
35 KiB

Clustering service command-line client

The senlin client is the command-line interface (CLI) for the Clustering service API and its extensions.

This chapter documents senlin version 0.2.1.

For help on a specific senlin command, enter:

$ senlin help COMMAND

senlin usage

usage: senlin [--version] [-d] [-v] [--api-timeout API_TIMEOUT]
              [--senlin-api-version SENLIN_API_VERSION]
              [--os-auth-plugin AUTH_PLUGIN] [--os-auth-url AUTH_URL]
              [--os-project-id PROJECT_ID] [--os-project-name PROJECT_NAME]
              [--os-tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--os-tenant-name TENANT_NAME]
              [--os-domain-id DOMAIN_ID] [--os-domain-name DOMAIN_NAME]
              [--os-project-domain-id PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID]
              [--os-project-domain-name PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME]
              [--os-user-domain-id USER_DOMAIN_ID]
              [--os-user-domain-name USER_DOMAIN_NAME]
              [--os-username USERNAME] [--os-user-id USER_ID]
              [--os-password PASSWORD] [--os-trust-id TRUST_ID]
              [--os-cacert CA_BUNDLE_FILE | --verify | --insecure]
              [--os-token TOKEN] [--os-access-info ACCESS_INFO]
              [--os-api-name <service>=<name>]
              [--os-api-region <service>=<region>]
              [--os-api-version <service>=<version>]
              [--os-api-interface <service>=<interface>]
              <subcommand> ...



List actions.


Show detailed info about the specified action.


Retrieve build information.


Create the cluster.


Delete the cluster(s).


List the user's clusters.


Add specified nodes to cluster.


Delete specified nodes from cluster.


List nodes from cluster.


Attach policy to cluster.


Detach policy from cluster.


Disable a policy on a cluster.


Enable a policy on a cluster.


List policies from cluster.


Show a specific policy that is bound to the specified cluster.


Update a policy's properties on a cluster.


Resize a cluster.


Scale in a cluster by the specified number of nodes.


Scale out a cluster by the specified number of nodes.


Show details of the cluster.


Update the cluster.


List events.


Describe the event.


Create the node.


Delete the node(s).


Make node join the specified cluster.


Make node leave its current cluster.


Show list of nodes.


Show detailed info about the specified node.


Update the node.


Create a policy.


Delete policy(s).


List policies that meet the criteria.


Show the policy details.


List the available policy types.


Get the details about a policy type.


Update a policy.


Create a profile.


Delete profile(s).


List profiles that meet the criteria.


Show the profile details.


List the available profile types.


Get the details about a profile type.


Update a profile.


Create a receiver.


Delete receiver(s).


List receivers that meet the criteria.


Show the receiver details.


Prints all of the commands and options to stdout.


Display help about this program or one of its subcommands.

senlin optional arguments


Shows the client version and exits.

-d, --debug

Defaults to env[SENLINCLIENT_DEBUG].

-v, --verbose

Print more verbose output.

--api-timeout API_TIMEOUT

Number of seconds to wait for an API response, defaults to system socket timeout

--senlin-api-version SENLIN_API_VERSION

Version number for Senlin API to use, Default to "1".

--os-auth-plugin AUTH_PLUGIN

Authentication plugin, default to env[OS_AUTH_PLUGIN]

--os-auth-url AUTH_URL

Defaults to env[OS_AUTH_URL]

--os-project-id PROJECT_ID

Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_ID].

--os-project-name PROJECT_NAME

Defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_NAME].

--os-tenant-id TENANT_ID

Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_ID].

--os-tenant-name TENANT_NAME

Defaults to env[OS_TENANT_NAME].

--os-domain-id DOMAIN_ID

Domain ID for scope of authorization, defaults to env[OS_DOMAIN_ID].

--os-domain-name DOMAIN_NAME

Domain name for scope of authorization, defaults to env[OS_DOMAIN_NAME].

--os-project-domain-id PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID

Project domain ID for scope of authorization, defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID].

--os-project-domain-name PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME

Project domain name for scope of authorization, defaults to env[OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME].

--os-user-domain-id USER_DOMAIN_ID

User domain ID for scope of authorization, defaults to env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID].

--os-user-domain-name USER_DOMAIN_NAME

User domain name for scope of authorization, defaults to env[OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME].

--os-username USERNAME

Defaults to env[OS_USERNAME].

--os-user-id USER_ID

Defaults to env[OS_USER_ID].

--os-password PASSWORD

Defaults to env[OS_PASSWORD]

--os-trust-id TRUST_ID

Defaults to env[OS_TRUST_ID]

--os-cacert CA_BUNDLE_FILE

Path of CA TLS certificate(s) used to verify the remote server's certificate. Without this option senlin looks for the default system CA certificates.


Verify server certificate (default)


Explicitly allow senlinclient to perform "insecure SSL" (HTTPS) requests. The server's certificate will not be verified against any certificate authorities. This option should be used with caution.

--os-token TOKEN

A string token to bootstrap the Keystone database, defaults to env[OS_TOKEN]

--os-access-info ACCESS_INFO

Access info, defaults to env[OS_ACCESS_INFO]

--os-api-name <service>=<name>

Desired API names, defaults to env[OS_API_NAME]

--os-api-region <service>=<region>

Desired API region, defaults to env[OS_API_REGION]

--os-api-version <service>=<version>

Desired API versions, defaults to env[OS_API_VERSION]

--os-api-interface <service>=<interface>

Desired API interface, defaults to env[OS_INTERFACE]

senlin action-list

usage: senlin action-list [-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>] [-k <KEYS>]
                          [-s <DIR>] [-l <LIMIT>] [-m <ID>] [-F]

List actions.

Optional arguments

-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --filters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>

Filter parameters to apply on returned actions. This can be specified multiple times, or once with parameters separated by a semicolon.

-k <KEYS>, --sort-keys <KEYS>

Name of keys used for sorting the returned actions.

-s <DIR>, --sort-dir <DIR>

Direction for sorting, where DIR can be "asc" or "desc".

-l <LIMIT>, --limit <LIMIT>

Limit the number of actions returned.

-m <ID>, --marker <ID>

Only return actions that appear after the given node ID.

-F, --full-id

Print full IDs in list.

senlin action-show

usage: senlin action-show <ACTION>

Show detailed info about the specified action.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of the action to show the details for.

senlin build-info

usage: senlin build-info

Retrieve build information. :param sc: Instance of senlinclient. :param args: Additional command line arguments, if any.

senlin cluster-create

usage: senlin cluster-create -p <PROFILE> [-n <MIN-SIZE>] [-m <MAX-SIZE>]
                             [-c <DESIRED-CAPACITY>] [-o <PARENT_ID>]
                             [-t <TIMEOUT>] [-M <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>]

Create the cluster.

Positional arguments


Name of the cluster to create.

Optional arguments

-p <PROFILE>, --profile <PROFILE>

Profile Id used for this cluster.

-n <MIN-SIZE>, --min-size <MIN-SIZE>

Min size of the cluster. Default to 0.

-m <MAX-SIZE>, --max-size <MAX-SIZE>

Max size of the cluster. Default to -1, means unlimited.

-c <DESIRED-CAPACITY>, --desired-capacity <DESIRED-CAPACITY>

Desired capacity of the cluster. Default to min_size if min_size is specified else 0.

-o <PARENT_ID>, --parent <PARENT_ID>

ID of the parent cluster, if exists.

-t <TIMEOUT>, --timeout <TIMEOUT>

Cluster creation timeout in seconds.

-M <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --metadata <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>

Metadata values to be attached to the cluster. This can be specified multiple times, or once with key-value pairs separated by a semicolon.

senlin cluster-delete

usage: senlin cluster-delete <CLUSTER> [<CLUSTER> ...]

Delete the cluster(s).

Positional arguments


Name or ID of cluster(s) to delete.

senlin cluster-list

usage: senlin cluster-list [-n] [-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>] [-k <KEYS>]
                           [-s <DIR>] [-l <LIMIT>] [-m <ID>] [-g] [-F]

List the user's clusters.

Optional arguments

-n, --show-nested

Include nested clusters if any.

-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --filters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>

Filter parameters to apply on returned clusters. This can be specified multiple times, or once with parameters separated by a semicolon.

-k <KEYS>, --sort-keys <KEYS>

Name of keys used for sorting the returned clusters.

-s <DIR>, --sort-dir <DIR>

Direction for sorting, where DIR can be "asc" or "desc".

-l <LIMIT>, --limit <LIMIT>

Limit the number of clusters returned.

-m <ID>, --marker <ID>

Only return clusters that appear after the given cluster ID.

-g, --global-project

Indicate that the cluster list should include clusters from all projects. This option is subject to access policy checking. Default is False.

-F, --full-id

Print full IDs in list.

senlin cluster-node-add

usage: senlin cluster-node-add -n <NODES> <CLUSTER>

Add specified nodes to cluster.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of cluster to operate on.

Optional arguments

-n <NODES>, --nodes <NODES>

ID of nodes to be added; multiple nodes can be separated with ","

senlin cluster-node-del

usage: senlin cluster-node-del -n <NODES> <CLUSTER>

Delete specified nodes from cluster.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of cluster to operate on.

Optional arguments

-n <NODES>, --nodes <NODES>

ID of nodes to be deleted; multiple nodes can be separated with ",".

senlin cluster-node-list

usage: senlin cluster-node-list [-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>] [-l <LIMIT>]
                                [-m <ID>] [-F]

List nodes from cluster.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of cluster to nodes from.

Optional arguments

-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --filters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>

Filter parameters to apply on returned nodes. This can be specified multiple times, or once with parameters separated by a semicolon.

-l <LIMIT>, --limit <LIMIT>

Limit the number of nodes returned.

-m <ID>, --marker <ID>

Only return nodes that appear after the given node ID.

-F, --full-id

Print full IDs in list.

senlin cluster-policy-attach

usage: senlin cluster-policy-attach -p <POLICY> [-r <PRIORITY>] [-l <LEVEL>]
                                    [-c <SECONDS>] [-e]
                                    <NAME or ID>

Attach policy to cluster.

Positional arguments

<NAME or ID>

Name or ID of cluster to operate on.

Optional arguments

-p <POLICY>, --policy <POLICY>

ID or name of policy to be attached.

-r <PRIORITY>, --priority <PRIORITY>

An integer specifying the relative priority among all policies attached to a cluster. The lower the value, the higher the priority. Default is 50.

-l <LEVEL>, --enforcement-level <LEVEL>

An integer between 0 and 100 representing the enforcement level. Default to enforcement level of policy.

-c <SECONDS>, --cooldown <SECONDS>

An integer indicating the cooldown seconds once the policy is effected. Default to cooldown of policy.

-e, --enabled

Whether the policy should be enabled once attached. Default to enabled.

senlin cluster-policy-detach

usage: senlin cluster-policy-detach -p <POLICY> <NAME or ID>

Detach policy from cluster.

Positional arguments

<NAME or ID>

Name or ID of cluster to operate on.

Optional arguments

-p <POLICY>, --policy <POLICY>

ID or name of policy to be detached.

senlin cluster-policy-disable

usage: senlin cluster-policy-disable -p <POLICY> <NAME or ID>

Disable a policy on a cluster.

Positional arguments

<NAME or ID>

Name or ID of cluster to operate on.

Optional arguments

-p <POLICY>, --policy <POLICY>

ID or name of policy to be disabled.

senlin cluster-policy-enable

usage: senlin cluster-policy-enable -p <POLICY> <NAME or ID>

Enable a policy on a cluster.

Positional arguments

<NAME or ID>

Name or ID of cluster to operate on.

Optional arguments

-p <POLICY>, --policy <POLICY>

ID or name of policy to be enabled.

senlin cluster-policy-list

usage: senlin cluster-policy-list [-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>]
                                  [-k <KEYS>] [-s <DIR>] [-F]

List policies from cluster.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of cluster to query on.

Optional arguments

-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --filters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>

Filter parameters to apply on returned results. This can be specified multiple times, or once with parameters separated by a semicolon.

-k <KEYS>, --sort-keys <KEYS>

Name of keys used for sorting the returned policies.

-s <DIR>, --sort-dir <DIR>

Direction for sorting, where DIR can be "asc" or "desc".

-F, --full-id

Print full IDs in list.

senlin cluster-policy-show

usage: senlin cluster-policy-show -p <POLICY> <CLUSTER>

Show a specific policy that is bound to the specified cluster.

Positional arguments


ID or name of the cluster to query on.

Optional arguments

-p <POLICY>, --policy <POLICY>

ID or name of the policy to query on.

senlin cluster-policy-update

usage: senlin cluster-policy-update -p <POLICY> [-r <PRIORITY>] [-l <LEVEL>]
                                    [-c <COOLDOWN>] [-e <BOOLEAN>]
                                    <NAME or ID>

Update a policy's properties on a cluster.

Positional arguments

<NAME or ID>

Name or ID of cluster to operate on.

Optional arguments

-p <POLICY>, --policy <POLICY>

ID or name of policy to be updated.

-r <PRIORITY>, --priority <PRIORITY>

An integer specifying the relative priority among all policies attached to a cluster. The lower the value, the higher the priority. Default is 50.

-l <LEVEL>, --enforcement-level <LEVEL>

New enforcement level.

-c <COOLDOWN>, --cooldown <COOLDOWN>

Cooldown interval in seconds.

-e <BOOLEAN>, --enabled <BOOLEAN>

Whether the policy should be enabled.

senlin cluster-resize

usage: senlin cluster-resize [-c <CAPACITY>] [-a <ADJUSTMENT>]
                             [-p <PERCENTAGE>] [-t <MIN_STEP>] [-s] [-n MIN]
                             [-m MAX]

Resize a cluster.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of cluster to operate on.

Optional arguments

-c <CAPACITY>, --capacity <CAPACITY>

The desired number of nodes of the cluster.

-a <ADJUSTMENT>, --adjustment <ADJUSTMENT>

A positive integer meaning the number of nodes to add, or a negative integer indicating the number of nodes to remove.

-p <PERCENTAGE>, --percentage <PERCENTAGE>

A value that is interpreted as the percentage of size adjustment. This value can be positive or negative.

-t <MIN_STEP>, --min-step <MIN_STEP>

An integer specifying the number of nodes for adjustment when <PERCENTAGE> is specified.

-s, --strict A

boolean specifying whether the resize should be performed on a best-effort basis when the new capacity may go beyond size constraints.

-n MIN, --min-size MIN

New lower bound of cluster size.

-m MAX, --max-size MAX

New upper bound of cluster size. A value of -1 indicates no upper limit on cluster size.

senlin cluster-scale-in

usage: senlin cluster-scale-in [-c <COUNT>] <CLUSTER>

Scale in a cluster by the specified number of nodes.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of cluster to operate on.

Optional arguments

-c <COUNT>, --count <COUNT>

Number of nodes to be deleted from the specified cluster.

senlin cluster-scale-out

usage: senlin cluster-scale-out [-c <COUNT>] <CLUSTER>

Scale out a cluster by the specified number of nodes.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of cluster to operate on.

Optional arguments

-c <COUNT>, --count <COUNT>

Number of nodes to be added to the specified cluster.

senlin cluster-show

usage: senlin cluster-show <CLUSTER>

Show details of the cluster.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of cluster to show.

senlin cluster-update

usage: senlin cluster-update [-p <PROFILE>] [-t <TIMEOUT>] [-r <PARENT>]
                             [-M <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>] [-n <NAME>]

Update the cluster.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of cluster to be updated.

Optional arguments

-p <PROFILE>, --profile <PROFILE>

ID of new profile to use.

-t <TIMEOUT>, --timeout <TIMEOUT>

New timeout (in seconds) value for the cluster.

-r <PARENT>, --parent <PARENT>

ID of parent cluster for the cluster.

-M <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --metadata <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>

Metadata values to be attached to the cluster. This can be specified multiple times, or once with key-value pairs separated by a semicolon.

-n <NAME>, --name <NAME>

New name for the cluster to update.

senlin event-list

usage: senlin event-list [-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>] [-l <LIMIT>]
                         [-m <ID>] [-k <KEYS>] [-s <DIR>] [-g] [-F]

List events.

Optional arguments

-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --filters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>

Filter parameters to apply on returned events. This can be specified multiple times, or once with parameters separated by a semicolon.

-l <LIMIT>, --limit <LIMIT>

Limit the number of events returned.

-m <ID>, --marker <ID>

Only return events that appear after the given event ID.

-k <KEYS>, --sort-keys <KEYS>

Name of keys used for sorting the returned events.

-s <DIR>, --sort-dir <DIR>

Direction for sorting, where DIR can be "asc" or "desc".

-g, --global-project

Whether events from all projects should be listed. Default to False. Setting this to True may demand for an admin privilege.

-F, --full-id

Print full IDs in list.

senlin event-show

usage: senlin event-show <EVENT>

Describe the event.

Positional arguments


ID of event to display details for.

senlin node-create

usage: senlin node-create -p <PROFILE> [-c <CLUSTER>] [-r <ROLE>]
                          [-M <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>]

Create the node.

Positional arguments


Name of the node to create.

Optional arguments

-p <PROFILE>, --profile <PROFILE>

Profile Id used for this node.

-c <CLUSTER>, --cluster <CLUSTER>

Cluster Id for this node.

-r <ROLE>, --role <ROLE>

Role for this node in the specific cluster.

-M <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --metadata <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>

Metadata values to be attached to the node. This can be specified multiple times, or once with key-value pairs separated by a semicolon.

senlin node-delete

usage: senlin node-delete <NODE> [<NODE> ...]

Delete the node(s).

Positional arguments


Name or ID of node(s) to delete.

senlin node-join

usage: senlin node-join -c CLUSTER <NODE>

Make node join the specified cluster.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of node to operate on.

Optional arguments

-c CLUSTER, --cluster CLUSTER

ID or name of cluster for node to join.

senlin node-leave

usage: senlin node-leave <NODE>

Make node leave its current cluster.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of node to operate on.

senlin node-list

usage: senlin node-list [-c <CLUSTER>] [-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>]
                        [-k <KEYS>] [-s <DIR>] [-l <LIMIT>] [-m <ID>] [-g]

Show list of nodes.

Optional arguments

-c <CLUSTER>, --cluster <CLUSTER>

ID or name of cluster from which nodes are to be listed.

-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --filters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>

Filter parameters to apply on returned nodes. This can be specified multiple times, or once with parameters separated by a semicolon.

-k <KEYS>, --sort-keys <KEYS>

Name of keys used for sorting the returned nodes.

-s <DIR>, --sort-dir <DIR>

Direction for sorting, where DIR can be "asc" or "desc".

-l <LIMIT>, --limit <LIMIT>

Limit the number of nodes returned.

-m <ID>, --marker <ID>

Only return nodes that appear after the given node ID.

-g, --global-project

Indicate that this node list should include nodes from all projects. This option is subject to access policy checking. Default is False.

-F, --full-id

Print full IDs in list.

senlin node-show

usage: senlin node-show [-D] <NODE>

Show detailed info about the specified node.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of the node to show the details for.

Optional arguments

-D, --details

Include physical object details.

senlin node-update

usage: senlin node-update [-n <NAME>] [-p <PROFILE ID>] [-r <ROLE>]
                          [-M <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>]

Update the node.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of node to update.

Optional arguments

-n <NAME>, --name <NAME>

New name for the node.

-p <PROFILE ID>, --profile <PROFILE ID>

ID of new profile to use.

-r <ROLE>, --role <ROLE>

Role for this node in the specific cluster.

-M <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --metadata <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>

Metadata values to be attached to the node. Metadata can be specified multiple times, or once with key-value pairs separated by a semicolon.

senlin policy-create

usage: senlin policy-create -s <SPEC_FILE> [-c <SECONDS>] [-l <LEVEL>] <NAME>

Create a policy.

Positional arguments


Name of the policy to create.

Optional arguments

-s <SPEC_FILE>, --spec-file <SPEC_FILE>

The spec file used to create the policy.

-c <SECONDS>, --cooldown <SECONDS>

An integer indicating the cooldown seconds once the policy is effected. Default to 0.

-l <LEVEL>, --enforcement-level <LEVEL>

An integer between 0 and 100 representing the enforcement level. Default to 0.

senlin policy-delete

usage: senlin policy-delete <POLICY> [<POLICY> ...]

Delete policy(s).

Positional arguments


Name or ID of policy(s) to delete.

senlin policy-list

usage: senlin policy-list [-l <LIMIT>] [-m <ID>] [-F]

List policies that meet the criteria.

Optional arguments

-l <LIMIT>, --limit <LIMIT>

Limit the number of policies returned.

-m <ID>, --marker <ID>

Only return policies that appear after the given ID.

-F, --full-id

Print full IDs in list.

senlin policy-show

usage: senlin policy-show <POLICY>

Show the policy details.

Positional arguments


Name of the policy to be updated.

senlin policy-type-list

usage: senlin policy-type-list

List the available policy types.

senlin policy-type-show

usage: senlin policy-type-show [-F <FORMAT>] <TYPE_NAME>

Get the details about a policy type.

Positional arguments


Policy type to retrieve.

Optional arguments

-F <FORMAT>, --format <FORMAT>

The template output format, one of: yaml, json.

senlin policy-update

usage: senlin policy-update [-c <SECONDS>] [-l <LEVEL>] [-n <NAME>] <POLICY>

Update a policy.

Positional arguments


Name of the policy to be updated.

Optional arguments

-c <SECONDS>, --cooldown <SECONDS>

An integer indicating the cooldown seconds once the policy is effected. Default to 0.

-l <LEVEL>, --enforcement-level <LEVEL>

An integer between 0 and 100 representing the enforcement level. Default to 0.

-n <NAME>, --name <NAME>

New name of the policy to be updated.

senlin profile-create

usage: senlin profile-create -s <SPEC FILE> [-p <PERMISSION>]
                             [-M <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>]

Create a profile.

Positional arguments


Name of the profile to create.

Optional arguments

-s <SPEC FILE>, --spec-file <SPEC FILE>

The spec file used to create the profile.

-p <PERMISSION>, --permission <PERMISSION>

A string format permission for this profile.

-M <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --metadata <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>

Metadata values to be attached to the profile. This can be specified multiple times, or once with key-value pairs separated by a semicolon.

senlin profile-delete

usage: senlin profile-delete <PROFILE> [<PROFILE> ...]

Delete profile(s).

Positional arguments


Name or ID of profile(s) to delete.

senlin profile-list

usage: senlin profile-list [-l <LIMIT>] [-m <ID>] [-F]

List profiles that meet the criteria.

Optional arguments

-l <LIMIT>, --limit <LIMIT>

Limit the number of profiles returned.

-m <ID>, --marker <ID>

Only return profiles that appear after the given ID.

-F, --full-id

Print full IDs in list.

senlin profile-show

usage: senlin profile-show <PROFILE>

Show the profile details.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of profile to show.

senlin profile-type-list

usage: senlin profile-type-list

List the available profile types. :param sc: Instance of senlinclient. :param args: Additional command line arguments, if any.

senlin profile-type-show

usage: senlin profile-type-show [-F <FORMAT>] <TYPE_NAME>

Get the details about a profile type.

Positional arguments


Profile type to retrieve.

Optional arguments

-F <FORMAT>, --format <FORMAT>

The template output format, one of: yaml, json.

senlin profile-update

usage: senlin profile-update [-n <NAME>] [-p <PERMISSION>]
                             [-M <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>]

Update a profile.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of the profile to update.

Optional arguments

-n <NAME>, --name <NAME>

The new name for the profile.

-p <PERMISSION>, --permission <PERMISSION>

A string format permission for this profile.

-M <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --metadata <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>

Metadata values to be attached to the profile. This can be specified multiple times, or once with key-value pairs separated by a semicolon.

senlin receiver-create

usage: senlin receiver-create [-t <TYPE>] [-c <CLUSTER>] -a <ACTION>
                              [-P <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>]

Create a receiver.

Positional arguments


Name of the receiver to create.

Optional arguments

-t <TYPE>, --type <TYPE>

Type of the receiver to create.

-c <CLUSTER>, --cluster <CLUSTER>

Targeted cluster for this receiver.

-a <ACTION>, --action <ACTION>

Name or ID of the targeted action to be triggered.

-P <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --params <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>

A dictionary of parameters that will be passed to target action when the receiver is triggered.

senlin receiver-delete

usage: senlin receiver-delete <RECEIVER> [<RECEIVER> ...]

Delete receiver(s).

Positional arguments


Name or ID of receiver(s) to delete.

senlin receiver-list

usage: senlin receiver-list [-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>] [-l <LIMIT>]
                            [-m <ID>] [-k <KEYS>] [-s <DIR>] [-g] [-F]

List receivers that meet the criteria.

Optional arguments

-f <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --filters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>

Filter parameters to apply on returned receivers. This can be specified multiple times, or once with parameters separated by a semicolon.

-l <LIMIT>, --limit <LIMIT>

Limit the number of receivers returned.

-m <ID>, --marker <ID>

Only return receivers that appear after the given ID.

-k <KEYS>, --sort-keys <KEYS>

Name of keys used for sorting the returned receivers.

-s <DIR>, --sort-dir <DIR>

Direction for sorting, where DIR can be "asc" or "desc".

-g, --global-project

Indicate that the list should include receivers from all projects. This option is subject to access policy checking. Default is False.

-F, --full-id

Print full IDs in list.

senlin receiver-show

usage: senlin receiver-show <RECEIVER>

Show the receiver details.

Positional arguments


Name or ID of the receiver to show.