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Use a Filter API with SQLAlchemy Engine Events for Error Wrapping


The system that oslo.db provides for transformation of SQLAlchemy execution-time errors, including DBAPI and related errors, should be improved to be simpler, more portable, more forwards-compatible, more extensible, and more testable.

Problem description

oslo.db presents a system by which common exceptions raised within SQLAlchemy are intercepted and usually converted to an oslo-specific exception within oslo.db.exception. The mechanism by which this occurs involves placing a wrapper function around key ORM Session methods such that when they are invoked and raise an exception, the exception is caught by a handler function which makes some immediate decisions about the exception, then potentially hands it off to a series of "exception match" functions. The oslo.db test suite contains a variety of tests for this system, with separate test suites for different kinds of exceptions.

Key issues in the current implementation of this system include:

  • In order to place the error interceptor where statements are executed, oslo.db presents a Session subclass which then lists out key methods that invoke database queries, and wraps them with a wrapper called @_wrap_db_error. This approach misses many ORM-level methods, such as all of those on top of the Query object itself (see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/92002/ for one such issue), the lazy loading emitted by mapped attributes that are unloaded or expired, as well as the entire Core level system, which is exposed even at the ORM level in the case of Session.execute() in the form of the result object, which also can throw database-level exceptions on row access. The system in its current form cannot be expanded to cover every possible access without great difficulty, particularly with regards to ORM-instrumented attributes. Even if this system could be expanded to cover every possible method, it isn't forwards compatible with new systems that might also invoke statement execution from different start points.
  • The error interceptor itself provides an imperative (read: lots of conditionals) system of intercepting exceptions and routing them to different decision paths. Some exceptions, such as UnicodeEncodeError to DBInvalidUnicodeParameter, are handled directly inside of @_wrap_db_error. Others, such as those of deadlocks and duplicate rows, are handed off to other functions, which themselves contain a fair degree of imperative logic, particularly the case of the "duplicate row" handler. Adding support for new exception scenarios necessitates adding new conditionals to these systems, destabilizing the logic for all of them as they are all interrelated.
  • The system of unit testing the exception filters is inconsistent and incomplete. The _wrap_db_error() function itself has only 14 out of 27 code lines total covered by tests; about half of the potential error scenarios aren't fully tested. Additionally, the tests, such as TestDBDeadlocked, test the error filter function _raise_if_deadlock_error(), but don't test it in context of the full _wrap_db_error() function. If a different filter function such as _raise_if_db_connection_lost() is inadvertently catching this error, that scenario is not being tested. It's not easy to add tests for new error scenarios as the testing system takes different approaches for different exceptions.

Proposed change

oslo.db will take advantage of a SQLAlchemy Connection-level hook that is called for all DBAPI-generated exceptions that SQLAlchemy itself intercepts within the statement execution and result-fetching phases. While such a hook, dbapi_error(), has been supported within SQLAlchemy since 0.7, it will be superseded by a new hook, handle_error(), which is fleshed out to ensure that it is invoked for all possible errors that SQLAlchemy itself handles, not just DBAPI-level exceptions, as well as such that it supports conversion of the given exception into a new one.

The mechanism for the handle_error() hook, which will be released in SQLAlchemy 0.9.7, will be available for all prior versions of SQLAlchemy listed in requirements.txt by back-porting the event into oslo.db directly, using a custom Connection subclass, which SQLAlchemy supports replacement of via the Engine that serves as its factory. This aspect of the change is similar to the current approach that subclasses Session, and technically can satisfy the feature going forward on its own; however, allowing SQLAlchemy to provide this event natively from 0.9.7 forward means that oslo.db's compatibility layer only needs to target already-released versions of SQLAlchemy, with no risk that the Connection subclass approach changes in future versions, as it won't be used for future versions.

Within the handle_error() listener, the logic for _wrap_db_error() will be unrolled into a declarative system, where functions can be declared that present a filter for a specific database / exception / regular expression combination. These filters will be interpreted by a generic system that ensures the correct filter is called for a given exception input. The existing rules, in particular the regular expressions and the notes regarding them, can be maintained and ported to the new system without being changed, so the existing work that's been done on this system based on real database observation is maintained.

An example of such a filter looks like:

@filters("mysql", sqla_exc.OperationalError, r"^.*\(1213, 'Deadlock.*")
@filters("postgresql", sqla_exc.OperationalError, r"^.*deadlock detected.*")
def _deadlock_error(operational_error, match, engine_name, is_disconnect):
    raise exception.DBDeadlock(operational_error)

In the above approach, support for new database backends and newly intercepted exceptions can be added with no impact on existing rules.

On the testing side, a similar framework will allow construction of exception filter tests using a consistent system that runs from SQLAlchemy's point of statement execution up through the filtering routine to the end result. The key to this system will be to mock the Dialect.do_execute() method of the current engine's dialect, such that a specific exception, including a mock DBAPI-level exception, can be raised. All exception scenarios will be easy to inject here, and the system of filters and actions can be covered 100%.


The errors could be handled at more of a framework level. If all oslo.db applications used the database code within some common wrapper, such as a univerally used "transaction" wrapper, consistent exception handling could occur at that level as well. We aren't doing this because current database approaches are not at this level of consistency, and it also places a restriction on all code that will have the effect of unexpected and unhandled exceptions being raised if this restriction isn't obeyed in all cases.

For routing of exceptions, an even-more data-driven system could be used, such as a rules engine that expresses exception filtering and handling using names. We aren't doing this because it would be too heavy-handed; as it stands, we have a data-driven approach at the exception filtering level, which moves into programmatic at the point at which we handle what to do with the now-intercepted exception. This seems like a good way to leverage Python's abilities to treat functions as data structures.

Impact on Existing APIs

The change should not have impact outside of oslo.db except to the extent that other systems are making explicit use of _wrap_db_error(). This function is underscored as private so should not be the case, however if it is, we can provide _wrap_db_error() that is a do-nothing method, as the new filtering system takes place well beneath that layer.

Security impact


Performance Impact

The handle_error() event and the filtering system use a negligible additional amount of comparison and iteration compared to that of the current system. Both systems are only invoked after an exception has been raised, which is already a non-performant branch within Python, so any slight difference in performance has essentially no impact in any case.

Configuration Impact


Developer Impact

The oslo.db.exceptions system would now be in effect for all SQL operations. Existing systems that aren't covered by the existing system would now invoke the new behavior.



Primary assignee:


Other contributors:



The initial prototype implementation is complete and will be put up as a Gerrit accompanying this blueprint.

Work Items

  1. Implement the handle_error() event and tests within SQLAlchemy and prepare for 0.9.7 release.
  2. Implement the handle_error() compatibility layer within oslo.db, porting selected elements of both the logic and tests from the SQLAlchemy change. This will take place in a new sub-package oslo.db.sqlalchemy.compat, which will be where various SQLAlchemy backwards-compatibility systems of this nature will start to go.
  3. Ensure the oslo.db layer works on 0.7, 0.8, and 0.9 series of SQLAlchemy.
  4. Rework _wrap_db_error() and sub-functions into the declarative filter system, install the filter within the oslo.db.sqlalchemy.session.create_engine() factory.
  5. Locate all test suites within tests/ that are testing various parts of the exception integration system and convert them to use the new system.







Anticipated API Stabilization


Documentation Impact

If there is documentation in oslo.db regarding exception handling, the fact that this handling is installed into the Engine at a core level should be mentioned.


  • This change is dependent on the integration of SQLAlchemy 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 versions into the tox.ini suite, which has been merged.


This feature was discussed in the SQLAlchemy and OpenStack wiki page at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/OpenStack_and_SQLAlchemy#Exception_Rewriting.


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