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Graduating oslo.i18n


oslo.i18n includes modules related to internationalization and localization. The initial version focuses on translation utilities built on top of the gettext module.

Library Name

This library includes some code that may eventually be useful outside of OpenStack, but it does assert some policies and behaviors that are specific to OpenStack, so it was placed in the oslo namespace package as oslo.i18n.


The code for this library was exported from the incubator before we started using specs documents. See http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/oslo.i18n

  • openstack/common/gettextutils.py
  • tests/unit/test_gettextutils.py

Early Adopters

  • Keystone



Primary assignee:

Doug Hellmann (doug-hellmann)

Other contributors:


Primary Maintainer

Each graduated library needs a primary maintainer. That may be the same person who started the code, the person who graduated it, or it may be someone who is taking over maintenance duties.

If more than one person who is not already on the oslo-core team intends to participate as a core reviewer for the new library, list them under "Other Contributors".

Primary Maintainer:

Mark McLoughlin (markmc)

Other Contributors:

Doug Hellmann (doug-hellmann)

Security Contact

Each graduated library needs a contact for the OpenStack Vulnerability Management team. It may be the same as the primary maintainer, an existing Oslo team member who helps with security issues, or it may be someone else on the development team for the new library.

Talk with the Oslo and Vulnerability management teams about who the person is, and make sure they agree to their participation before proceeding.

Security Contact:

Doug Hellmann (doug-hellmann)


Target Milestone for completion:


Work Items

  1. https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Oslo/CreatingANewLibrary
  2. Before the library was exported the API was changed so that USE_LAZY is only evaluated once at startup. That won't work for libraries that are using their own translations, though, since they may be initialized through imports that happen before the application has an opportunity to establish whether it wants lazy translation enabled. We need to correct that, probably by updating _make_translation_func() to work with USE_LAZY at runtime again.
  3. Since each consuming app and library will have their own copy of the marker functions, we can remove the global marker functions from gettextutils.

Adoption Notes

The translation marker functions are essentially global variables that are partial functions that have their translation domain argument baked in. In the past, there was one global translation marker function (_()), which was created one time using the application's name. This was accomplished by having the string oslo replaced with the application name when gettextutils.py was copied out of the incubator into the application's source tree. We won't be copying gettextutils.py into the application any more, and we will have libraries creating their own translation marker functions, so we need a way have multiple marker functions defined with different translation domains.

The simplest approach to achieve that is to create a small "integration module" in each consuming app or library that instantiates the functions, and then have the app or library use that module instead of using oslo.i18n directly. This is documented in the usage.rst page for the library: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/oslo.i18n/usage.html

In addition to the marker functions, some apps are using the Message class from gettextutils. That class is meant to be a private implementation detail of lazy translation, and is not exposed in the public API of oslo.i18n. To convert a Message to a translated string, use translate. To instantiate a new Message, use enable_lazy to turn lazy translation on and then use a property of a TranslatorFactory (e.g., TranslatorFactory().primary) to get a translation function, which will return a Message object.




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