru extension for a node.

Positional arguments


Name or UUID of the node.


Vendor-passthru method to be called.


Argument to be passed to the vendor-passthru method. Can be specified multiple times.

Optional arguments

--http-method <http-method>

The HTTP method to use in the request. Valid HTTP methods are: 'POST', 'PUT', 'GET', 'DELETE', and 'PATCH'. Defaults to 'POST'.

ironic port-create

usage: ironic port-create -a <address> -n <node> [-e <key=value>]

Create a new port.

Optional arguments

-a <address>, --address <address>

MAC address for this port.

-n <node>, --node <node>, --node_uuid <node>

UUID of the node that this port belongs to.

-e <key=value>, --extra <key=value>

Record arbitrary key/value metadata. Can be specified multiple times.

ironic port-delete

usage: ironic port-delete <port> [<port> ...]

Delete a port.

Positional arguments


UUID of the port.

ironic port-list

usage: ironic port-list [--detail] [--address <mac-address>] [--limit <limit>]
                        [--marker <port>] [--sort-key <field>]
                        [--sort-dir <direction>]
                        [--fields <field> [<field> ...]]

List the ports.

Optional arguments


Show detailed information about ports.

--address <mac-address>

Only show information for the port with this MAC address.

--limit <limit>

Maximum number of ports to return per request, 0 for no limit. Default is the maximum number used by the Ironic API Service.

--marker <port>

Port UUID (for example, of the last port in the list from a previous request). Returns the list of ports after this UUID.

--sort-key <field>

Port field that will be used for sorting.

--sort-dir <direction>

Sort direction: "asc" (the default) or "desc".

--fields <field> [<field> ...]

One or more port fields. Only these fields will be fetched from the server. Can not be used when '-- detail' is specified.

ironic port-show

usage: ironic port-show [--address] [--fields <field> [<field> ...]] <id>

Show detailed information about a port.

Positional arguments


UUID of the port (or MAC address if --address is specified).

Optional arguments

--address <id>

is the MAC address (instead of the UUID) of the port.

--fields <field> [<field> ...]

One or more port fields. Only these fields will be fetched from the server.

ironic port-update

usage: ironic port-update <port> <op> <path=value> [<path=value> ...]

Update information about a port.

Positional arguments


UUID of the port.


Operation: 'add', 'replace', or 'remove'.


Attribute to add, replace, or remove. Can be specified multiple times. For 'remove', only <path> is necessary.